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for Hold Up

12/26/2013 c1 2ladybrin
wow- this was fabulous- I am so happy that we are finally getting a few stories about Harold and Grace. I hope you will write many more of them- I promise I will read and review each one.
Thanks so much
12/7/2013 c1 6mschessplayer
Yay they're back together! Loved it. Excellent job.
12/3/2013 c1 48Torie46
Yeah. That would be a happy ending for Finch. If only they'd do that in the show.
12/3/2013 c1 13Harold Finch and Grace luvr
I loved this story! Even though you skipped a little, I think it was still very well written:D
12/2/2013 c1 3Wisebeyondyears
Very interesting start, however I feel that you made a few too many jumps throughout the passage. I didn't know who many of the characters were, and I also felt very confused to do with the plot and setting.

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