Days go By

By Gohanzgirl


Disclaimer: I don't own The mighty Ducks never did Never will.

College, what a theory. Now I wished I had paid a little more attention when I had free
schooling. Just another side of school. Its an ok concept. I guess. I wasn't going to
argue with going. It got me away from the pond for a while. With Canards infamous return
the team really didn't need me for a while. Dragonious doesn't even know where I am so that's
a plus. No weird dragon people attacking my school this year. I hope.

It's been nearly two in a half years since I was enrolled into Anaheim high school. It
doesn't really seem that long ago actually. I can still remember the two weeks before hand
when I had some bad episodes with my memory. It happens some times, memories from before
pop into my head. I've learned how to control them and myself when it happens. I still
haven't told Wildwing anything about it.

We haven't been as close as we used to actually. It was nearly the middle of that first year
of high school that Canard was given back to us. Wildwing was ecstatic, as was the rest of
the team. I didn't spend much time with them after that. Canard and I never really got along,
I think I grew up a little when I spent those first few months in school. I learned how to
shut my mouth.

I had to, being in a large building filled with humans. Racism. Pure and simple. A lot of
people didn't like me, It was hard at first to deal because back home I was liked by every
one. The funny one, class clown. Here they had there own class clowns. I couldn't get the
title. It was hard enough just to get things done. Some teachers were the same and failed
me because of what I was. Till I brought it to the attention of the school board. It was a
hard first year. But I got through it, I learned to live.

So I learned to live with Canard, he was bossy, self absorbed and thought I was just some
stupid kid. Yeah we got into a few fights in the beginning. I learned then that things had
changed between my brother and I, he wasn't willing to back me up a good portion of the
times I got in trouble. I learn quick, so I avoid confrontations with all of them.

Tanya freaked out at the fourth week that I didn't play any pranks. Wildwing demanded to know
if I was all right. Secretly I thought It was hilarious, Canard made the assumption that I was
doing it as a childish way to get attention. I thought that was hilarious too, you can never
make any one happy these days. I play pranks to get attention, I don't play pranks to get
attention. Half the time I don't really want attention.

So on went the new Nosedive, the quieter more withdrawn Nosedive. I like who I am now.
Though I have to admit I will never grow out of comic books. I like to avoid the pond and
the other ducks, I revel in silence and the peace of it. I think the others have gotten
used to it. Some times WildWing try's to talk to me, but its too late now.

I never really felt betrayed though. It was a transition that happened, and I accepted it.
I think I knew what I was accepting when it happened. I knew to some extent. I've thought
a long time about what, or who I've become. Its always the same, I'm me. I've just grown up.
No matter how long I thought I could remain a child I couldn't when I felt real grown emotions.
It spoiled the childlike illusions to know that behind my eyes there lies memories of
something a child never should have seen.

I see myself in parts, A child that I have locked away to save, Innocence that was lost
and the person I am now. I grew up to save that part of me that still held Innocent ideals
though the Innocence I once held on to was stolen. Its not that hard to seal that part of you
off that feels the betrayal, and loss of innocence. Its actually a easier way to live.

The insecure feelings and emotions that cause my body to react to memories of my past have
long been detained behind a wall inside myself. I couldn't live day to day with feelings and
emotions from the memories, disrupting my life so I hid them inside me. Kept them locked away
where for now I can't feel them when the memories to come to haunt me.

"Nosedive?" I shook my head, blonde locks flying into my face.

"yeah?" I answered back, turning my head away from the night sky. I was perched on one of
the window sills in the apartment room. The window wide open and me looking into the sky.
The last time I was really paying attention, it was light out.

"I was wondering if you've seen my Business bankruptcy folder?" Tim one of my roomies asked
while picking up a sweater off the floor and looking under it for the needed folder. I sat
still for a second. He reminded me of Grin a little. Very large, yet emotional guy. I think
his mother coddled him too much, he was just getting used to living alone for the first
time in his life. He lost things on a daily basis much to his own chagrin, and ours.

"Its in the Kitchen, on the counter by the toaster." I said, a part of me wanted to outright
laugh at him. Yet I refrained, like I said he was a very emotional guy. Three of us shared an
apartment near the College we attended. Allan, Tim and I. Allan's mom knew Tim's mom and Tim
needed a place to stay so they decided that he would stay with us. Even though I pay most of
the rent. (or my brother dose) But I didn't really mind. We all got along pretty well enough.

Allan and I had met on my first day of College last semester. I learned that he was actually
Mookies 5th cousin. He's a good friend, some times he can pull the old prankster out of me.
Its nice to lay back and let go for a while. He doesn't judge, or plan, or annoy me. He's the
closest friend I have and I'm actually cool with it. I don't hear much from Mookie or thrash.

He was off now attending a night class. Astronomy was his main subject. He doesn't know what
he wants to do. Either do I for that matter. I'm just going to go I guess.

It was pretty funny actually. After high school my brother wasn't expecting me to walk up to
him and ask if I could continue and go on to college. I will never forget the look that he
gave me it was complete astonishment. He started to laugh till my seriousness actually made
him realize I wasn't joking. I wanted to go to college. What surprised me was the look in
his eyes when he finally just looked at me.

"Your sure?" He said and put his hand on my shoulder. "Lil bro you really want to go to
college?" I nodded and he sighed pushing his hand through the short buzz cut looking hair
on his head.

"If you want I can ask and find out if the rest would care. I know that with Dragonious
still out there..." He stopped me.

"Canards here, we can afford it." He said to himself like he was counting down things. He
looked at me, really took a good look at me, some thing I think he hadn't done in a while.
He saw something in me I guess. Wildwing's eyes widened as I stood and stared back at him
in the eyes. "I don't think they will say no Nosedive." He said my name differently, I cant
explain how it was. Like the meaning of it had changed to him, and to me. He nodded and
turned motioning me to fallow him.

We walked into the kitchen where every one was eating, Wildwing was almost solemn. Everyone
quieted down at Wings look. "I wonder what he did this time." Mallory whispered to Canard,
his own eyes narrowed. From the corner of my eyes I saw Wildwing narrow his eyes at them.
Mallory blinked and looked down like she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie
jar and Canard looked any where but at my brother.

"Nosedive has a question for you all." He stepped aside. I was almost stricken with fear if
they would let me go or not but it passed quickly. For this one, for this one last time if
things don't really go my direction I knew my brother would step up to support me in this.
But for now I had to do this.

"I want to go to college." I said finally, I stared straight into every one of there eyes.
Not backing down my own stare. Tonya's eyebrows raised up to her hair line. Mallory sat
there with a dumb look on her face oh how I wished I had a camera. There expressions were
almost as good as my brothers.

Canard though was the first to move. He stood up and took a few steps forward towards me,
he looked me in the eyes. I don't know what he and my brother were looking for when they
did that but what ever they saw it must have shocked them. His eyes narrowed then widened
as he took a step back.

"I don't see why not." He said, "Were doing fine enough with Dragonious." At that moment
the chords were finally cut. I was to an extent free. And at that moment I didn't hate
Canard, I don't think I ever will hate Canard. Just an amazing dislike for the guy. After
that it was a series of looking, sending letters, taking tests, and finding college
funds. We had more than enough money to send me. It was only a matter of a few phone calls
for Phil and I was wanted by many schools none that I wanted in return though.

It was surprising when I got a return letter from a college that accepted me because of
my scores no one really believed. Phil had to make a few phone calls for that one to
find out if it was true. It was, I don't think any of the rest of the team looked at me
more differently then on that day.

Then it was done, I was packed the team, Phil, Mookie and Thrash saw me leave on the
plane. It was weird those first few days here, I still haven't quite gotten over it.
I'm free in a sense. It was unnerving in the beginning but soon I was use to the feelings.

End Chapter two

A/N: There's chapter two, just a little insight to who Nosedive has become. I like where
this is going. I know its a bit slow right now but soon I tell you soon there will be
more of a plot. Please Review and tell me how I'm doing!