Just In
for Fate has been Tugged

4/7/2015 c15 nmahajan13
wooooow...dw...its really interesting
12/12/2014 c14 ladybug1221
nuuuuuuu wait who is tht person y yyyyyyy a cliffhanger oo well i like how this is going
7/8/2014 c13 ladybug1221
Nice ran bed time story night sempai love ittt
7/6/2014 c13 nmahajan13
very good :P
update soon Ran!
Cliffhanger :(:( :)
5/19/2014 c12 ladybug1221
smile chat y later ran kun
3/25/2014 c11 ladybug1221
omg whats going 2 happen...Gray you should say sorry to Ran and me, Be more nice to lucy
3/15/2014 c10 nmahajan13
wheres she goung?
3/5/2014 c8 nmahajan13
Hibiki's twin! lol I didn't expect tht!
3/1/2014 c8 ladybug1221
yeess lucy u still luv gray ,,, gray u better find lucy,,, cool part Ran change the way i was thinking love this chapie,, pliz tell me gray will be able to walk soon
2/22/2014 c7 nmahajan13
oh wow...she used the thought well written...
2/21/2014 c7 ladybug1221
llllluucccy y u left ur husband wwhhaa come back so true hard doing boy pov whe girl o tell lucy 2 come back :D :P
2/12/2014 c6 dimond
i love this story!happy birthday even if i say it late!i have some ideas for the story but i will give only one of them!lucy has a batle with of the people in assassins claw and her opponent start saying wordy that only she could understand and maybe some people if you tries to do something to protect her from the spell but it is too late the man or women is sucking her soul or(power but i don't thing so but do what you want)she things about how she told gray that nothing will happen to them but she faild and was affraid of what would happen to fanted and when she woke up she was not her self!what do you think?i said i will give only one idea but lets give two! it was grays turn to fight againts one of the assassins batle was really interesting but something happend nobody new what it was but when they looked at the batle field they saw gray was on the flour pale and not moving,he had many wounds on his lucy saw gray on the flour not moving she felt tiers falling on her cheeks she called grays name many times but he was still not felt sadness,angerand other emotions getting into her and new what happen to gray!'cause it was her fault his soul was suck by someone she will soon find and kill!(you can find another reason)hope you like and if you choose it change it as you pleasa!:D keep writting and i will keep reviewing!
2/12/2014 c4 dimond
hi,so i love your story i also read the other one but didn't review!(sorry)my nickname is (m-c)if i am too late for the parody (oh,well)so keep writing and i will keep reviewing when i can! if made mistakes while writting,please excuse me.i am in a lower grade than most of you but not that small!(sorry for telling my life :›)so keep on writting and i will read all the stories you will make if they are for my age ;D
2/6/2014 c6 nmahajan13
lol the singing part ws kinda odd but its rlly good
2/6/2014 c5 nmahajan13
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