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for HTTYD: A Night Furies' Last Hope

1/26/2014 c7 9just-another-giraffe
Yay! They'll be flying again soon! I can't wait for this story to continue! It's so interesting having the story with 2 Night Furies! How did Hiccup find out IcyEyes' name? Please update soon!
1/26/2014 c1 2Nikki Bats
This story is amazing! I love it in every way and can't wait for new chapers! Please keep writing. Please, its to great to leave hanging.
1/26/2014 c6 Alanna
1/25/2014 c6 4Flying-Freely
A very clever and detailed description of what happened with them. Icyeyes did partake, yet the bond remains the same. Lovely. Keep up the good work, Proud.
1/25/2014 c6 1ObsessWitWeirdPairings
You're so right! That did happen in the movie. Now, everybody loves Hiccup. What a coincidence. Exellent chapter, as all ways.
1/24/2014 c6 5Generalfanatic
I really enjoyed that Hiccup and Toothless still bonded and that they're friendship will still be as strong.
1/24/2014 c6 1jesseway1460
wow, i really like your story! it's pretty good!
1/23/2014 c6 5MoonTrekerAF
Insisto, siento raro leer la película, pero aun así es un muy buen capítulo.
Respecto al capítulo, es interesante volver a ver a Hiccup y también la forma en que se adapta esta historia a la película; lo que más me interesa en este punto es que pasará cuando llegue el momento en que Astrid se entere de Chimuelo y IcyEyes, es curioso como nunca digo el nombre que le a Chimuelo en tu historia :P ¿Será que Astrid se quedará con Icy o seguirá con Tormentula?
Es divertido ver que aunque no sepan dibujar, igual lo intenten y la forma en que cada uno de ellos dos dibuja; Icy si no mal recuerdo solo hizo u circulo mientras que Chimuelo "intentó" hacer algo más. Siempre he creído que Chimuelo intentaba dibujar a Hiccup.
Bueno, eso es todo por ahora y nos leeremos en tu siguiente capítulo historia. Read ya later.
1/23/2014 c6 8Dawnbreaker Dragon
You're a genius!
Wow, I mean... Wow.
I'm not lying when I tell you this is the best story I've read so far! Seriously, no words for it. I just couldn't stop reading!
I thought I'd stop to review every chapter but you got me hooked so hard I just HAD to continue reading!
I don't know why it is so good, it just is. You make it all seem so fluent and natural, this goes perfectly with the movie, maybe even better!
I'm so sorry I didn't review earlier but I kind of missed your updates :P
This is brilliant, as said, it's my fave so far.

this has to be the longest review I've ever written on my phone but this truly deserves it.
1/22/2014 c6 SIGMA 0007
Great chapter! The interaction between Hiccup and the Dragons during the bonding scene was truly fantastic and funny, especially when IcyEyes asked Toothless to smile for her..
So now Hiccup has two Night Furies as friends... I wonder what trouble he might get into for that.
As for the kill Ring scene where until Toothless arrived only Stoick (who was the one responsible for Hookfang attacking )and Astrid helped. Well the entire village for years despised Hiccup and sent him straight into Toothless' embrace in the First place for that Dragon is the only one who cares about Hiccup that much. Despite Astrid and Stoick and everyone else being nice to him and even love him, they can never have a bond as close as Toothless with Hiccup
The only reason they entered the Kill Ring was to kill the ultimate prize despite the fact that Hookfang was defeated and Hiccup was obviously being protected by the Night Fury seconds before...
Looking forward to the next chapter.
1/22/2014 c6 2Night Fury Ninja
That's bonding moment was very descriptive :) I can tell this story has a long way to go but it always gets better :D :D. Keep up the great work! :D
1/22/2014 c6 Brenne
Yay! Can't wait for more!
1/22/2014 c6 9just-another-giraffe
Yay! I loved this part I the movie! It was so touching! I like how you're involving Icy in the story, how she's still part if the story but the movie plot is relatively the same. Please continue soon! This is so awesome! Update soon!
1/22/2014 c6 iceslashz
More pls gj :)
1/22/2014 c5 Xerio
Oh, yes, another wonderful chapter by yours truly. Good job, Proud.
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