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for Dragon Tail Z

11/28/2013 c1 6Ultimate Black Ace
To answer your questions, I do think that Gohan and Trunks's powers should be balanced/scaled down. If Gohan and Trunks are lightyears stronger than EVERYONE, can one shot kill the likes of Zeref or Acnologia, then there is no plot. There is no tension, no climax.
On for the pairings... Honestly the love triangle of Wendy/Gohan/Cheria sounds most interesting, as long as it can be done right. Character development, time before they become attracted to one another, and keep in mind that Cheria and Wendy are friends/would be friends before the triangle develops. They'd be rivals for his affections, but I doubt that they'd get too hostile.
For Trunks, I'd recommend putting him with Lissanna or Cana. Those two aren't really subject to as much ship tease in comparison to the other Fairy Tail girls, so it would likely avoid annoying the possible fanbase for this fanfiction.
I'd like for Gohan and Trunks to end up separate if possible. That would force them to really look around and integrate instead of simply meeting up and becoming independent and separate from everyone else.
11/28/2013 c1 PhoenixFire3000
Ooh im pretty excited for this one.
I think you should keep Gohan and Trunks together, so you dont need to keep switching back and forth between characters. Besides you want them to be paired with members of FT.
And for the love of god do not make them weaker. People always do this crap with DBZ but not once with BleachXFairy tail or goddamn NarutoXFairy tail wich seem to be made evreyday now. Let them keep there SSJ and Ascended SSJ powers.
11/28/2013 c1 3Munga wa vita
Trunk and Lucy or Trunk and Mira
11/28/2013 c1 Simonator
This story is already amazing love the introduction and can't wait for more. The whole pairing thing seems interesting but it needs to be implemented well. I personally would love to see Gohan and Chelia, but whether you choose Chelia or Wendy I hope you don't rush things between the two. Same with trunks. You can give hints of affections of the females towards the saiyans but they are pretty clueless when it comes to women so that would be pretty comical and entertaining to read. Also I think that separating them would be a good idea and somehow meeting each other in the Grand Master Games to eventually fight each other seems like an action pact adventure! All in all I have high hopes for this story its one of the best well written Dragon Ball Z x Fairy tail crossovers I have seen (and I have read all of them) just from looking at the first chapter. Hope to see you update this story often cause I am really excited about it.
11/27/2013 c1 ChosenOne358
fuck yeah, a well wrtitten dbzxfairy tail crossover with Trunks and Gohan, dont make it a power balance. Just have Gohan and Trunks fight each other and SSJ (or give trunks SSJ2 and show them a true battle of saiyans) at the magic games. And make it the story take place after the time skip since both Gohan and TrunksAcnologia
and yeah make it Gohan and wendy.

Keep up the story and please dont abandon it.
11/27/2013 c1 4Ssjghostrider
In my opinion I think it should be trunks/Mira and gohan with Wendy and chelia fighting for his feelings. This story has good potential.
11/27/2013 c1 Daxen123
Please make clear what part in time it takes place in fairy tail , I want them to have the power shown of how different it is compared to theirs if it took place during the grand magic games then I would prefer if trunks joined a different guild like Lamia scale and he would maybe fight Jura to show how strong he is and he would fight Gohan in the games
11/27/2013 c1 GMCubed
I think having a Gohan/Trunks split from the landing would be a good start to keep things fresh. The problem I see with this is that they can both sense Ki, so they'll likely find themselves sooner than later.

As for pairings, I was thinking about Gohan x Wendy, but then seeing the idea of both her and Chelia fighting for his affection sounds too good to pass up. A threesome would be totally nice. Mirai Trunks would settle with either Mirajane, Levy, or Erza. Also, try not to push them into relationships at first, I've seen plenty of writers do this and it always feels rushed and undeveloped. Let it slowly build up on itself as you go on with the plot.
11/27/2013 c1 Mzr90
An interesting start so far. Grammar could be better but think you'll get it in time. I'm for Gohan/Wendy. As for Trunks, I think Mira or Lucy works.
11/27/2013 c1 GSP224
Great start, as for the pairings maybe Mirajane/Trunks and its a toss up between Gohan/Wendy or Gohan/Chelia but which ever you choose its good with me, I do hope you balance their power it makes the story more enjoyable to read when their power is toned down a bit then knowing the obvious outcome if their power isn't toned down... Hope you dont give up on this like story like most of the people who do this crossover...
11/27/2013 c1 Silent Reader 6100
This is good so far!
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