Lindy's POV
I started to back away towards the door when suddenly the doctor started to talk, "Lindy I am honestly so sor-"I cut him off as soon as anger and pain rushed through me... "DON'T! JUST, LEAVE ME ALONE…WE BOTH KNOW YOUR NOT SORRY SO JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME I KNOW WHAT KIND OF MONSTER YOU ARE!" "Lindy I have changed!" He tried to reason with me but I could tell he was lying, "No one changes that quickly." He tried to get up to come closer to me to reason with me but I quickly grabbed onto a shocked Jack and ran out the door as fast as I could. I couldn't get very far and I knew he was following me now, I guess Jack noticed because he pulled me into a corridor and we both stayed there quietly while the doctor walked passed.
"Can we please just go?" He nodded. He put my arm over his shoulder and we walked out, but because we were walking too slowly because of me he picked me up and put me on his back.
Slowly we started to walk to the shops in silence. "Hey um… thank you for helping me get away from him even though you probably don't know what was happening." I said to him quietly. "Lindy I may not know you or what has happened and you may think of me as some cold hearted jerk, but clearly that guy did something big to make you like that and any guy would be an idiot to leave you in such a state." I was shocked at his words. "You're not going to make me tell you are you, or tell Logan what happened?" "I'm not going to do anything like that unless you want me to." He said while he put me don't slowly onto the ground as we had reached the entrance of the shop. His arms were still on my waist and mine were on his neck and we looked into each other's eyes for as second while I quickly hugged him. "Thank you." I whispered gently. "No problem." We pulled away and he wiped my sudden tears. "C'mon lets go inside." He put his arms around my waist and we slowly walked in… for some reason I felt kind of protected in his embrace, and that's something I hadn't felt in a long time.
Jasmines POV
I stared in shock at the phone ringing. Chad. "Logan what do I say…I don't what to stay I'm just going to make a fool of myself please." Logan snatched the phone out of my hand and answered it and as soon as he did I heard Chad screaming through the phone. "WHAT THE HELL JAZ I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AGES AND YOU STOOD ME UP! WHAT KIND OF GIRFRIEND DOES THAT?" I started the cry at the words, I knew it I wasn't worth his time… I just made myself seem like a horrible girlfriend in his eyes. I hate who I have become, I use to be kind of strong and confident and now all of that has changed… because of one guy, because of one mistake. I looked over at Logan who was staring at me with anger and hatred in his eyes… maybe I shouldn't have given him the phone. "LISTEN UP YOU IDIOT. SHE MOVED ON FROM A WORTHLESS ASS LIKE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A WASTE OF HER TIME. YOUR NOT WORTH HER HAPPINESS. SHE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY. SHE DOES NOT NEED TO BE THE GIRLFRIEND OF AN MISSED YOUR OPPURTUNITY OF BEING WITH SUCH AN AMAZING GIRL. A ONE OF A KIND. YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT FOR LETTING HER GO AND THINKING THAT ANY GIRL COULD COME CLOSE TO BEING LIKE HER." Who is this!? Where is Jasmine!"
I looked at Logan in shock at his words, suddenly a wave of courage washed over me. I snatched back my phone and looked at Logan. "That was my boyfriend you retard and in case you didn't realise … WE ARE DONE! SO BACK OFF AND LET ME LIVE MY LIFE! OKAY?" Instead of listening to his reply I quickly shut the phone off. "Did I really just say all of that, oh my god what is everyone going to say about me at school. Oh no what have I done… and I just brought you down with me and said your my boyfriend… oh my god I said your my boyfriend I am sososososo sorry!"
Logan chuckled a little bit, "Look its fine I mean it's all worth it. You can be happy now… you deserve to be happy, and we can fake date. We did it once before, so we can do it again… but for now let's go to my house well the house I am staying at and you can talk to Lindy because I'm guessing this is heading in a more girl talk direction." I smiled and replied with a simple okay. We started to walk towards his house when suddenly we ended up making a left into a massive mansion. "Umm… Logan you don't live here." Logan looked at me, "Oh right we didn't tell you what happened…basically-
Lindy's POV
"Okay so we have the bread … now what?" "Mom just texted me that we need to get a few more stuff." "Okay." Jack was walking with the trolley while I stood beside him, suddenly a trolley crashed into ours. "Jackie Poo what are you doing!" I looked at Jacks shocked and annoyed face while I tried to hold in my laugh. "Anna I'm serious I just don't like you like that. Sorry!" "There is no need to be shy Jackie… if you want you can come back to my place and we can get to know each other better." Jack looked really shocked and I could tell how much he wanted to get away. "Look Anna take a hint you're not worth it so stop trying and thinking that you are because you are only embarrassing yourself!" Once again Anna went red. "No one asked you blondie, god your so dumb!" I stifled a giggle and then looked at Anna "Sorry hun but have you realised yet you're a blonde as well… a fake one… everyone knows you bleached it.I guess the chemicals are affecting your brain, and omg is that bald spot right there…omg is that a zit on your nose … god how embarrassing Anna… do your parents know?"
Anna squeaked and tried to cover her hair and nose then ran off. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I started laughing. I looked over at Jack and he looked at me amused, I calmed myself down and looked at him "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He looked at me for a few seconds more and then said "nothing, nothing." I looked at him confused but then his gaze went over my shoulder and his face paled. "Hey, whats wrong?" "Nothing, look we got to go." "Jack wai-" He grabbed me by the arm and started to walk out the door with me with his face covered with his hand. What was going on?
Suddenly, he was yanked backwards with me with him. "Back off Ed you know Im out," Jack sneered at one of the guys. "Aww c'mon Jack don't be like this… I mean after all we could help protect your little friend over here.. shes quite a beauty … don't you think guys." I looked around uncomfortably then at Jack. "Don't you dare lay a finger on her." "Relax Jack.. don't you trust us." He covered his heart with his hand and gave a small pout with a hurt expression. "You know what we want Jack so don't mess around with us." The man, Ed, said seriously, and then looked at me, "and we wouldn't want someone as precious as her getting all caught up in this…would we now." He gave me a creepy smile then looked back at Jack. "Let the two go for now boys." I looked at all of them but kept a tight grip on Jacks arm as we walked out of the little huddle they had formed around us. "Don't think this is the end Jack. This is only the beginning, for you and your little friend." Jack just kept walking and tried to stay calm but I could tell easily that one more word from them and he would blow.
We kept walking, well he was I was limping in pain but tried not to show it seeing as how he was still angry. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. Should I calm him down… should I ask him what happened… should I help him or let him be? How can I help him when I myself am confused? Why can't everything just be normal? I tried opening my mouth and say something to break the tension but the words just won't come out. What do you even say at a time like this?
Suddenly, I was knocked out of my train of thoughts (once again) when clumsy Lindy decided to strike again. My foot got slightly bent in an awkward way in the crack of a pavement causing pain to shoot up my leg. I tried to hold in my scream of pain, but instead managed to let out a quiet whimper while tears started to flood my eyes. And I thought that this pain couldn't get worse. Great just great. Im guessing angry Brewer heard my whimper because he looked around at me with a confused and shocked expression. I tried to make it look like I was fine and tried to stand on two feet by myself but I couldn't even last a second without pain shooting up and down my leg, and my legs were going to give in when he caught me and lifted me up, and started to carry me on his back. We had almost reached the street when instead of turning right he turned left, and walked up to the first house on the road. Before he even knocked a middle aged man opened the door wearing a smart suit, and looked as if he was about to leave the house but then shock took over when he saw Jack. "Jack Brewer…" he whispered. "Look, I'm guessing you need to go somewhere but I really need your help." "I'm sorry I got to go somewhere," the man replied. Jack stood in his way "Please Charlie." "You owe me a job Brewer." Jack smiled then he then walked over to the couch in the normal, standard, clean home, and carefully laid me onto it. He gave me a quick smile before the man whose name is Charlie walked over with some medical equipment and started to look at my ankle. After a few minutes, he looked over at me and Jack "So far it looks kind of bad but to make sure I'm going to have to get an x-ray done. I have to be somewhere right now but come by my office at the hospital around lunch and I will get an x-ray done for you. For now all I can recommend is some ice and light pain killers." I gave him a slight nod. " I will grab the light pain killers you can use just stay here and relax while I go get them." He walked off but then when I saw he was about to come back Jack grabbed his arm and slightly pulled him back. They started to whisper and for once second they glanced at me and started talking again. What's going on?
After a few minutes they walked back over and acted as if that rough conversation didn't happen. "Okay so take this one right now with some water, and then you take these two home. Take this one 3 times a day (one after breakfast, one after lunch and one after dinner) and then take this one before you go to sleep. These will only work temporarily and help ease of the pain but I will have to get an x-ray done to make sure you haven't broken anything. For now you should make sure you have someone to take care of you and try not to strain your ankle… it is better if you stay sat down." "Thank you." I quickly ate the medicine while Charlie started to whisper something to Jack and I saw anger rush through his body just like when he met those creepy people, but this time the anger went as quick as it came. "Thanks Charlie we will see you tomorrow." He gave us a smile and a nod and walked us out of the house.
Logan's POV
I don't know how I am keeping calm. As much as I want to hurt Jasmine's ex I would still rather be with her right now. I don't want to sound selfish but it's feels good to have Jasmine back rather than her being with the annoying guy who is now her ex all the time. Every time I see Jaz kind of upset or unconformable I feel the sudden urge to want to protect her and make her smile, make her happy. She makes me feel like I can instantly trust her and open up to her. I'm not going to lie it was pretty fun fake dating her, and now we get to do it again which is actually pretty coo- oh no! How am I supposed to fake date Jasmine when I already have a girlfriend…I really should have thought this through.
Jasmines POV
Wow I can't believe so much has already happened. I broke up with my boyfriend, and I just found out that Logan and Lindy had to move house. I wonder how Lindy is taken all of this in. To be honest as much as I love my girl talks with Lindy and Delia and eat ice cream and watch movies I'm kind of glad I found Logan instead.I trust him. Even though I may have kind of missed one part out of how I found my boyfriend cheating on me. The one thing which I know would probably break Logan's heart. I can't risk him finding out. I can't risk anyone telling him. As much as I want to tell someone… I can't risk it.
Lindy's POV
Jack carried me in silence down the street and once we reached the house we saw Logan and Jasmine about to walk into the house. "Jasmine?" She turned around and ran up to me and hugged me. While Jack walked over to Logan and they watched us. "Logan told me everything about you moving house, are you okay?" Jasmine started to say. My eyes widened in shock and looked over Jasmines shoulder towards Logan standing with Jack. "Everything?" I mouthed to him. "Don't worry not everything." He mouthed back and I sighed in relief while Jack looked at me confused. I can't handle people sympathising with me. It's the last thing I want. I need to get my thoughts straight first. I can't get my 'parents' words out of my head. I can't get help when people don't even know what I am going through. I'm not the type to open up ever since that incident. "Yeah Jasmine I'm fine, but what happened to you." Logan spoke up, "Her so called boyfriend cheated on her." "Oh Jaz I'm sorry, hey how about we invite Delia over and have our girls night." "We can't she said that she had to visit her grandparents." "Okay then we can always just have our own together and maybe skype Delia later." She nodded and we looked over to Logan and Jack, "yeah fine." We both smiled and started to walk in. "You can wear some of my clothes … which I never unpacked or got." Logan looked at my ankle and then at me. "Sorry Lindz but as much as you hate feeling like a damsel in distress you are not going to carry all your clothes over here. Me and Jack will go get the stuff and you lot can go inside." "Stupid ankle." I muttered while Jaz helped me inside.
After half an hour Jack and Logan had finally brought over all of his and my things and put them in our rooms. I told Jasmine to pick out what she wanted to wear and to have a quick shower. "Thanks guys." Logan and Jack walked over to me and sat on the sofa. Logan sat next to me while Jack sat opposite us. "Lindy I thought you were supposed to get some groceries and most importantly get your ankle fixed." My face paled and Jack looked over at me and quickly spoke up, "We did, and they gave us some instructions for what we have to do and to go to the hospital tomorrow for an x-ray." "What about the groceries?" "I felt really sick and wanted to go home as quick as possible." Brewer lied for me and so I lied for him.
Logan looked at both of us and just said okay. "Lindy are you ever going to tell me what's really wrong. If you don't tell anyone you're seriously just making it worse. Please just tell me. Don't close yourself off to everyone. We are here for yo-" "I'm seriously fine Logan." I know all he wanted to do was help but I didn't need anyone wasting their time on me. I know I wasn't worth it. I know that no one would understand. Jack watched us slightly confused but decided to not say anything. I could tell that they both knew something was wrong but they both decided not say anything further. Before they could question me again I got up and started to limp away. "Lindy your supposed to be resting!" Jack said to me. "Yeah well I'm also supposed to eat, so I'm going to get some food first." I made into the kitchen and started to look around when I saw Brewer leaning against the doorway looking at me curiously. "Why are you staring at me like that…" "Why did you take the heat for me?" "Simple you lied for me and I lied for you." "I appreciate it but I don't need protection from anyone." "Gee wow do you practice being a cocky ass or does it come naturally?" "Look you don't know what your getting yourself into so you might as well just back away now and that shouldn't be hard because its not like we are friends." Wow I would thought that after going through a day like that with him today we would have been friends on some level. "Yeah your right we are not friends and relax I'm not getting into your life or anything so you can calm down already. You don't know anything about me and I know anything about you. Unfortunately, I know a little something about you and you know a little something about me because of today but we are just going to pretend that it never happened. Anyway's what's with the sudden mood swing… just about five minutes ago you were helping me which I by the way did not need?" I was now fuming and I could tell he was sort of angry as well. "I just remembered that I'm not the type to be tied down to one girl and didn't want you to think that I was leading you on or anything. Dumb blondes like you are really good at naturally being stupid," he said menacingly. Anger and shocked rushed through me, but then the memories of my parents rushed through my mind. I am looked like that in everyone's eyes? I didn't want to look weak in front of him so I held in my tears and looked him straight in the eyes. "Once a screwed up player, always a screwed up player." An with that last word I limped away quickly out of the doorway opposite him and went upstairs.
As I was walking upstairs I saw Logan sitting in the living room with headphones in his ears nodding to the music. I was about to go downstairs with a sudden urge to tell him what just happened but I decided against it. I couldn't tell him what just happened. He finally seemed happy. I couldn't ruin that for him. I went upstairs and I looked at my new room. I hadn't actually been in here yet I just know where it is because Miss Brewer told me.I wiped my sudden tears and put a smile on my face and walked inside.
The room was massive, and gorgeous. There was a beautiful king sized bed with clean white bed sheet, the was a clean polished floor and cream carpet underneath the bed. Surrounding the room was windows with one that opened which led out to a balcony with a mesmerising view of the city. Opposite the bed was a tv and next to it on each side was one door. On the right I had my own bathroom, and on the left there was-"AHHHHHHHH" My eyes widened at the sudden scream and Jasmine came rushing out of the room on the left. "Jaz what's wrong!?" "Whats wrong? Whats wrong is that you you're your own massive walk-in-closet before me!" "No way!" I exclaimed. Jasmine nodded eagerly and grabbed my hand and then pulled me towards the closet. I walked in and gasped in shock. It was almost as big as my room. It had clothes on each side and right at the back was all the shoes. There was a remote control to control the lights, and to open draws or to rotate my clothes and shoes. In the middle was a large space with a few small sofas to sit down on. "Oh right yeah I organised your closet. You're welcome." I looked at jasmine with a smile and said "thanks." search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=843&q=luxurious+blue+room&oq=luxurious+blue+room&gs_l=img.3...1629.5046.0.5...0...1ac.1. ..4.15. 8a1gto#tbm=isch&q=blue+bedroom+in+mansion&imgrc=x8wRT7t2LphCbM%3A (-link to bedroom, it's the fourth image on first row)
10 minutes later
We were supposed to get on with the sleepover and do an all-nighter without sleeping but as soon as we came out of the closet Jasmine looked really tired and eventually fell asleep on my I was dead bored. Logan said that he would go to the store to get some bread and whatever from the store and would be back soon, so now I have no one to talk to. Great. Seeing as I was in a new house I decided to the liberty of exploring the house.
I started to limp down the corridors when after 2 rooms I heard Brewer shouting on his phone … Im guessing it is Charlie seeing as how he said his name and has mentioned this afternoon (when I went to Charlies house). I started to peer into the room and slowly pushed the door open a little bit hoping that I could hear more clearly. "What are you serious Charlie… you have got to be kidding me!" "No no Charl-" He sighed, "Charlie just listen. I can't put her into this even more, Lindy would be in a lot of danger. I couldn't risk it."
Danger… what kind of danger? This is definitely not the end of this. Big mistake leaving your door open Brewer… I'm definitely going to get to the bottom of this. This is not the end.
I know it has been ages and this story may seem like forgotten but I am trying and Im not going to give up on this story. I hope you all liked this story and please make sure you review
I will start to include more JOGAN so don't worry!
Please don't forget to give me your honest opinions and any suggestions and ideas you may have.