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for Eclipsă de Soare

11/8/2015 c1 grizzlybear2000
This is great! I love it!
1/14/2014 c1 8ArkieR
Cool! It's a really good idea.
12/27/2013 c1 Serene
This was great i love all your werewolf dick serie books. When's the next one coming your writing skills are great love it
12/22/2013 c1 SandmanSlim
You know, you could write fifty more of those and I would keep reading it ;) I just love Robin, wolves and DaddyBats and you combinig these three works perfect for me!
12/22/2013 c1 24catilyn
that was A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
12/21/2013 c1 14Sairey13
If you want to see more of moon signs, you should look at this:
12/21/2013 c1 12Princess Unikitty
The middle was horrible, but the beginning and end were cute, so good job. Also nice timing with this, considering today's winter/summer solstice
12/21/2013 c1 turret towers do tower
Artemis was so close to finding out...

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