8/26/2019 c6 gingercookie
Cool story!
Cool story!
9/16/2014 c5 1SetsunaOkumura
Loved it! I read it twice. Please update soon but relax some too. I'd hate for you to feel rushed
Loved it! I read it twice. Please update soon but relax some too. I'd hate for you to feel rushed
6/14/2014 c4 BowtieBeats
OooOooOooo Inuyasha got some sass at the end lol . now who would win? & which sword is the strongest, those are the questions lol cant wait for the next chapter!
OooOooOooo Inuyasha got some sass at the end lol . now who would win? & which sword is the strongest, those are the questions lol cant wait for the next chapter!
5/25/2014 c3 Guest
Update soon
Update soon