Just In
for Harry Potter, No More!

1/9 c8 22Shinobi Gatana
Tried to like it. I think I just don't dig dark Harry stories.
12/25/2024 c10 2wsbenge
Story was a bit over the top, still a pleasant read. Canon Dumbledore and ministry were inept at best, greedy, and evil at times. Needed a good stomp.

Greater Good indeed.
12/17/2024 c10 Cateagle
This is a most enjoyable and entertaining story; as well as a very different take on a number of things. Bravo, sir!
12/17/2024 c4 Cateagle
*whistles* Definitely require some Enrico Morrione background music.
12/2/2024 c4 redeyehawk23
Luna is like a female elf deadpool lmao
11/8/2024 c1 Fmh
Thank you an excellent start
11/5/2024 c1 Mikeblade
other then the red hair ginny looks nothing like lily.
11/2/2024 c10 Hazard 157
I tagged this story as one of my favorites 11/23. I'm glad you updated it. I really enjoy reading your writing style and how you develop your characters. I hope you get positive reviews and keep writing. I don't think anonymous reviews should be allowed. If you can't stand behind your words, don't say it! I've enjoyed several of your stories and will continue to work my way thru your collection.
9/22/2024 c11 Novashadow2469
What about hedwig
9/17/2024 c7 1Shay Shadowhunter
7/25/2024 c11 Visionless1
A pretty good story. it's a what if combined with the opposing side of the coin, so to speak. :)
7/14/2024 c8 Romily
Interesting idea but right now godlike emperor Harry is just going on my nerves. Not a story for me :(
6/25/2024 c8 AliceTobor
Cedric a vamp?
Why not?
That's another thing, Rowling introduced vampires and then ignored them.
Retarded Rowling did this way to often, introducing something or someone only to never mention that thing or person again.
Book one she mentioned the ICW who should have done something about Voldemort.
Book two, the diary is a horcrux, Albus Dumbledore does nothing with the information.
He should have started hunting horcruxes before book three started.
Book three, how is it that Dumbledore could keep Sniveling Snape out of Azkaban but could not do anything for Sirius?
And Dumbledore never disciplined Snape for anything!
Trying to get a man kissed by dementors is attempted murder.
Book four introduced other magical countries that should have helped fight Tom.
Book five happened because the defeater of Gellert Grindelwald didn't fight the Ministry.
Book six, a pensive? Why didn't Dumbledore use it from the start to train Harry.
Book seven, Dobby would have brought food to the trio, why go hungry?
6/13/2024 c11 62Stormshadow13
This was a great story. Thank you for a wonderful read. Sorry to see that small minded idiot forced you to make a choice not to ride anymore. Hope everything is going great for you in real life.
5/20/2024 c8 Incantations7
Royal vampire? Does he sparkle? lol
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