Jack woke up in bed with a throbbing headache. He felt the sun streaming through the windows and moved his hands to shield his eyes.
"It's too damn bright," he mumbled to himself. He turned to face away from the sunlight and snuggled into his pillow.
That's strange, he thought to himself. My pillow doesn't usually smell like peppermint perfume…
Jack's eyes jerked open and he sat up suddenly. "This isn't my bed," he said out loud.
"No, it's mine," said a female voice from the corner. "It's about time you woke up sleeping beauty."
"Elsa!" Jack exclaimed. "What am I doing here?!"
She looked at him with a hint of amusement in her blue eyes, "you mean you don't remember?"
As she said this, Jack looked at her quizzically and shuddered. Wait why am I cold? He looked down to see that he was completely naked. His brown, khaki pants were carelessly thrown into a corner along with his staff. Where's my sweater? Jack thought to himself as he looked around the room and paused as his eyes gazed over at the ice queen idly reading a book in the corner.
She was wearing his blue sweater which only came down to her thighs, and to his embarrassment she seemed to be wearing nothing underneath his sweater. Her long, smooth legs were crossed and propped against a table next to the chair she was lounging in. Jack tried his best to avert his eye as he felt his face grow warm; he had never seen her expose so much skin. She set her book down and looked straight at him. Realizing once more that he was naked, Jack scrambled to shield his body with a blanket.
She stretched her arms, got out of the chair, and let herself sit at the foot of her bed. Jack felt very self-conscious and continued to hide behind her blanket; he took a quick peek at her. Her platinum blonde hair was tied in a messy French braid to the side, his favorite hair style on her. She was twirling the ends of her hair around her finger as she continued to stare at him. She bit the bottom of her lip and batted her eyelashes flirtatiously as she waited for a response from him.
What is she doing? Is she waiting for me to say something? Jack thought frantically to himself. What would a person say in this situation?
"Y-you look good in my sweater."
He mentally hit himself as the corners of her mouth twitched upward. She got up and excused herself to go to the bathroom, allowing Jack a few minutes to organize his thoughts.
Okay, I'm in Elsa's room…but how did I get here? He thought for a moment as bits and pieces of memories of the night before replayed in his mind. Last night…there was a party! And everyone was there…there was lots of laughing and lots of drinking…how much did I drink?
Before he could remember anything else Jack felt something hit his face, it was his sweater. Elsa had stepped out of the bathroom and changed into her crystal blue dress with the white snowflakes delicately woven into it, another one of his favorite looks on her.
"I think that belongs to you."
"Thanks," Jack mumbled as he tried his best to avoid her gaze.
"I'm going to get something to eat, want anything?" she asked. He shook his head still not looking at her eyes.
She chuckled and as she was exiting the room she stopped and turned around. "Jack?"
"Y-yes?" he stuttered, finally looking at her.
"Last night was fun," she winked at him causing his face to turn red as she stepped out of the door.
What exactly happened last night?
Jack hurriedly put on all his clothes, grabbed his staff, and stumbled out of the room. His head was pounding even more as he tried his best to remember the events of last night. What happened between him and Elsa? He blushed as the image of her in his sweater popped into his mind. This was no time to be thinking about how attractive she looked, he needed to find answers right away. So far he could only remember a few details: there was a party last night.
It was the day after Christmas, and the queen had invited the other guardians to come visit her and Anna in Arendelle. North, who had just finished delivering presents the night before, enthusiastically agreed stating that he needed a much deserved break. The other guardians were excited as well, curious to find out more about the girl who had managed to capture Jack Frost's heart.
They knew about his frequent trips to visit the queen of Arendelle for the past few months and questioned him about it countless times. He merely shrugged his shoulder and said that he heard of a person that possessed ice powers and wanted to see who that person was. To his surprise, he met Elsa and was immediately infatuated with her.
Words could not express how beautiful she was to him. Her pale ivory skin, her pink lips, everything about her made Jack's heart flutter; but it was her eyes that Jack was drawn to the most. Whenever their eyes met, his mind would go blank and he always found himself with the inability to say coherent words. Her eyes were the type of blue that he could never find the right words to describe; all he knew was that he never wanted to stop looking into them.
It was obvious from the way Jack spoke that he thought of her as more than just a person with similar powers to him. And so when the others received an invitation to come visit her castle, they jumped at the opportunity and immediately got on North's sleigh to head to Arendelle.
They all had arrived later that night after hours of travel and were immediately welcomed with warm greetings from both sisters. After a few minutes of introductions and a short tour of the castle, they moved into one of the larger study rooms and began the festivities. Jack rubbed his head, frustrated that was all that he could remember. He continued to walk down the hallway when he spotted Anna up ahead. "Anna!" she turned around and waved at him.
"Jack! What's up?"
"I need your help," he said, she nodded her head. "Can you tell me what happen last night? Did I do anything stupid?"
She paused for a moment and then started to giggle, making Jack nervous. "Let's say you were very…affectionate last night."