Just In
for Reality Café

2/26/2014 c12 2bluefire1765
WOWNESS! You are like one of the best poets in the universe!
2/26/2014 c12 jasminetea4
I'm guessing Madame Rouge and Monsieur Mallah
2/26/2014 c12 7Spectrobes Princess
Madam Rouge and General Immortus?
2/26/2014 c12 7bloomscool
I find it funny how general immortus and vandal savage are pretty much the same
2/19/2014 c11 TheBeatles141
I liked this, considering there aren't much stories about Tramm.

Since you're branching out, I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a poem about Herald? I really liked him in the show, even if he was only in two episodes. I like reading stories about all of the under-appreciated honorary Titans. I mean, he was part of Beast Boy's team in "Titans Together," you'd think there would be more stories about him, but no. Last time I checked, there were only 14 stories on this entire website about Herald. I myself have contributed a one-shot to add to the category of Herald, but I would still love to read more about him.

I must say, you know a lot about TT and TT comics. If I ever need help in the future concerning backstories on TT characters, could I possibly use you as a resource?

Keep up the good work!
2/19/2014 c6 TheBeatles141
I have an account under the name TheBeatles141, but I'm on mobile and can't sign in at the moment. Anyways, I love these poems! I'm guessing this ones about Jericho? And from the ones I've read so far, I like these challenges because I learn something from them! Please don't stop them!

"And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the make." "End" by The Beatles
2/19/2014 c11 Guest
Mas y menos,aqualad,bumblebee,speedy! Great job so far
2/19/2014 c11 2bluefire1765
Yay! Can you fix my phone?!
3's and thumbs up from Bluefire1765!
2/12/2014 c10 bluefire1765
Its so sweet!
2/9/2014 c9 6hawkeyyyyye
Oh look. My long-awaited review. Joey's poem was my favorite, it goes without saying. Now, stop harassing me. I'm serious. I read, I reviewed, now knock it off.
2/5/2014 c9 2bluefire1765
Thumbs up from Blue Fire! It was so sweet.
2/1/2014 c8 bluefire1765
Oh my g-o-s-h. That was amazing!
1/29/2014 c7 bluefire1765
How did you know that my favorite type of poem was haiku?!
1/23/2014 c6 girlieghost564
Slade was in Robin's head. Robin could only see him in the dark. Please don't stop the challenges! And is this story about Jericho? Cause I thought it was by Batman to Robin, but that didn't make sense and you titled it Slade.
1/22/2014 c6 7bloomscool
Slade in the episode haunted in season 3
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