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for Minato Creed and Kushina Darkholme

1/16/2017 c5 1EvilRegalNeoQueen
continue the fic plz!
12/1/2015 c5 6Estrela Polar
Essa fic é legal demais, quando vai ter capitulo novo?
1/23/2014 c3 Batros940
Oops, sorry I missed that last sentence.
1/18/2014 c1 Batros940
So this is to punish Minato And Kushina when they sacrificed their lives so Naruto could have the abilities to deal with his enemies in the future. Not to mention it was The sandaime who should have considered the effects of informing the village about Naruto's burden and then consider the pros and cons of it.
1/15/2014 c5 111mr grimjaw
good but needs more diealog details and fights this sounds like you telling the story not thru the chacters
1/15/2014 c4 mr grimjaw
good i like it
1/15/2014 c3 mr grimjaw
this is good but lacks detals dialong and fight secnes
1/15/2014 c2 mr grimjaw
this is good
1/13/2014 c5 zachary12
nice job
1/4/2014 c5 killer4853
12/1/2013 c5 8The Keeper of Worlds
Wow. This has gotten very complicated in the memories!
12/1/2013 c1 111mr grimjaw
12/1/2013 c4 8The Keeper of Worlds
Wow, those were really good!
12/1/2013 c3 jgreek
great chapter but there was some grammar errors
12/1/2013 c2 The Keeper of Worlds
Good first chapter introduction!
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