Just In
for It wasn't ever gonna be easy, It will always be worth it

1/1/2016 c2 PiratedWords
I must first tell you that I am thoroughly impressed with your imagination! This one small fix and its predecessor (I'm guessing that's "what you would do for the life of a friend") are hilariously entertaining, that part when Popo walked in made me squeal dramatically - haha, I loved it!

You write well, though I had to read it a few times to understand the concept of your story. Maybe check your gramma before publishing it, I always find reading out loud makes it easier to find minor errors that make a great difference when reading the flow of the story.

Your depth is good, perhaps a little more, I really wanted to feel more with this. I felt Dende's emotion very strongly and thought Piccolo was left a little unbalanced by this. I'm not sure if you are focused on one Namek or the other. But over all very delicious. I do like this naughty side of Piccolo ;)

I hope you continue this piece, I cannot wait for the next upload!
8/24/2014 c2 Scorpio Monkey
Oh Lord I imagine Piccolo's reaction to this. Not pretty. :P
1/21/2014 c1 13libbyluvs
:D awww...everyone give foxy here a hug!

There you go you sad person! Cheer up! Find a nice stump in the woods and touch yourself till you are happy fracker.
1/20/2014 c1 The Fox Familiar
Review? Sure.

Your typical slash story, with fetal dickgirls, long paragraphs, and a shitty author who thinks what they do is gold. All I'm seeing here is a bunch of teenagers, or self inserts of you, doing things no one cares about, getting "married" and all this other OOC shit that I can't be bothered to name.

Your talent is lacking and I yawn at this story.
1/15/2014 c2 9Warlady
Oh, Trunks is so dead!
I love it, please more.
1/10/2014 c2 5Chem-Death
He smelled things he shouldn't have and Piccolo, you better get your royal pissed-off ass over there and get that aroused Trunks off your mate!
It's good.
12/20/2013 c1 Guest
Holy tits! This story is steamy lol
12/15/2013 c1 1rampantidiocy18
next chapter NOW! i will say nothing more until i see it. (that was bloody brilliant!)
12/11/2013 c1 Hollydoor
Aaaahhhhhhhh Hhhhhrrrrrr! Ppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee updaaaaaaaaaare!
12/10/2013 c1 9Warlady
Wow! It's just...Wowww! These two paired are just lovely. And your way or describes they relationship is so amazing.
12/10/2013 c1 Dragon96
Love it! :D Yay, Piccolo/Dende fanfiction! You don't get to read that very often. :)
12/10/2013 c1 25siberat
This is sounding so good! I feel its a bit more in depth with the characters! I like the bit of angst- and I felt so bad for Dende feeling so badly!

Best line ever:
They didn't even have the decency to stop

gowd I love that line- ROTFLMAO!

can't wait for more!

P.s. Poor Mr Po Po!

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