Just In
for Eponine Thenardier: The Girl on Fire

12/12/2013 c2 Guest
Yesyesyes! This fic is so awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter. Also thank you for not doing the obvious thing, by making Enjolras the equivalent of Peeta :)
12/11/2013 c2 42SmilesThroughFandoms
12/3/2013 c1 unicorn24601
I've read a few e/e hunger games fics, but never one where Enjolras was the mentor! Very interesting twist! But I hope there's no peeta/katniss dynamic with montparnasse, where he confesses his love and she has to fake it, sorry, but I wouldn't like that. Maybe if Enjolras were to do what peeta did... Maybe... Maybe...
12/2/2013 c1 Jondrette
Oh my barricade FINALLY! I have been waiting forever for someone to post a les mis/hunger games fic! THANK YOU! Amazing start can't wait to see how you incorporate the two:)
12/2/2013 c1 SmilesThroughFandoms

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