Chapter 5
finished 11/6/02
published 08-10-03
It was so close, so close. I could almost feel it as its
rancid breathing heated my neck. I
wanted to cringe, to move away from the feeling, lash
out anything to get it to go away. I knew
it was futile from the moment the thoughts came. It
wouldn't leave, It would never leave my side.
I've known it for too long, it knew me intimately It
wouldn't ever let me go from its grasps.
The breath slid over my body like heat scalding my skin
at every touch. It wanted to embrace me
with in its flaming arms. I had been fighting it for so
long, so very long. It reached inside me
yearning within itself that I felt in my heart like a
cold stone. I jerked forcing myself still
again. The breath slid over me again and I cringed. It
wanted me so badly, it had always wanted
me. Death had wanted me for so long.
The heat fell over me again, I gasped. The darkness was
complete. If only I'd let go into it I
would be held for ever in its hot, cold hands. The
fierce heat swept over me again and my body
reacted to it. I was excited by it, the heat and the
cold of death. It knew. It always knew.
I woke up gasping, hair plastered to my face. My hand
went to my chest as I squeezed my eyes
shut. "D-Damnit!" I knew I was going to have nightmares,
but this was.. this was. Rational
thought squeezed my chest and I immediately started to
rub my hand calming. This was just
a Nightmare. Just a dream caused by school and shit.
Just shit. I looked at my clock. 4:30 A.M.
I leaned back into my pillow, to find my hair was wet
and sticky from my sweat. I sighed and
sat still for a few seconds before flinging the covers
off of myself and getting up. Shower, must
take shower, get rid of yuckyness. I smirked at my
thought, I never was a good morning person.
I regretted immensely that I would be leaving my bed for
the rest of the day but there was no way
in hell that I was going back to sleep.
I usually like to have the first shower of the day
because of the amount of hot water that we
have. And that isn't a lot. I think the hot water heater
is going. I'll have to call the landlord.
The shower was hot, heavenly if you may. I stepped out
with steam swirling around me.
I was dressed and putting my running shoes on
mechanically before I knew what I was doing. I
stared at the shoe laces. Shrugging my shoulders might
as well fallow my subconscious mind.
I needed to run some energy and stress off anyways.
Damned dream. I wish that they didn't affect
me the way they did. Stars I try to tell myself that
they don't but, 'can't lie to my self now
can I?
I stepped outside with a sigh of refreshment. The sun
was about an hour away. I was free to the
darkness of the night. Ive learned to like the quiet
darkness of the mornings its almost a half
an hour of sweetness in the morning when people are
still sleeping not yet awake for there life
and the people who have worked the night are still at
work or have come home at a certain time
and are already in bed. It is a priceless half an hour
that I don't often get to see due to my
'horrible' habit of sleeping in. I smiled at myself. No
matter how much I loved the mornings I
still adored my sleep. I've always been like that.
I stretched for a few minutes warming up and was off at
an even trot that I built up to my
normal pace. It was a fast jog that I kept up well after
my lungs burned and my legs
complained. But I didn't turn back I continued just a
tad slower. I knew my limit but I always
tested it. I could do up to eight miles at once and be
relatively fine.
I saw but didn't see the scenery pass me by, the
delightful pull of my legs let my shoulders
loosen and finally I was free of the nights dream. I
relaxed and fell into the rhythm and power
of my strides. Hair secured in a band at the nape of my
neck, I enjoyed myself. The sun started
to rise and I stopped at a place to watch the rays of
light touch the ground. It nearly dazzled
me. When it was finished I finally noticed my
surroundings. I was in a nice neighborhood. Lawns
neat and clean. I heard a door open and I looked some
one else was heading out for a jog. The
man stood after tying his shoes and looked at me.
He stood for a second, I know seeing my beak and white
skin then smiled. Nodding at me in a
fashion that made me nod back before I could help it. He
had looked at me and accepted me as a
fellow jogger. A bond but not. He started in the same
direction I was facing but on the other
side of the road. I stood dumbly for a few minutes
before a smile graced my beak. Some times,
the humans could surprise me. And Sometimes they were
welcome surprises. I shook my head still
The way back was slower paced to cool down my muscles,
keep them from cramping up. It felt good
to have my lungs burning in my chest. It felt right. I
was at peace with myself, at least for
a small amount of time I was. I slowed in front of the
dorm and stretched. I shook my hair out
of the pony tail and decided another shower was a good
idea. It was nearly seven thirty, no one
was awake yet. Heh, more hot water for me. I am so evil.
I was sitting on the couch lounging when the first of my
roommates woke up. Allen looked his
normal grumpy self. He was incoherent in the mornings,
ask him anything and he probably wont
remember anything you said till his first cup of coffee.
I had class at Eleven and it was a quarter after eight,
I was bored. Television time. The morning
news was on. "..The College professor Doug McLean was on
his way home for the night when he was
brutally murdered in the back streets.." Click. I didn't
need that now. I turned over on the couch
away from the television 'blank stay blank'. And I did.
A/N: Sorry its kinda short. I've had alot on my mind
lately (job, life, school, life,
and that bit of laziness that has struck me.) I'm in the
middle of getting a muse lol. So
please excuse this poor little chapter! It has a little
bit of motion in it though. I guess I
will talk to every one next time! Tootles
Oh and please don't forget to review!
Disclaimer: I don't own The Mighty Ducks Animated
Series! I'm just barrowing it for a while!