Just In
for a heap of details, uncatalogued, illogical

7/20/2023 c1 hatakedew
Thank you for sharing this story.
3/3/2021 c1 Guest
Aww this was so sweet! loved it 3
6/20/2020 c1 27ClockRepair
This was so sweet. I loved how Team 7 and Yamato managed to win over the 14 year old Kakashi that was jaded and distant. A really well-written story!
5/18/2020 c1 11Maple Syrup-tard
Oh wow! I enjoyed this through and through! Loved the ending too because of the circle back to the beginning and his kids just welcoming him back in their own ways. Very sweet and endearing~ Thanks so much for sharing! :)
4/29/2020 c1 3laelruin
Awe! They're so sweet
3/27/2020 c1 Tcolt
Loved it, thank you for such a touching fic.
3/10/2020 c1 1Immortal Bubblewrap
The ending was so sweet oh my goodness!
3/4/2020 c1 12Amaterasu53
I LOVE THIS! you're an excellent writer!
3/1/2020 c1 2haipa-chan
awwwwwwwww, my heart.
12/3/2019 c1 11TheOperaticSquirrel
This was really good. I liked the poem at the beginning and how is started and ended in almost exactly the same way, tying everything together. It kind of showed that no matter how different they are, the two Kakashi's are infact the same person. I also liked that he wore Kushina's sweater. I couldn't help bit freeze when he asked if it was like dying since, for all intents and purposes, they were destroying everything that made him who he was: thoughts, personality, memories, even his body. What's even sadder is that, despite being afraid, he doesn't put up a fight, just excepting that his "death" is for the best. He doesn't fight to hold onto himself. This was really well done and super thought provoking.
12/3/2019 c1 Guest
Great story! Really interesting!
10/8/2019 c1 Silriel
I'm literally crying right now this is so good oh my god. Thank you so much for writing this story!
9/7/2019 c1 41Tsukimine12
This warmed my heart so much
5/3/2019 c1 13Unseen Watcher
Awesome. Too bad he can't remember his introspection (yet), but cool. Naruto needs to work on that self preservation. He makes a Gryffindor look cautious. Great family feels!
5/2/2019 c1 Yuyue90
Fantastic story!love it!
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