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for HTTYD: A Night Furies' Last Hope

1/11/2014 c3 2Night Fury Ninja
Great way to tie the story together between Toothless and the whispering death :). As always, keep up the great work :D
1/11/2014 c3 Xerio
It didn't take all that long for you to update. Toothless and Icyeyes are just ment for eachother
1/11/2014 c3 LevelNone
Noice, can't wait for the next chapter :D
1/11/2014 c3 AnonymousStalkerFriend
love it
1/11/2014 c3 9just-another-giraffe
Yay! They're becoming closer friends! I like how you involved the grudge between Toothless and the whispering death. The way you set it up seems like it would be something that would actually happen. I love this story! Please update soon!
1/10/2014 c2 1ObsessWitWeirdPairings
Toothless is definitely not a jerk like I expected it to be and Icyeyes is nice. Seems like they're getting along fine.
1/10/2014 c2 4Flying-Freely
I haven't been around here for long, but I've been reading your stories. It took me a long time, but I enjoy it. I hope you don't put your story on hiatus, it would e a shame. I like your story, please contine.
1/10/2014 c2 Guest
Not bad you should update. Thats all im not good at reviews
1/9/2014 c2 Xerio
You're a very good writer, and you look young. You're still a teenager, correct? I look forward to your chapters
1/9/2014 c2 5Generalfanatic
Aww so cute! They bonded!
1/7/2014 c2 2Huennekens
That was fun to read can't wait to see how IcyEyes' and Toothless' relationship continues.
1/7/2014 c2 LevelNone
1/7/2014 c2 9just-another-giraffe
This is getting so good! I think they're starting to like each other already! I'm glad Toothless isn't really dark or menacing. He seems to have a good sense of humour. So a healer and a fighter, sounds pretty interesting. And soon the movie will come into the story! I can't wait to read more! Please update soon!
1/7/2014 c2 2Night Fury Ninja
I think its awesome so far! Keep up the great work :D
1/6/2014 c1 guest 117
love the story so far keep updating
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