A/N: To those that keep on telling me this is like No Ordinary Proposal by twilover76, it is not. The plots are different. The only thing that is the same is the scholarship aspect. Also the fact that you are basing that off of just one chapter, one chapter, I mean, really? There are so many stories out there that have the same ideas, yet I don't see the authors of those stories being accused of it being like another one. For example that my beta used in her review there is Oh, Captain, My, Captain by Kim Ginsberg and Coming Home by Sarge's Girls. Both stories have Bella writing to Edward who is in the military serving in the war overseas. Does that mean that the stories are alike?

To the person that left a review asking when I was going to be updating this, next time login and you shall get your answer so since you didn't here is the next update. Also I was waiting to finish Love and Kids before I even wanted to update this. I did not want to have two WIP's going at the same time and have my readers wait even longer for updates as they were.

Big thanks to my girls: my beta ,flamingpen18, and my pre-reader, teamhotmen. As always, I love you two.

All locations belong to there rightful owners, with the exception of Cullen and Company and Cullen's Home Cooking. Those belong to me.

Stephenie Meyer owns all things Twilight.


I got up to leave, but a little voice in my head was telling me to lay all my cards out on the table. "Before I leave you to think things through, I have more to tell you. From the moment that I saw you at Columbia, you had my attention. Then I heard you tell that girl about what had happened. As soon as I got back to the office, I got to read your application. As I told you, you embody the person that I want for my wife. What I didn't tell you is that not only did you capture my interest, but also the fact that I am highly attracted to you. You will most likely consider me crazy. I fell in love with you."

"You love me?" she asks.

"Yes, I do. I can't explain it, but I just know that I do."

"If I do accept your proposition, what are the rules going to be?"

"Why don't I get us something to drink before we go over everything. I want you to know what I expect from you. If you have any questions, we can go over those as well. Now what would you like to drink?"

"I'll take a Peppermint Mocha, please."

"Peppermint Mocha, yum, my fave," I tell her.

"They're mine as well," she tells me with a blush. So beautiful, I think, and I must tell her before I let her leave me for the day.

I got up to go get us our drinks. As soon as they were done, I grabbed them and walked back to the table where I had left her sitting.

"Now let's see. Where shall I start…"

"You mentioned that you didn't want anyone to know how we got together. This is if I do accept. Why is that?"

"Well, there are several reason as to why I said that, but the most important one is that I wouldn't want anyone to look down on you or to start any nasty rumors about how you are a gold digger or a whore and anything else that they can think of. I feel that I do have to tell you that my family will know. In fact, my brother already does, but they will not make a big deal about it at all. I will tell you more about that later. I do want us to get to know one another other than what I have seen from your application and what I have told you or will be telling you so far. I would like to marry you, but I want to wait a while before that happens. I want it to be the right time for that to take place. I do not want you to feel rushed into marriage, and I for one don't want to feel that way. I want there to be no doubts in your mind about us. I will want there to be no infidelity. I want you to have your say in all the things that go on in our relationship. I would also like us to be open with each other, and if one of us has issues, I want us to discuss it with each other no matter how trivial it is. I will always want there to be honesty and truth between us. Anything else can be discussed or worked out as we go along. I also want you to know that I plan on further investigating about what has been happening with the scholarships. I do not want what happened to you happen to anyone else, and I'm sure that my family would like to know as well."

"You have given me a lot to think about. I was wondering about the scholarships. Are they only for high school students and graduates?"

"For right now, yes, they are, but I have been thinking about bringing up that we should expand it to just high school students and graduates."

"Can I help with that? I have some ideas for it. It's something that I want to happen, whether it be with you and your families company or somewhere else."

"I think that will be a good idea. It can be a family project, I think," I tell her. "Before I forget, there is one other thing to consider, and I know it's a lot. You will have your own room until you decide that it is the right time for us to share a room. I will not rush you under any circumstances. You can decorate the room anyway that you want. Although, knowing my sister, she will want to help you with that if you let her and most likely my mom as well. I will also let you pick out your car as well within reason," I tell her with my tongue in cheek. Cause I know that I am going to want something safe for her. "Also, there will be lots of dates if you so happen to agree. Let's just say that I will be courting you modern style."

She lets out a giggle when I tell her that. "Courting modern style, huh?"


"What does 'courting modern style' mean or involve?"

"Well, besides getting to know one another I'll be taking you out on dates and whatever else that comes along. There will be some company events that we will need to go to. If you have any questions, please give me a call. I will be more than happy to answer them. Also, I would like to meet your parents as well, so that I can get to know them and inform them that one of my cousin's lives with me. I hope this will make them feel better about the situation as well as for you too. It's a long story that I will tell you at another time as to why she does, and I can also tell your parents too."

"You have a cousin that lives with you?"

"Yes, I do," I tell her.

"It's just my dad and I now. My mom was killed in a car accident right after I applied for the scholarship," she tells me and bows her head. Right after that, I see the tears that were falling from her eyes.

I moved and pulled her into my arms as she starts to sob, I run my hands up and down her back trying to not only to soothe her, but to get her to calm down. I kiss the top of her hair too. I couldn't help but to notice that her hair smells good. So not the time, Cullen! I think. "Everything will get better," I tell her. "How does this sound: If you so happen to agree to my proposition, which we can tell your dad about it, considering everything that has occurred in the last few months in your lives. If he would like to, your dad can come live with us if he wants to, since I do happen to have plenty of room. He can also come and visit as often as he would like to, and I will happily pay for his plane tickets?"

"You would do that?" she looks up and asked with amazement.

"I would do anything for you even if you didn't agree to accept my proposition," I tell her.

"I should go. I have a lot of thinking to do, not to mention the fact that I leave the day after tomorrow. So I'm sure that you would like my decision before I leave, right?" she says as she starts to get up.

"It would be nice, yes, but take your time. I have no problem in giving you all the time you need to make your decision," I say. "If you need anything while you are still here, please do not hesitate to call me. Also, if you don't happen to agree to the proposition, would you mind if I still contact you about your ideas regarding the scholarships? I would like to hear more about them. Also, considering the circumstances and this might make you decide against the proposition, I'm going to sound like a control freak asshole here, but here it goes… I'm going to have to be the one who decides who you can and can't be friends with as well as when and where you go out to other than school. I just don't want any talk about how we met and got together other than with the family, since I know they won't gossip or try and spread vicious rumors about you."

"I understand that and, yeah, you do kind of sound like a control freak asshole," she says with a smile. "Would it be okay if I met your cousin, before I make my absolute decision? As soon as I make it, I will let you know. Yes, I would be okay with helping out with the scholarship even if I don't decide to accept your proposition," she says.

"You can meet my cousin. That is no problem. How about tonight? Is that okay with you? I only say that because I know that you have a limited amount of time left in New York before you need to get back home. Although, if you are willing and able to, I can extend your trip, and please, I don't want you to worry about the expenses."

"Yes, tonight is fine with me."

"I'll send a car to pick you up at six, if that is agreeable with you. We can all have dinner together at my house." She nods and then gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. She then gives me a slip of paper after she wrote on it. As she leaves, she gives me a little wave and a smile, before she exits out the door. As I leave the Starbucks that we were at somewhat in a daze I took a look at the slip of paper to see that she wrote down what motel she was staying at, before I start to head back to the office.

I don't even remember the walk back, but next thing I knew, I was back at my office, sitting down with Jasper and him waving at me like a windmill in a storm. Emmett just so happened to be next to him, laughing his ass off.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" I ask.

"We were wondering if you want to join us for lunch downstairs," Jasper asks. "Plus, I wanted to know how it went," he also adds, since he knew that I was meeting with Bella today.

"Sure, why not," I tell them.

"What's going on?" Em asks.

"I'll fill you in on the way down, and yes, Jazz I will tell you what happened," I say.

A/N: I thank you for your patience in waiting for this to get posted. As I said in my the top A/N and as well as the ones for Love and Kids I did not want to have two WIP'S going on at the same time to be posted. My readers of Love and Kids were patient enough with my basically once a month update. I could only imagine what it would be like to have two WIP's going on together. Having more than one WIP's going on at the same time is just not me. Yes I tend to write on more than one story in one day, but to post them that's just not my style.

Love and Kids is up for completed fic of December for the TwiFanfictionRecs. If you so feel inclined please go and vote for it. Remove the spaces for the link to work.

twifanfictionrecs 2015/01/01 /vote - for - your - top - ten - completed - fics - december - 2014/

I also have a Christmas oneshot that I posted called Christmas Wishes and Surprises it's Rated T.

Also for those of you that have read On the House for the Fandom for Christy compilation I will not be posting it till most likely Edward's Rules is completed or at least until my beta approves me in doing so.