Just In
for Jay's Deli

2/5/2015 c2 2ZombieandThePinkUnicorn
To Captain Pi, since you reviewed as a guest - if you're tired of unfinished stories, then stop reading WIPs, asshole.
1/8/2015 c2 Captain Pi
I think I'm about done with these nothing going on stories with no finish.
11/13/2014 c2 samm
why have you not written another chapter
PLEEASSSSEEE this is so cute
6/19/2014 c2 5CommanderFoxDeservesBetter
This is funny! I love it! :-)
6/11/2014 c2 2Regulus00
Aww, this is adorable. I'm anxious to know what happens next.
3/17/2014 c2 Some1

Write more.

BTW I'm not a perv, I just like this pairing.
2/6/2014 c2 6avmenace
Thank you for this story. Oh my goodness. I'm laughing so hard at Nick's awkwardness and I love the slight parallels with the book (as far as him not realizing Jay is... Well... Jay :)). I can't wait to read more.
1/17/2014 c2 140TheAfroCircus
He makes a sexy bartender XD Giggle giggle teehee. UPDATE SOOOON!
12/12/2013 c1 3YaoiChick1000
Awesome, just awesome
12/11/2013 c1 140TheAfroCircus
Oh Nick you freaking dork you XD
12/2/2013 c1 8Dorianimeyaoilover
Now its time for Gatsby to go into stalker, flirty mode!

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