Hey guys just so you know I am stopping all of my other stories I have kind of lost my love for them don't know if you have seen the last episode for kick in it season 3 (it was awesome)-I cried (spoiler alert, don't read this last sentence if you have not seen the episode) btw kick prevailed they kissed!

I do not own anything!

Except my life

Anyways I have love I didn't do it and I thought I should write my own kind of story based on the programme

On with the story

Lindy's pov:

I was at my locker, which I shared with my twin bro, with my friends and my brother of course. We were just talking about how there this new guy is coming into school, well they were I was just thinking about some other things…

The bell rang and it knocked me of my thoughts I held onto my bag and we started to make our way to homeroom (we are in the same homeroom and classes), however suddenly I felt hot tears coming to my eyes and I ran outside before anyone could see my weak side.

I cried and cried, I couldn't get that thought out of my head the thought of last night…


I was on the stairs reading my book and Logan was in his room listening to annoying loud music.

When suddenly my mum, who was on her phone chatting away to her boss with my dad with an eager face next to her, screamed yes that would be awesome thank you so much! Then she cut the line… and then I heard them say that we are going, we are going!

I was about to go ask her what was going on but then I stopped in my tracks when I heard her scream in joy we leave on the 4th February which is in 2 weeks time!

And that was the day of my birthday…mine and Logan's…how she could…she promised she wouldn't do this again she has missed 4 of our birthdays in a row…

I ran down stairs and came face to face with my parents

I screamed at them about why they would do that, do you not love us until my dad slapped me hard on the face.

My dad glared at me hard before telling me to shut up you rotten child, you will not tell Logan about this or else you understand!?

But I was too in shock to say anything, my dad had never raised a hand on me…never…

He slapped me again and my face turned to see my mum smirking at me.

I just looked back into the devils eyes and weakly nodded and walked off hearing them laugh at me

End of flashback

I sprinted into the girls toilets and wiped my tears away, and applied make up to that area again. Then walked into homeroom…luckily everyone was chatting away or on their phones so no-one noticed me.

I went to miss and told her I wasn't feeling well, she just marked me in and I looked at my friends and my brother knowing that I can't let the secret slip.

I just walked right to the back, sat on the window sill and listened to music while writing in my song/dance book-yep I have a song book I guess I have always been into music but never told anyone…and it is also my dance book-I choreograph.

Time ticked away…I looked at the bell to see 2 minute left I packed my things then looked at my time table

First period-Art

Second period-Music

Third period-Drama





Seventh- Music

I sighed and put my timetable back in my bag and as if right on cue the bell rand and I rushed away before my friends could see me.

I went into Art and sat right at the back in the corner, people piled in and seats next to me and in front of me were taken, I sighed in relief happy that I was away from them.

I was told that we are supposed to draw anything we wanted but we had to include tone to bring it to life. But I wasn't bothered so I just took out my song/dance book at wrote in there.

I occasionally saw my friends looking at me and glancing at me but I never made full eye contact for more that 5 seconds. They passed me notes asking whether I was okay but I just threw it in the bin behind me. And I occasionally got confused looks from them for doing so

I heavily sighed, I knew that it is going to be hard to ignore them…I am in some deep trouble…

Third and fourth period just continued like this- teachers didn't care about what we did, I sat alone, got notes from my friends and bro, until I had enough and I stormed out of the classroom with my bag to the cafeteria.

I was half way there, when I got pushed into my lockers (not too hard) and Logan, Garett, Deilia and Jasmine circled around me.

Jasmine looked at me but I just looked at my shoes as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

Jasmine shouted at me "Lindy what's wrong I thought we are your best friends why aren't you talking to us?"

Deilia that said"Lindy seriously, tell us don't you trust us?"

Garett looked at me sincerely "we tell each other everything, so why cant you tell us what's going on with you, we just want to help?"

Logan then spoke "Lindy you're my sister I know your upset please tell us what's wrong"

But nothing came out of me

Logan the shouted "Lindy! For fudge sakes say something!"

A tear trickled down my cheek

I looked up at them and said "excuse me" coldly and then pushed them to the side harshly and ran off…

I know not the best chapter but it's a chapter