Just In
for Just Because You Think You Deserve It Doesn't Make It Hurt Less

1/2/2015 c3 jj
4/28/2014 c2 268baby-kitsune9
cool. where's the rest?
3/17/2014 c2 Cupcake
Update soon! Lovin this stuff, it really is amazing!
3/3/2014 c2 CJAAM
I have to know how this ends. I am literally crying right now. Give the fans the happy ending they want, please! I can't bear to see them suffer.
2/21/2014 c2 cbcoop0012
This is great! Keep it going! I was pretty sad when I realized that only 2 chapters were posted. You're really talented
2/3/2014 c2 nerdymango
omg you updated! I thought you forgot about this fic. :( Please update soon, cliffhangers suck! I love where this fic is going.
2/3/2014 c1 DJ
Moar! I'm fruckin' lovin it! 3
2/3/2014 c2 5Chem-Death
I believe this is rated "M", therefore, the warnings are ligament.
oooo, so what are you gonna do Piccolo? Are you going to tell him all those feelings the "real" you couldn't say? (chuckles)
1/27/2014 c1 Guest
More? Please? Lease
1/10/2014 c1 Chem-Death
Someone been naughty. I wonder if Piccolo could stay in that tree any longer...
1/1/2014 c1 AmuletMiko
yes, I would very much like more. please update soon.
12/27/2013 c1 25siberat
:D I liked it! nicely done :D

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