Just In
for Corcit

4/24/2017 c1 Guest
So cool
5/26/2015 c1 11Yaoi Slaying Queen
You should make a second chapter
1/29/2014 c1 Kate
Amazing, please write more! I can't wait much longer for an update :)
1/25/2014 c1 14Obsessivebookdiva
So... When's the next one?
1/21/2014 c1 3yelrac
Loving this series!
1/14/2014 c1 ArkieR
NOOOOOOO! Ok, I just realised this is the last of this series posted :( I totally think you should do a TT one! Knowing you, it'll be awesome no matter what you write. Can you do one where the rest of YJ find out about him? That would be awesome
(Yes, this is ArkieR, I'm just not allowed to post two reviews on the same chapter, and since this only has oneā€¦?)
1/14/2014 c1 8ArkieR
This is so cool! Such an awesome idea!
12/31/2013 c1 turret towers do tower
You have to write that picture of Wally and-
12/31/2013 c1 1Damian 'Robin' Wayne
I think you should write a fic were the Teen Titans come to the Young Justice universe and everyone's just like "uh... What now...?" and then the robins meet... :3
No don't write teen titans I like your young justice
12/31/2013 c1 14Sairey13
Hmm... If you do a TT, even with them being in the same universe, then they'll be able to tell how strange he acts up and will even figure out that he's a Werewolf... There could be a possible chance of there not being that much DaddyBats or Young Justice/sibling moments...
Well, anyway, can't wait to see another update from you!

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