Just In
for Thunderous Music

12/21/2013 c3 Yami Arashi
12/21/2013 c3 5aresfantasy12
If you haven't decided which Sacred Gear to give him yet, I think a good idea would be Annihilation Maker, which has the ability to create any creature that the user can imagine. With it he could gain the ability to summon, but not limit him to toads.
12/20/2013 c3 Odoroki
Come on, all this anticipation is unbearable! i want to see the looks on their (Rias and devils) faces! *waits patiently by reading other stories*
12/20/2013 c3 SIAUFUNGYIN
A good chapter as always... Eventhough I prefer Naruto x Serafall & Gabriel pairing.
I'm wondering of Naruto's past though, more than what his power is.

Anyways, what's up with the Second Son of God fic? Is it on hiatus?
12/20/2013 c3 22SSJ3 Kyuubi Gohan
Man ever chapter you write makes me want another even more... that is a good skill to have, always keep the people wanting more.
12/20/2013 c3 1lordamnesia
Nicely done! Keep up the excellent work!
12/20/2013 c3 2Ame no Kagaseo
Hm, I dunno why, but the name Kiroi Senko sounds really cool on Naruto...
I thought he'd be leaning towards the Brave Saints, but now, Akeno is planning to get Naruto into Rias' peerage! So soon, Naruto will be more than human, yes? I'm looking forward to Akeno's reaction when Naruto reveals himself as an exorcist.
Sacred it Dimension Lost? With its Space-Time manipulation, Naruto can create the Hiraishin spell.
Update soon ;)
12/20/2013 c3 Guest
Only way I see Naruto and Akeno getting together is if he becomes a devil. Not seeing how him becoming an angel would work seeing as he'd become a fallen if he gets with her.
12/20/2013 c3 lmc9389
I hope he doesn't become a devil he should stay human or become a brave saint angel
12/20/2013 c3 2maulana
is naruto in this story pure human or hybrid ?
anyway, nice chapter.
12/20/2013 c3 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
12/20/2013 c3 Blood D. Cherry
Reincarnate Naruto to Angels.
12/20/2013 c3 Adlan
I'm all in so long as Naruto not become a devil. That'd be lame and cliche as fuck.
12/20/2013 c3 sl0bad
Thanks for update, very good chapter, keep it up.
12/20/2013 c3 Pain4ever
I look forward for the next chapter! :)
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