A/N: this is just a quick one-shot i threw together while i was board at work
It was July 31, 1998 a mere 91 days after Harry potter the boy who lived killed the darkest wizard in recorded history. Harry was currently residing in the rebuilt number 12 Grimmauld place. When harry had company or at Auror Training he put on what he called his 'I'm fine' mask but when he was alone he was barely holding it together. Flashbacks and nightmares plagued him and the memory's of those who have died tormented him. Fred, Tonks, Dobby, Professor Lupin, Sirius and many others were dead. Had Harry gone to a muggle psychologist he would have been diagnosed with severe PTSD.
Harry was deep in thought when the doorbell rang. He half expected the portrait of Sirius's Mum to start screaming but he then remembered that it had been destroyed when the death eaters destroyed the house.
When he answered the door he saw his Auror training officer Dawlish, and Ron waiting impatiently. Before he could ask what was going on. Dawlish said "No time to talk we need to get to the Borough" with a hint of fear in his gut, and wishing Hermione had decided to join the Aurors as well Harry, Ron and Dawlish disapparated away wand in hand.
They arrived ten yards from the front door, they could see all the lights were out inside. Dawlish told harry to take point while the other two followed closely behind. When harry opened the door the lights flipped on and there was a shout of 'Surprise!' Harry flashed back to the battle of Hogwarts with the shouting of spells and flashes of light. Harry quickly dropped in to a defensive crouch and fired three stunners and a reducter Curse followed by a shield charm in the span of three seconds.
When the smoke cleared, Harry saw multiple bodies on the ground some obviously dead while the remnants of a banner that said 'happy 18th birthday' hung from the ceiling. Seeing the destruction he had caused and the deaths of his friends harry put his wand against his head and said the spell that should have taken his life over 16 years ago Avada Kedavra!, the boy who lived was no more.