Just In
for The Mobster's Son

10/14 c15 Miller18
Please update
9/11 c15 11Ashlie Christine
Would love to see an update!
9/3 c15 Revin12
I hope she gives Edward a real chance.
8/1 c15 2YukimuraRika
Please update! Such a fantastic story. You dont see much of these any more!
6/29 c15 YukimuraRika
Omg still one of the best stories for me. Please update before my death
1/30 c15 Guest
I absolutely love this story, and seeing Edwards POV and his cutie of a son made me so happy, mabye a little too happy, because I quite literally threw my phone more than once. Please consider finish this story or add more chapters it’s a masterpiece! 3
11/1/2023 c9 rfalc354
Did Bella buy a car? In a previous chapter she did not have a car.
10/21/2023 c15 Guest
It’s always good to read about a Bella with a spine. I can’t wait to read more.
Thank you for taking time to write.
Take care wherever you are.
from Lillip. Denmark.
1/23/2023 c15 agatona
Again, another compelling read! And I’m not even fond of the mafia/mob story plot. But you make reading them pleasant.
Hope you’re able to update your stories whenever you can. Thank you.
9/9/2022 c15 Guest
How close is the story to the description?!
6/14/2022 c14 Miller18
Update soon.
5/29/2022 c15 Fleur50
Au plaisir de lire le prochain épisode
4/20/2022 c15 NeeNee246
All caught up and very excited for more! ;)
4/6/2022 c15 Mireads
Love the story,can’t wait for the next update.
3/28/2022 c15 sue1zide
It was nice seeing an update. Thank you.
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