Angel fanned herself as she walked on with Edward. Awhile ago he made her get off Candido, something about giving the horse a break because the weight strained him. (She was still a little pissed at that comment.) The trio had been walking across the dessert for two weeks.. Two weeks and she knew next to nothing about the mysterious swordsman named Edward Elric.
Edward was quiet most of the time. Whenever Angel tried to ask a somewhat personal question he changed the subject way too quickly. It seemed as if he was hiding something or had a past he didn't want to talk about which she could relate to, but one thing she was for certain was that he did not like taking that armor off. Near the beginning of the trip she had tried to get it off him at a small oasis while he was sleeping, but had to stop two seconds later because of the dust and stench that came from it.
She also figured out he had, height issues… so to speak… She had mentioned something about her hair needing to be cut shorter and he tensed at the word short. Angel said it through out the day at different times, but one sentence she said made him so mad, he started ranting.
Angel squinted at the horizon was there a green mass coming getting closer to them or was it another mirage...
"That's the edge of Risembool. If we keep walking at this rate we'll reach our stop by this afternoon." Edward stated as if reading her mind.
As the continued traveling towards the green mass Angle could see what looked like farmlands in the distance. As the day wore on and they grew closer to Amestris, Angel was awed at the shear beauty and the vastness of the small town.
Lost at the sight of these unfamiliar surroundings, Angel didn't realize that Edward had stopped and she went face to shoulder with him. After peeling her face off the armor, she looked around realizing that they were at a two story yellow house. A green wooden balcony was on the second story window. A small worn- down wooden porch faced her and Edward.
Edward was silently tying Candido to the green railing and walked to the door before she could ask anything. Before he could even reach the door, it opened revealing a young man around eighteen that looked strangely like Edward.
The young man's blue eye's seemed surprised when he saw Edward.
"Mr. Elric, I wasn't expecting you for a couple more months." The young man said with a pleasant smile.
"Well I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by." Rubbing the back of his neck, Ed looked almost uncomfortable being here.
"Ah yes please come in. How is your auto mail?"
"It's seen better days…"
Wait auto mail, Angel asked herself, where does he have auto mail?
The young man chuckled, interrupting her thoughts. "Well I suggest taking a shower before I look at it. It seems you've come across more demons than last time." The young man noticed Angel. "I didn't know you travel with other people besides the monks."
Ed looked back at Angel as if just remembering she was there and shrugged. "Angel, meet Wendell my mechanic. I made an exception, nothing special." Angel noticed how Ed seems to choke on the word mechanic, but was to preoccupied to care as she glared at the back of his head.
"Well this nothing special says to take off the armor off outside before you get a shower." She said to him, not taking no for an answer. Edward looked at her for a moment as if a child debating how to lie himself out of trouble before Wendell intervened.
"That would help you." Ed sighed as he'd been double played.
HEEELLLLOOO! Once again I apologize for such a long Hiatus. The chapter is shorter than expected. That was unintentional, but, hey I got it written down. I also fixed up the previous chapters so if you want to reread them go-ahead. :)