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for HTTYD: A Night Furies' Last Hope

4/26/2014 c19 SIGMA 0007
So we reach the end of our journey, to begin another one. But before that we find ourselves to the conclusion of the great battle as IcyEyes is next to a limp Toothless filled with sorrow just like Stoick. But eventually the great dragon comes around and reveals Hiccup unconscious but (almost) well. The return to Berk is also difficult as the Vikings didn't trust the Furies.
They also could not separate them from Hiccup and where forced to allow them to stay by his side. IcyEyes also is tasked with calming down Toothless as he is very upset with the fact that he harmed his best friend.
Astrid comes to talk about Hiccup and how they used to treat him, poor Astrid...
Eventually Hiccup does wake up and although surprised to see them in his house he accepts that fact along with his leg. He then with the Night Furies supporting him goes to the door.
They. Join him after a while ready to tackle new adventures together...
A fantastic story. Well Done...
It had very good character interaction. Incredible character progression and was able to retell a great story from a different perspective, without losing but maybe even adding magic..
4/25/2014 c19 ttt
You did very well with this story... Brove... Brovo.
4/24/2014 c19 5Generalfanatic
You fantastically finished the story with an ending I'll be remembering forever! I'm not even exaggerating! I am now a fanatic of your story.
4/24/2014 c19 8Dawnbreaker Dragon
This chapter made me think. It made me think about gothi, about Valka. I mean, gothi has always been this mysterious character in the village, unable to share her knowledge through speech. But how did she get that knowledge? Could it even be that gothi was the one to teach Valka everything about dragons!
I loved this finishing chapter, you clearly added in your own little touch which was splendid.
Icy taught him to love, hiccup taught him to trust. Such a story of toothless' growth. I'm wondering how you'd write about toothless' past, parents and all that as you're so good writing about dragons!

Brilliant story, if you don't mind, I'd like to give you and this story a some sort of shoutout at some point :)

4/23/2014 c19 Guest
That was amazing. Can't wait for the new series! :)
4/23/2014 c19 1ObsessWitWeirdPairings
It's over! A story this great cannot just be over? I can believe that I loved the whole thing. The ending was well written and never stop writing!
4/21/2014 c19 6CaraCBewulf
Great story. If this is the end please start a new chapter I'm looking forward to nightfury babies. If not the end update soon
4/21/2014 c19 Guest
Not a bad story, but not very original. It felt a lot like those dumb OC stories where some additional human 'finds' Toothless with Hiccup, but at least you used a dragon (scenes independent from the film, yay!) and wrote pretty well. I was a bit disappointed that you didn't shake up the scenes more though; all you did with the canon stuff was splitting some of Toothless' actions to your OC. I mean, come on! Are you really telling me that an intact Night Fury, who you establish is faster than Toothless, can't reach Hiccup faster in the Red Death scene than Toothless without any form of prosthetic? The original stuff in this is decent, but the canon-compliant stuff is just bland. Would still recommend.
4/21/2014 c19 Guest
Goodbye my friend! I will miss you:)
I have been here sense the begining and will leave with the movie!
Warning I am about to get emotional!
At first I thought it would be bad but then I started slowly getting more attached.
Then about a quarter way thrue I couldn't help but love it! I still love it and will one day come back to it and think this story was:amazing,loveble,creative,adventureous,mysterious and will forever be remembered by me!
But alas the time has come:( to say goodbye to the story Iceyeyes Toothless Hiccup and ILOVEPIXELS :(
Goodbye Toothless Iceyeyes and hiccup who with the help of Proud2beMexican have touched my heart:) I solute them in the movie!
I will never forget this moment!
But I must say somthing:(
I will no longer be ILOVEPIXELS
So a moment of silence for her please?
She was my character my helper to find my voice to learn how to speak give my opinion show people who I am and not care what they think. Proud2beMexican I solute you! For bringing out my true self and not be scared!
I hope that you will remember her.
But I am sad to say for the last time ever Goodbye ILOVEPIXELS I will never forget you!
Now here is a goodbye from Hatman !:) goodbye I will be here forever cya soon!

Alright goodbye thank you Mexican!
!:) /:) Hatman and ILOVEPIXELS say bye!
Bye dude thank you for the amazing storie!
4/21/2014 c19 Thatoneperson
Woop, Woop! LOVE this chapter. Little sad a great story ended, but glad another bound-to-be-great story is on b it's way. I'm sure I'll LOVE the new story just the same and maybe even more. Rooting for you! Keep it up!
4/21/2014 c19 HowToTrainYourAgentsOfTime
Thank you! You are my favorite fanfiction author.- Restarting an Unfinished Game- was the first fanfic I ever read I started reading fanfic in November 2013 and your story was the first I ever read. Please continue with icy eyes and toothless! I love all your stories!
4/21/2014 c19 7Sapphire Roz
Awesome ending! This story was really good! I loved every word of it! Can't wait for the next story!
4/21/2014 c19 Nixxon Mysterio
Wow...Deep Moral and feelings/Emotions in a story...You my child are one talented lady...I can only hope that one day my own stories will amount to yours...P.S:Nice that your planning to write into The series...I had the idea once but I tossed it away...And even cooler that your uploading it the day before my birthday...So I'm considering it an early Birthday present...Probably the best present I've ever got for my b-day that can actually help me in school...So yeah very well written story and keep up the great work...P.S.S: I know this a long review but still I couldn't help are very very special and this is like one of the few stories I've read that has like given me several ideas...So about 5 more stories will be on my profile...How I manage to update for all of them...Well i guess I'm just gonna have to hope that I can get a laptop to work faster...but still very very lovely deep meaningful storiy...P.S.S.S:you should totally put blutail and icyeyes in your life with toothless fic...Keep up the great work!
4/21/2014 c19 5Illusa
I loved this! I can't wait for the next part. Keep it up!
4/21/2014 c19 9just-another-giraffe
This story is one of my favourites! I love how you incorporated it with the movie! The ending was perfect for this story! I'm sad that it's over, but all good things have to come to an end sometime. I can't wait for The Ice That Lights The Fire! Never stop writing!
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