"Gou-chan why am I doing this?" Nagisa complains as he stands just in his jammers in the middle of her flat.

"You agreed, didn't you," Gou responds back waving her pencil at him but quickly returns back to her work.

"That was 2 weeks ago," Nagisa exclaims waving his arms which involves Gou shouting at him to be still, "it was early in the morning, and I'm pretty sure you spiked my drink."

"It was a La mumba*," Gou states guilty, "it was good I had one as well." Nagisa rolls his eyes and Gou continues;

"You still agreed, anyway artists have a muse don't they and scientist have test subjects, you're my equivalent," Gou reasons with the blonde as she continues her work, her pencil sketching the outline of Nagisa.

"Your logic is skewed Gou-chan," Nagisa mutters, unfortunately Gou hears this and a pillow comes quickly flying in his direction, causing Nagisa to duck and another round of shouting follows.

Huffing Gou brushes back her hair, "just stay still!" She exclaims, "It's not that hard."

"Yes it is!" Nagisa whines "You've been at it for hours."

Gou sighs exasperatedly, "it's been half an hour, Nagisa," putting her pencil down she reties her hair, "anyway I'm treating you afterwards."

Nagisa considers but decides it's not enough, "but why me? You could have used Rei-chan, Mako-chan, Haru-chan or even Rin-chan!" Nagisa shouts pointing to the sleeping form of Gou's brother who is chaperoning the event.

Unfortunately for Nagia, Rin starts to wake up and to say the least he's not that thrilled at the fact that, Gou is still studying/drawing a topless Nagisa in her home.

"You said you weren't that busy," Gou points out, "anyway I need a swimmer to study for my project."

Before Nagisa to protest, Rin snaps, "BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!" The rather jet lagged Rin slouches further down into the sofa and observes the two. Despite what Gou said the two seemed close…too close.

Gou mumbles an apology, whilst Nagisa complains once again, which causes a round of arguments. Again.

Rin groans further whatever relationship the two were in;

It's to say the least interesting and it's about to be even more so.

Yayyy, new story , I've been planning for ages to do a multi chapter NagiGou fic and this was completely inspired by the one shot which I wrote, which I also can't seem to post. Anyway this was a prologue and I'm hoping to update this at least evrey month or something like that but this is going to be a short chaptered roughly 10? or so.

I hoped you enjoyed XD