Just In
for Apel Alfa

1/19/2015 c1 XxgirlblunderxX
Well that was quick...
1/14/2014 c1 8ArkieR
A little strange, but still AWESOME! :D
12/16/2013 c1 24catilyn
i luved it... update fast.
p.s your an asterous author ;)
12/15/2013 c1 14Sairey13
You know? I at times wonder, whenever Dick were to turn into Wolf-form, he would wish to run or join other Werewolves like him while as a wolf... Or, at times wish that his makeshift-family were also Werewolves like him or could somehow become wolf like him, so that he doesn't feel left out (besides having Wolf on the Team who understands him).
Anyway, can't wait to see what you come up with next!

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