Good day all readers of Waiting for Totsuka. Kataracks and Arait want to thank all of you for favoriting, following, and reviewing our story so much. We never imagined when we first started the project that people would like it as much as you all have. Because of your support, we have decided to release a sequel. The first chapter is released today in the story A Growing World. As was suggested, it will not focus so uniquely on HOMRA, so please check it out today. Hope you like it!
Also, if you haven't gotten the chance to read it yet, Kateracks and Arait also wrote up a side story regarding only Fushimi, Hayashi and Yata at an arcade tournament. It was a very fun project for us and we think it turned out great. So please also read Sixth Annual Shizume City Arcade Tournament if you would like.
That's all. See you soon! Sincerely,
Kateracks and Arait