Just In
for The White Wave

3/17/2014 c6 nmn
Loved it
3/17/2014 c6 solsere
Lovely lovely chapter (and so long and full of new awesome things too!) Wow - so, I love the way you wrote Harry's interactions with his would-be parents/the Marauders! He's so adorable when he's speaking to his would-be-dad. And I love how he keeps messing up because he's not used to not being recognized or treated the same as "The Harry Potter" (no matter how much he never liked his fame); his "I'm a ranking Auror" moment was adorable. The part with his wand was so interesting! I don't recall if you mentioned it already or if you will bring the Hallows into the story - but I wondered if part of the reason his wand had to "share" ownership over him was because he was still connected to the Elder Wand? I wonder if Voldemort will find out that the brother wand to his own has been taken...

I really enjoyed the parts with Lucius and trying to convert him or tell him about the side of the "Dark." I feel like JKR never really went into what Dark Wizards believed in that would seriously convince so many purebloods (who couldn't have all been insane like Bellatrix or Voldemort) other than muggle torturing and not marrying muggle-borns. I like that Harry didn't get instantly converted - I hope he gets a chance to challenge their ideals.

The part with Dumbledore at the end was really great! I like the way you're writing him already. It's nice to see the Order's side and how they interpreted Harry through their interactions with him. I find it hilarious (and fitting) that Dumbledore so easily drew similarities with Tom and is suspicious to the point that he thinks Harry is Tom in another disguise.

And wow, I wonder what's up with Harry's magic! I cannot get over the whole thing with the Muggles and magic "donations"; creepy and so awful in a super bad-good way. If I'd gone through the drains, I'd be eager to support the isolationist point of view. I can't wait for Harry to actually get introduced to Voldemort and what he'll be able to feel from Harry's magic...
3/17/2014 c6 2jumping-jo
Awesome time travel story, love how dumbles has him all wrong and love the happy regulus
3/17/2014 c6 KatzeIason69
please oh please update the next chappie soon ok:)* can't wait for more to come.
3/17/2014 c6 10DiagonAlleyParis
Bonjour le Quebec!
Tout d'abord, merci pour ce merveilleux chapitre. L'attente a été longue mais cela valait la peine. J'ai adoré la rencontre entre les maraudeurs, Harry et les deux autres mangemorts (Lucius et Regulus). J'ai été un peu surprise que Harry se déclare le fils de Morfin Gaunt. Il devient ainsi de fait le cousin de Voldemort. J'espère que l'ex-Survivant a gardé sa capacité de parler aux serpents car sinon Tom ne croira jamais à l'histoire d'avoir un parent en la personne d'un certain Harry Gaunt...
James et Harry semblent liés par quelque chose (lien du sang ou de la magie ou peut être les deux, j'espère que tu donneras quelques explications dans les prochains chapitres).
Cependant, j'étais loin de m'imaginer que Dumbledore prendrait Harry Gaunt comme la nouvelle couverture publique de Voldemort. Il commence à se faire vieux, le pauvre...
Bon, bref, tout cela pour te dire que j'attends avec impatience le prochain chapitre. Bon courrage pour la suite. A bientôt, j'espère.
3/17/2014 c6 Guest
So awesome
3/17/2014 c6 Ellaeohs
Thanks for the chapter! I liked the character interactions with Harry a lot!
3/17/2014 c6 Crow22
Agh, development :) been awhile, but worth it. Please keep up the good work, don't ever leave us with a cliffhanger, and may your next update be prompt
3/17/2014 c6 Guest
I really like the idea of how Harry's parents and thier generation see him as a more expirienced adult. Regulus attitude was a bit strange. Even if Harry was Lucius' lover, he is nearly 40 (even if he were to look 30), Regulus being 18? should have not showned such clingy manner.
It also suprise me how mature James turns out in this chapter, even if it could be atributed to instincts and even a subconcious recognicion of Harry's magic.

Hope you update soon.
3/17/2014 c6 9Magic Freak
Love it :)
3/17/2014 c6 Guest
another great chapter!
3/17/2014 c6 9Chimebelle
Enjoyed james and harry interaction. Father &son moment even if the other is cluless always brings tears into my eyes- well, not really, but i love it. And really as amazing as albus dumbledore is, he made quite the mistake of thinking harry is riddles other persona. Suspicion is alright, but leaping straightaway into that? O.o Cant wait for more!
3/17/2014 c1 3Enchanted367
This was brilliant, please update soon!
3/17/2014 c6 tomarie326
I like that Harry went with the Gaunt alias. Dumbledore's leap of logic was interesting. So close yet so completely wrong that that it'll be fun to see where that misinterpretation of the evidence takes the Order. Happy though that James didn't completely buy into that and is trusting his instincts. Just cause I loved his conversation with Harry even though I don't know when they might talk again. Who could be bad if they're willing to talk about Muggle kience!?
I like your characterization of everybody. No bashing yet staying true to characters personalities. Regulus was a good surprise. It makes sense that the brother of Sirius's brother would be a dirty flirt. Loved that he called Harry old, haha. Really exited to read Harry working as a healer (kind of hoping that he'll delve into researching curse healing like he was talking about to the Malfoy's, that sounded awesome), learning with Snape, and especially meeting Lord Voldemort!
It so cool to read a fic with Voldemort at the height of his power. Not still climbing to the top, not already batshit crazy and going down in flames quickly, but right in the middle when there is a reason no will speak his name.
3/17/2014 c6 7boggydrunks
It was a long wait for this update but certainly NOT a disappointing one. Great chapter! Is the wand that Ollivander was talking about the elder wand? Hmm not exactly sure if Harry is the master of the three deathly hallows in this fanfic.
I liked the recruitment speech. The language used was gorgeous and I could imagine it being spoken by the dark lord. I can't wait for Harry to meet LV haha.
There are so many uncertainties at this point and I can't wait for the next chapters to unveil more. I hope James doesn't become Harry's enemy because I don't believe that Harry would be able to bring himself to fight against his own father.
Loving this story so update soon please :-)
And by the way, what do you mean by ley lines?
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