A/N: I was impressed by the number of reviews enthusiastic about this idea! So, as a reward for your positive feedback I'm updating this story much sooner than I originally planned. Enjoy!
Chapter Two: The Hyuga Household
The walk back to the Hyuga household was a joyous one. The normally stoic clan was abound with cheers and shouts. Hinata couldn't help but steal glances at her cousin so recently returned to life. She didn't know where Sakura had learned that technique, but she was grateful! Part of her was jealous about the other kunoichi's casual relationship with Naruto, but then Sakura was amazing in the battle. She had a little bit of a crush on the Hokage's apprentice herself now. She was glad that she could call them both her friends.
She held Naruto's hand! If she'd not been grieving over Neji's loss she might have found the experience the best of her life. Naruto Uzumaki had held her hand and fought alongside her. He found her worthy to fight at his side! After years of being told she was a worthless disappointment by her father, that praise from the likes of Naruto was almost more than she could bear! He didn't consider her a burden, but a shinobi to count on.
"What do you think father intends to do?" Hanabi, her little sister and their father's favorite whispered at her side.
Hinata glanced down, her younger sister was still several centimeters shorter than Hinata's 160cm. It was strange to see her overly confident sister so sullen and worried. The war was over and now the heiress was worried? It made little sense, except that Hanabi hadn't been able to contribute much in the battle. The talk amongst the clan as they made their way back to their household in the village had been high praise for Neji and Hinata. There was no mention of Hinabi. Surely, their father Hiashi had noticed. Unfortunately for Hanabi, she might soon be in that unfamiliar position of not being in their father's favor.
"I believe he is overjoyed at cousin Neji being returned to us, as am I," Hinata answered quietly. "He is the best of us and we lost him. Had it not been for the miracle Sakura performed he would be gone from us now."
"Do you think he intends to adopt him?" Hanabi asked, her voice laced with worry.
In Hinata's opinion that would be the most appropriate option. Over the years since she and Neji had first faced off against each other in the Chunin Promotion Exam they had worked with one another in their free time perfecting their techniques. Her father had written Hinata off as useless, but Neji took the time to teach and found her quiet, humble personality a strength. A man as patient, intelligent, and self-sacrificing as Neji could be the one to lead their clan into the future.
"I think Neji deserves the respect he's earned," Hinata said. She didn't have any comforting words to reassure Hinabi of her status as heir, but she didn't think her vain, selfish sister was the best choice for the clan. Since the death of Neji's father Hizashi there had been a great deal of unrest within the clan among the branch members. Many wondered how being born one minute earlier than the other gave Hiashi the right to be their ruler. The talk grew when it became clear that it was Hizashi's son and not Hiashi's daughters that were the pride of the Hyuga clan.
Once they were safely within the walls of the Hyuga compound and there were no outsiders to eavesdrop Hiashi made an announcement. He had his arm wrapped proudly across Neji's shoulders. "Tonight we shall feast in celebration of my officially adopting my brother Hizashi's son as my own. This is an action long overdue and had it not been for the brush with death from today's battle it was a wrong that could never be righted."
"Huzzah!" The branch members cheered with their fists in the air and their voices ringing in their joy. "The prodigy of the Hyuga clan!" others shouted. "To the new heir!"
Hinata could hear Hanabi's breath hitch at the last shout. She looked down at her sister intent to say something encouraging when the younger girl took off at a run for their house. There were tears streaming down her cheeks. Hinata wasn't surprised that her father would make this announcement publicly without considering the effect it would have on his favored daughter. Hinata looked back toward her father and locked eyes with Neji. His expression was grim. He knew what his being adopted meant. He was to be the heir of the clan.
She had been unable to find Hinabi before the celebration. Her younger sister didn't attend the feast, a fact that greatly displeased their father. He had his wife, Tomoe, on his left side at the head of the table, and Neji at his right with Hinata next to Neji. The space on Tomoe's other side was left empty for Hinabi.
"Where is your sister?" Hiashi hissed at Hinata once the voices of the gathered clan grew to help his words remain unheard by most.
"I am unsure, father," Hinata said. She looked across the table at her mother, but she merely stared down at her plate. As usual, her mother was a silent ghost to be seen at her father's side, but not heard. "Perhaps she was upset."
"Upset about what? I raised her to not let her emotions interfere with her duty," Hiashi growled in annoyance. He stabbed his steak with his chopsticks rather forcefully accentuating his anger.
"I imagine she didn't want to embarrass you with her tears. You gave her no warning that you intended to change my status within the clan and strip her of hers," Neji answered quietly. He sipped from his tea cup casually. His expression was of absolute calmness. Hinata was proud that he was so capable of speaking frankly to her father.
"If she had any sense in that pretty little head of hers she'd have realized that I had no choice. The way you and Hinata fought in the war will be the subject of bards and songs for generations! She contributed nothing to the fight," Hiashi said. He shoved the steak into his mouth and chewed with angry twitches of the muscle in his cheek.
"She was too young to be able to contribute," Neji argued.
"Kakashi Hatake was a chunin as the age of six and Anbu at the age of twelve. Youth has nothing to do with skill," Hiashi argued.
Hinata wanted to argue. Age had everything to do with skill. It took time to improve one's skills. Not everyone was a prodigy.
"You," Hiashi said pointing his chopstick at Hinata.
She swallowed thickly and forced the flush of her cheeks to stay down. She didn't need to react when her father addressed her directly. She stood at Naruto's side in battle that day. She shouldn't be afraid of her father. "Yes, father?"
"Tell me about that Uzumaki boy. Did you know he was the son of the fourth Hokage?" Hiashi asked.
"I didn't realize his father was the Yondaime Hokage," Hinata started. "I just knew that Naruto had an inner confidence that didn't always match his skills. He was determined and because of that determination he became a great and powerful shinobi," Hinata said. Her fear in front of her father vanished when she spoke of Naruto.
"And he fancies you?" Hiashi pressed.
What did he mean by that? "We're friends," Hinata answered cautiously.
"He wants to know if there's a chance the two of you might be in a relationship," Neji clarified. "A possible marriage union, am I right, uncle?"
"It is father now," Hiashi corrected. Neji's lips thinned, but he didn't argue. "I would approve of such a courtship," Hiashi said. "He has impressive lineage, his father was Minato Namikaze. No doubt the title of Hokage will be in his future. I will send a request for his presence here so that he might court you, if you have no objections."
Her father was approving a courtship between Naruto and herself! The flush she fought earlier came full force. It took all her willpower not to faint at the overwhelming emotions. What would Naruto think about the situation? Wasn't he still in love with his teammate, Sakura? "I have no objections to Naruto. He is my friend and I respect him absolutely."
"Is that your intention, father?" Neji asked, stresse the last word. "You wish to strengthen the Hyuga clan by arranging a marriage between your eldest daughter and the hero of Konoha?"
Hiashi set his chopsticks down and wiped his mouth with his linen napkin. He set it down and then faced Neji directly. "That is exactly my intention. The Hyuga clan is weakening and that's because we've not allowed any new blood. I am proud of Hinata's actions and I wish to reward her with a marriage opportunity that I believe will be advantageous to all parties. Uzumaki is an orphan, but he can be part of the greatest of the noble clans."
"Father, I believe Naruto loves another," Hinata said quietly.
"Who?" Hiashi asked.
"Sakura Haruno, the one that brought Neji back to life," Hinata said. She bit down on her inner lip to keep her emotions in check. She didn't want to steal Naruto's happiness from him due to her own selfish feelings.
"The Godaime Hokage's apprentice?" Hiashi clarified.
Hinata nodded.
"Neji, you've been on missions with Haruno before. What are your impressions?" Hiashi asked him.
Neji glanced toward Hinata, trying to gage his words carefully. "She is a capable kunoichi. Every mission we were party to together was successful. Her talents and skills have improved dramatically over the past five years just as Naruto's have improved. I would honestly say she's the strongest kunoichi after Lady Tsunade," Neji admitted. "And she scored perfect on the aptitude test of the Chunin Exams both times that she took them. She participated with Team Gai after her teammates left the village the time when we all passed the exam together. She is very intelligent."
"I see," Hiashi said. He drummed his fingers across the tabletop thoughtfully.
"She's also in love with Sasuke Uchiha. Not Naruto Uzumaki. I believe she would be supportive of a relationship between Hinata and Naruto," Neji added.
Hiashi's eyes widened at Neji's explanation. "Does the Uchiha return her affections?"
Hinata glanced toward her mother. Tomoe was no longer staring at her plate, but watching her husband closely.
Did this feast suddenly turn into her father arranging marriages and unions? There was no more war in the near future so it was time to think about the next generation. Her mother looked in her direction and they locked lavender eyes. Tomoe nodded slightly, confirming Hinata's suspicions. Her mother warned her at her sixteenth birthday that past December when she turned seventeen her father would start considering marriage for her. Her birthday was only a few months away.
"He seemed possessive of her in the little interaction I saw between them when she brought me back to life," Neji confessed.
"I see," Hiashi said. He gestured toward their mostly full plates. "Eat, drink, and be satisfied we were victorious in today's battle and not living under Madara Uchiha's thumb." He pushed away from the table. "I will speak with Hanabi."
After her father left, Hinata turned to her mother. She might actually speak now that her husband was absent. "Mother, does father know where Hanabi might be? I looked for her unsuccessfully earlier."
"She would most likely be in your father's private dojo. It's where she goes when she is upset," Tomoe answered. Hinata had never been allowed in her father's private dojo so she didn't know where it was. "Would you be acceptable to a union with this Naruto?"
Would her mother object for her if she wasn't? Hinata realized that she would. Tomoe Hyuga had been silent for years, but if she felt Hinata would be unhappy with her possible future husband she would speak out for her regardless of the consequences. "I would find it very acceptable."
"She has had a crush on the idiot since she was five," Neji pointed out with a slight teasing smile. He reached up and rubbed his forehead, where his cursed tattoo once resided. "She used to pass out unconscious whenever he said anything to her."
"Congratulations, Neji," Tomoe said. "The responsibilities of Head of the Clan are often draining, but I agree with Hiashi's assessment that you will be able to lead us into the future. And you too, Hinata, I am so proud of you both."
Hinata didn't know what to say, so she said nothing and focused on finishing her meal.
Neji stared up at the ceiling in his bedroom. After his official adoption his belongings had been transferred into the main house of the clan. He didn't own many possessions, so it didn't take long. His mind raced and while he knew it was late and that he should sleep, he simply couldn't relax. His near-death experience had energized him in ways that made him worried that his years spent with Gai and Lee had finally rubbed off. He didn't have an urge to walk the perimeter wall on his hands, but he certainly didn't think sleep was a viable option. The clan feast a few hours earlier had destroyed his identity. Now he was the heir. The future of the clan would be his responsibility.
He pushed aside his bed covers and headed outside. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the Hyuga household in a bath of pale light. He could see his cousin Hinata was having similar insomnia troubles. She sat on the porch outside of her room swinging her feet absently and stared out at the jasmine garden in the middle of the yard. She looked over towards him and waved him over to join her. Neji crossed the distance silently, his slippered feet not making a sound against the pebbled path that connected their rooms. He sat beside her on the porch.
"So, big brother, I suppose it is official," Hinata said with a shy smile. She turned to look at him directly, and her lavender eyes were bright with pride. "The prodigy of the Hyugas' has his rightful place as heir."
Neji wasn't sure that he agreed with that. He had no desire to be the future clan leader, but if that was his fate he would make the best of it. However, did fate really exist? He'd learned from Naruto that there was no set fate. Was his fate to die during the Fourth Ninja War? What was his fate now that he'd been brought back to life? "I am grateful to be alive," Neji said simply.
"You are being humble," Hinata said. She pushed him gently in the arm. It was nice to see her quiet confidence grow through the years.
Neji didn't respond. He wasn't being humble. He tried to keep his life simple. His priorities were to protect his cousin Hinata whom he both loved and respected, protect Naruto because he was the hope of the future, and complete his missions successfully because it would protect the village and the people within. Maybe now that an era of peace might be on the horizon he would need to find new priorities.
"Lee and Tenten left a message to see if you wanted to spar with them in the morning," Hinata said.
He owed it to Lee to continue their rivalry. His teammates were high-spirited, but they balanced his more dour personality. "I haven't received such a message," Neji said. Normally, his messages would have been delivered to him promptly. Even when he was a member of the Branch Family he was well-respected by his clansmen.
"Father has other plans for tomorrow morning," Hinata said.
Was this what it would mean to be the adopted son of Hiashi? Was there even less freedom for the Head Family when compared to the Branch families? "Do you know what these plans might be?"
"He's asking permission from the Hokage for Naruto and Sakura to stay here for a while," Hinata said. She tapped her index fingers together, a nervous habit that persisted even as she matured. It was known to their group of friends that Hinata had strong feelings for Naruto. It was also known that the loud-mouthed fate-challenger had strong feelings for Sakura. What would it mean having both of them here?
"For what purpose?" Neji asked. He was grateful to both Sakura and Naruto. He knew that they were the two behind his resurrection. Personally, he thought that Hinata's worry that Sakura would fall in love with Naruto were unjustified. The two were akin to siblings in their devotion to one another. Sakura would probably always love the traitorous Sasuke Uchiha. Lee was especially devastated when he realized he had no chance to gain Sakura's affections after the time she'd been an unofficial member of Team Gai. Their sensei took it upon himself to adopt Kakashi's student for the Chunin Exams when Sakura's teammates left the village and Kakashi had been assigned several S class missions. If his rival couldn't be the proper teacher to his little Sakura then Gai would take it upon himself to ensure she had the best opportunities during Kakashi's absence. Sakura was eager to practice Taijutsu with Lee, much to Neji's relief. She and Tenten had gotten along well. He and Sakura were cordial, but he'd once heard her tell Tenten that he reminded her too much of Sasuke.
Hinata's cheeks flamed red in embarrassment. "Father is hoping to encourage a marriage between Naruto and myself," she whispered.
He remembered that from the conversation at dinner. "Okay, so why Sakura?" Neji asked. Was she supposed to help knock sense into Naruto? That was logical. She was often the one to knock sense into the jinchurki with physical brutality.
"Father says it is so that she can train the medics of our clan," Hinata said.
Neji's eyes narrowed. Any capable mid-level medic could train the basics to other ninja. Why would Hiashi request Sakura specifically? She had better things to do than train people in the basics of medicine. She was the best surgeon aside from Lady Tsunade herself and a capable fighter. "That cannot be his true purpose," Neji reasoned.
Hinata shook her head. "No, Neji, it's not. Father has adopted you and named you as heir to the clan. There are responsibilities with that role."
"What exactly are you saying?" Neji asked. He had a strong suspicion that he already knew what his uncle's intentions might be.
"Father is hoping to encourage a marriage between you," she said quietly. "When he saw how she brought you back to life, his decision was forged. Then you solidified it when you listed Sakura's assets. He cannot risk Konoha's most promising kunoichi becoming the matriarch to the Uchiha clan."
Neji huffed a breath of annoyance. So now his uncle wanted him to enter an arranged marriage with a friend so that he could keep her away from the man she truly loved? That was cruel even for him. "How long will they be here?"
"As long as it takes to attain what he wants, big brother," Hinata said with a sigh.
Neji leaned against the post on the porch and stared out at the night sky. He found freedom in death, but now would he be trapped by the politics of the Head Family? Perhaps serving as a branch member wasn't such a bad fate. It wasn't that he particularly minded Sakura. He did think that Naruto and Hinata made a fine couple. However, he had never thought about Sakura in a romantic way. Even if he had considered it when she was on his team temporarily any such affinity was squashed under Lee's enthusiasm. Lee thought the world of Sakura after her encouragement when he was healing after his extensive surgery following the failed attempt to return Sasuke to the village. She was pretty, smart, determined, and strong. He respected her. There were certainly worse options, but he'd always thought he might end up with his teammate Tenten or in some arranged marriage with a distant cousin.
He pushed himself away from the porch.
"What are you doing?" Hinata asked.
Neji held his hand out to her in invitation. "Let's go spar. I don't want to just sit here staring at the sky. Let's see how you've improved."
Hinata nodded eagerly, accepted his help, and followed him to the clearing just outside of the gardens.
Neji waited in ready stance and Hinata mirrored his position. They began to exchange blows with their gentle fist technique blocking and evading one another's attacks. Hinata had improved greatly. "I believe I will go to meet with Team Gai in the morning. I would like to spar with them. I can be back before Naruto and Sakura arrive."
Hinata bit down on her lip and missed a block. Neji sealed off the chakra in her left arm. She shook her arm to help with the numb feeling. "I don't think that's a good idea. Father will be very displeased. You didn't see how he reacted when he thought you were dead."
Neji ducked and twirled and evaded a particularly well-placed move of Hinata's. "They are my teammates," he argued. "Eventually, I'll need to resume missions." Neji backed away from Hinata and turned in the direction of an angry chi. He could detect the familiar chakra network of the clan leader.
"What are you two doing out of bed? It's the middle of the night," Hiashi said. He stalked near them, his body rigid in anger. "Are you trying to fall ill?"
Neji shrugged. "I thought you called for an elite medic to maintain the health of the Hyugas," he said.
"The Hokage's apprentice will be here in the morning. Her duties will be to attend to the health of the Head Family — which now includes you, Neji. She will also ensure that our medic ninjas are properly trained. That is no excuse for you to wear out your body when you were so gravely injured," Hiashi scolded.
"I'm fine. Sakura healed my wounds," Neji said. He stepped back from the clan leader out of habit. "Why was I not told of the message from my teammates?"
"You will be unable to join them. There was no need to bother you," Hiashi said.
"I will be joining them. I wish to spar with my teammates," Neji argued. From the corner of his eye he could see Hinata nervously wringing her hands together watching the confrontation between him and her father.
"You are now my adopted son. You are the heir to the Hyuga Clan. You are too important to trust you life to mere chunin," Hiashi said.
"They've been my teammates for years. It was never a problem before," Neji pointed out. He stood at his full height and was pleased to see that he was just as tall as his uncle now.
Hiashi looked Neji directly in the eyes. "And you died and they were unable to do anything about it." Neji opened his mouth to argue, to say that it wasn't a mission that resulted in his death, but war. "However, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki kept you alive as well as so many other ninjas. That is why they will be our honored guests and you will be here to grant them the honor they have earned."
"Are you going to keep me closeted away here? I'm a shinobi of the Leaf. I have a duty to not only this clan but to Konoha in general," Neji said.
"You may be allowed to participate on missions with teammates of like rankings. You are a jounin. I also will make the added stipulation that Haruno will be on any missions you undertake. I trust her skills to keep you alive. Or of course, the Hokage herself."
"Is that your motive? Or are you trying to create the potential for romance so that the Uchiha won't have her?" Neji asked. "And besides, she's a chunin. You are already contradicting yourself."
"She's been promoted by the Hokage for her efforts in the war. It's the middle of the night. I suggest you both return to your rooms and sleep," Hiashi said evading the question regarding the Uchiha. He turned his back on the two and started returning toward the main house. "Romance has nothing to do with it," he called over his shoulder. His lavender eyes locked with both Hinata and Neji's eyes.
"Good night, Neji," Hinata whispered.
Neji grit his teeth in annoyance with his uncle. If he was to be heir at least he could change things one day. "Don't let him get to you. You're going to make Naruto fall in love with you. How will he be able to resist?" He reached out and squeezed Hinata's shoulder in a brief sign of affection.
Hinata smiled shyly at him. "Thank you, Neji."
Neji made his way back to his bedroom. His position within the Hyuga clan was so different since he'd been brought back. He felt more trapped now, than he did as a servant to the main family. He wasn't allowed to fight alongside his old teammates. His uncle was forcing him to spend time with a female in an attempt to solicit a union. There was nothing wrong with Sakura, but she and Neji were friends. He'd been on missions with her, Naruto, and Lee before. They'd always been successful, but she spent most of the time in the background as quiet support. He couldn't quite wrap his mind around her having been responsible for the destruction of a third of Madara's Zetsu clone army.
He closed his eyes, but he wasn't able to shut his mind off. He wondered if it would have been better had he been allowed to stay dead. He thought about Hinata and how she would have struggled to survive her father's tyranny without his support. He was alive for a reason; he'd just have to accept that. He wondered what Naruto and Sakura thought about the sudden attention paid to them by the Hyuga clan. He would find out soon enough.
A/N: Hinata's mother is unnamed, so I took the liberty of naming her. And I still have no idea whom Sakura teamed up with on the Chunin Promotion Exam when the rest of Team Seven left her high and dry. After watching the filler Naruto episodes on how Gai was a true friend to Kakashi shortly after young Kakashi lost his own teammates it seemed like he would be the first one to step up and offer Sakura a spot with his students. Or maybe that rationale just helps justify my plot! I'm curious as to who do you think she teamed up with and why? Until next time!