I'm very sorry guys. I had a huge writing block and it almost made me abandon this project. Then I decided that it would be unfair for those precious few that liked it. So I replayed both the games and re-read the book and comics to get a better hold of the Darksiders universe. I found some mistakes that I made, both geographic and time wise; I just had to revamp it.
I not get stuck again with some plot holes; I made a spreadsheet for myself with all the Chapter, Characters and Bigger Event within my Story. Just as when I did when I was writing my Book. It's a useful thing to do, and if anyone is interested how it works; I'm more than willing to share the knowledge with you.
A little warning though:
The Chapters will be long from 2k -3k/words. Some, I already see will be too big since I'm packing a lot of stuff into them, and so I'll break them into parts. Don't kill me for that.
Fan Fact:
You may find Easter Eggs within my FF, staring from the Chapter 3.
For each found Easter Egg, I'll post Bonus Content. Those will be:
Character Bio's [Those mentioned by Agnes, You may pick them]
Funny moments [As if this Fan fiction doesn't have enough of them]
Info about my Book.
Hope you guys forgive me this delay.
Yours for ever
Author, Editor, whatever else …