5/7/2017 c26
Keep it going this story is great and there aren't many good DBZ fairy tail crossovers out there

Keep it going this story is great and there aren't many good DBZ fairy tail crossovers out there
4/28/2017 c26 R98
What no, keep it, it's great I want to see the reaction of Vegeta's face that his son is in love with Mirajane, who is a demon and have a bad temper some time, please don't stop and keep continue
What no, keep it, it's great I want to see the reaction of Vegeta's face that his son is in love with Mirajane, who is a demon and have a bad temper some time, please don't stop and keep continue
4/28/2017 c12 R98
Half-demon mage/half-saiyan/half-5% human fuck up because a child of Trunks and Mirajane is going to make Vegeta proud
Half-demon mage/half-saiyan/half-5% human fuck up because a child of Trunks and Mirajane is going to make Vegeta proud
4/16/2017 c26 Guest
Keep going then make the second one
Keep going then make the second one
4/15/2017 c26 ssjgodgohan
I kinda like the first one but the second one would make more sense. It would mean a much less power gap but, Trunks still being one of the most powerful people there. Another story I suggest you could do is somehow transport kid gohan to Fairy Tail when Piccolo is trying to train him. It could be another way for him to get stronger and also develop his character by interacting with kids his age. He will still have his hidden power but there will be a MUCH less power gap. He could also learn a type of magic if you want.
I kinda like the first one but the second one would make more sense. It would mean a much less power gap but, Trunks still being one of the most powerful people there. Another story I suggest you could do is somehow transport kid gohan to Fairy Tail when Piccolo is trying to train him. It could be another way for him to get stronger and also develop his character by interacting with kids his age. He will still have his hidden power but there will be a MUCH less power gap. He could also learn a type of magic if you want.
4/13/2017 c26
While the first one would be interesting to read, I feel like it's a better idea to go with the second idea.

While the first one would be interesting to read, I feel like it's a better idea to go with the second idea.
4/13/2017 c26 Vegito47
I think the second one is very intresting and since it is before fairy tail orginal story you can make major changes to the story. since trunks will be small there wont be much of a difference in power level. sure he will be powerful of all children and will match the power of adults but as the story goes the power difference will increase rapidly but i think he will not be as powerful as trunks from dbz because the enemies are weak in fairy tail than in dbz and he would rarely need a super sayan form and SSJ 2 is out of question so trunks will be some what more power full than villans in fairy tail but still the power difference will be very less than this story and many characters will be able to help trunks in battle so i think you should write second one
I think the second one is very intresting and since it is before fairy tail orginal story you can make major changes to the story. since trunks will be small there wont be much of a difference in power level. sure he will be powerful of all children and will match the power of adults but as the story goes the power difference will increase rapidly but i think he will not be as powerful as trunks from dbz because the enemies are weak in fairy tail than in dbz and he would rarely need a super sayan form and SSJ 2 is out of question so trunks will be some what more power full than villans in fairy tail but still the power difference will be very less than this story and many characters will be able to help trunks in battle so i think you should write second one
4/13/2017 c26
Why did you have to end it when you were so close to finishing it? You were practically done with it already, you may as well have finished it off.

Why did you have to end it when you were so close to finishing it? You were practically done with it already, you may as well have finished it off.
4/13/2017 c26
I would like to adopt this fanfic, but I'm not sure how to continue it. Tell what you think.

I would like to adopt this fanfic, but I'm not sure how to continue it. Tell what you think.