Just In
for The White Wave

1/26/2014 c5 1Nea Marika
This is an interesting story. I especially like the unusual choice of time periods and the fact that you intend to keep Harry 'good' despite the pairing. In that regard, it was very clever of you to integrate Harry to Voldemort's following as a Healer. I also love the dystopia you've created of the future, with the Muggles dominating the wizarding world with their unfair peace treaty. It makes me sick, in a good way, and I'm impressed at Harry's moral integrity in the situation - anyone else would have started entertaining second thoughts about Voldemort's cause. Your Harry is very in-character.

I do wonder how wise it is for Harry to use the Gaunt name as his alias. Wouldn't Voldemort know his own family tree well enough to know that there is no Harry Gaunt? I'm sure you have that all figured out and I'm interested to see how you handle that. I also wonder about the significance of Harry's impotence. Will it have a bearing on the future slash or did the hex happen only to break Harry and Ginny up so that he could go to the past with no awkward strings attached? I have a feeling that the hex will be important, but I can't yet figure out how. I'll just have to patiently wait for more.
1/26/2014 c5 7boggydrunks
Great chapter. I love Lucius and Narcissa together. It's a great pairing. I would have thought them colder but I guess if they're trying to court Harry plus Harry healing Lucius then being cold to your benefactor wouldn't make much sense.

"He always did love a puzzle." I thought it was be really funny if you said riddle instead haha. But it would probably sound too narcissistic or like he has love for his muggle family.

I can see Harry probably becoming the healer for the dark side, right? Because of Avery complaining about the lack of healers. But I'm pretty surprised you made Harry a Gaunt. Because assuming this story goes the lvhp route, then wouldn't there be a huggggge problem of them being in the same family ie Gaunt? Unless Harry confesses about the future? Oooh that's another problem; to tell or not to tell.

I can't wait to read more of the story so update soon :-)
1/25/2014 c5 Guest
eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
1/25/2014 c5 Tehanu100500
Another good chapter and so fast! Thank you for that!
1/25/2014 c5 11akuma-river
Oooh, very interesting.

I wonder, is Harry immune to the plague? Or is he an unknown carrier and like 12 Monkeys he will be patient zero of the plague?
1/25/2014 c5 dogsby
Harry would be better off, just being himself and keeping an open mind, like Draco suggested, lol! Harry's specialty is *Dumb Luck*, after all and the BWLed has always, captured Tom's attention body & soul, lol! Plus, I'd love to see Harry help Tom, where Albus wouldn't.
1/25/2014 c5 aubade
This was a really excellent chapter. Harry's theories are interesting. :)
1/24/2014 c5 delenda est c
Very, very good chapter . Thank you .
1/24/2014 c5 2thelxiepeia
omigawd! so excited! i guess getting stunned by the greasy bat wasn't such a bad idea after all. it must be the potter luck, lol! gah i really want harry to meet voldemort already! who cares about order members?! aish! oh btw, could you maybe give a more detailed description of harry's and voldemort's appearances? maybe you could include it in their first meeting, from their own povs of their impression of the other? i'm having a hard time imagining what they look like. i mean, voldemort is over 60 but he certainly isn't going to look like an old man (i should hope not). and i wonder if he exhibits any snake like qualities? i know wizards age slower so he would maybe look 40 years old? and harry too, he's 30 right? but does he look 30? sigh, would it make me sound vain if i want him to appear as if he is in his early 20's? and that voldemort is still handsome?
1/24/2014 c5 2dracoginnyscorpiuswood
We're getting closer! Voldie and Harry are finally going to meet! And then the slash will begin! I can't wait!
1/24/2014 c5 Guest
Thanks for the new chapter and time it took to get it out.
1/24/2014 c5 Shalette
Thank you for the next update.
1/24/2014 c5 4Reader-anonymous-writer
Hooray! Thank you.
Snape is brilliant dueller, fighter, spell-crafter, and potions master. He was the only one, besides Voldemort, to learn the skill of flying without a broom or Animagus transformation.
Your question: only worsen.
How surprised Voldemort will be that Harry is not surprised by his organisation...
At least, 'Gaunt' will explain why you speak snake-tongue. You do, don't you?
Ridiculous amounts of magical power, indeed...
Order members... They think Death Eaters to be scum and unreasonable killers, right? Torturers of the innocents and defenseless? And they ignore atrocities committed by Aurors because revenge is all right? There are reasons for the Dark side being so strong, and excellent tactics and strategy are one of them.
Good day, good night, and good luck, Harry, Lucius, Severus, Voldemort.
1/24/2014 c5 KatzeIason69
oooh this was wonderful:)* can't wait for more to come.
1/24/2014 c5 17misto713
Your Harry is perfect! :D And I love that he fits the idea of a healer even when he "messes up". Essentially, the parts where he was unsure of himself and his skills are exactly those that he would have made up and acted out if he were a great actor xD Thats hilarious and absolutely, deliciously perfect :3 Every time he blurts something out by accident, he solidifies his role and does it sincerely, so Malfoys cant even suspect any subterfuge... because hes not really acting. Hes being himself, he creates a new role and purpose in the war that fits him and makes him useful to DEs.

How did you manage to write THIS? :D

This chapter was amazing :)

Btw, Ive read your profile... is there any chance you will translate your "silly HP/HP" oneshot to English? I admit, Im curious...
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