Just In
for The Price of Ressurection

2/18/2014 c8 Fandoom-strikes
I realy like this story . it's very funny and interessting to read and your awesome writeing style makes it even better . the only thing i could comply about is that you didn't put in the summary that he turns intoo a girl . you have to know that if you write the summary like this people expect him to lose something important and that this here will be another kind of story so that they stop reading it . if you would put it into the summary the people who want to read this kind of story would read it and you would get more readers .
I hope you update soon
PS: do you plan on putting shounen-ai in ? I mean if Sun's preferences have already changed ...
PPS: male names : Korai , kimoi , jorden ( I don't know what kind of name you search so I wrote 3 )
1/27/2014 c8 katanara
who did he seduce or flirted with? i didn't found out.
1/26/2014 c8 luka yuki7
hahahhshaha it was fun please update soon what they will do when all of them knew she is judgement relative
1/17/2014 c7 6tsukiyo haruna
maybe moon! lol or storm... there's the only possible option i can think off... but i love judge and sun better...
1/17/2014 c7 Ling
The Pope?
1/17/2014 c7 luka yuki
not storm he is too shy,not roland he wasnt even there nor lesuse he will knew he is grisia not leaf he such good guy ,clould?you will be lauky if you see him,blaze way ,then metal i think he like to go to lesus ,moon may be stone he is kind and good...any way i really like if it is lesus but how?
1/17/2014 c7 Katanara
If it's not earth,maybe moon?But then again he blushed so much so maybe roland,judge or ice. Tnx for the chappy,update again soon!
1/16/2014 c6 3Lea Akoma
oh! i love this story can't wait the next one! (*v*)
1/14/2014 c6 1FearlessSun
Oh sun...Also while typing while sun speaking just remember to somehow mention the god of light every 3 sentences, if you can make it more long winded, do it, and never type "I"
1/14/2014 c6 6tsukiyo haruna
eh? did they talk about alice's having a child? uh, why is the seamstress praise the god of light? they aren't in anywhere near leaf bud city, right? and why was alice so angry again?
1/14/2014 c6 luka yuki
i want to knew what will sun do when he go back to tampel is he going to tell them he will go to the past ? lesus
what will he do? i am sure sun as girl super buetiful ...and this may not be too good for him hahahah
1/9/2014 c5 1FearlessSun
Oh poor Sun. When "that time" happens to me I play video games and swear a lot. "YOU KILL ME YOU ****************** YOU *******AND DARE TO KILL ME! ILL KILL YOU" thats me playing mario kart...Mario Kart
1/5/2014 c5 luka yuki
it is good to read samething new and i want to knew what will happen fast so update soon please , is sun will change the past is he going to be sun even if he girl i thought his teacher crazy enough to do it and is he the one chang awaitesun
12/30/2013 c5 Katanara
That explains it thanks! But what if lesus finds out?
12/30/2013 c3 6tsukiyo haruna
this chapter is just like the novel... _ and if sun is a girl, his voice must be changing...
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