Just In
for Reality Café

1/15/2014 c5 girlieghost564
Try harder never good enough. Clever-though it might be more of a challenge if I didn't look for those things intentionally.
…yeah. Good job.
1/15/2014 c4 girlieghost564
Ron Evers!
1/10/2014 c4 2bluefire1765
Didn't his father save him from a car chash that almost killed him. And by him, I mean Victor Stone, aka, Cyborg
1/8/2014 c4 Guest
I'm not big into poetry, but yours is pretty good. This is something to watch. As for the challenge: 4&1/2 pounds of baby back ribs.
1/8/2014 c4 7bloomscool
Silas Stone, his dad
1/1/2014 c3 nova56151
Starfire has 2 siblings Blackfire and Wildfire.
1/1/2014 c2 nova562151
arella angela roth
12/29/2013 c2 1NightmareofMadness
Oh, tell your friend I'm so sorry for his lost. I'm Sorry.
12/26/2013 c2 7bloomscool
I know who it is, but I'm letting someone else get this
12/22/2013 c1 nova562151
easy,beast boy,i think
12/18/2013 c1 bloomscool
Beast boy
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