Hellooooo there. Awesome person of the day is Lily, or euphorias, for helping me pick chapter songs.

chapter four: snap out of it (by arctic monkeys)


"He what?" Massie shrieked as Dylan, Kristen, and Claire gasped in almost perfect unison. They all faced Alicia with looks of shock on their faces, although Massie's had a small offended hint in hers.

Alicia only whimpered, burying her face in her palms. "He broke up with me." Her makeup was smeared, dress wrinkled, and hair tangled from running her hands through it. The wavy chunk that had the braid in it looked like she put it in a blender. She was sitting on Massie's bed with Dylan patting her on the back soothingly. The rest of the girls were standing in a spread-out circle shape around her. They had all went over to Massie's after Alicia had texted them all with 'emergency, meet-up NOW' and she had just told them what happened.

"I can't believe him, did he say why?" Dylan asked. Alicia nodded, saying, "He said we didn't have a connection anymore."

Kristen scoffed. "Wow, what a douche." Massie elbowed her and glared. "Kris!" she hissed under her breath. Kristen blushed and said, "I mean, if that's all he said then he doesn't even deserve you anyways, Leesh. You're too good for him."

"Yeah," Dylan said. "He wasn't even that hot, anyways. You could totally do better."

"You're right!" Massie chimed in. "You know that guy, Jeremy What's-His-Face? With the blonde hair, in the grade above us? He was totally checking you out during PE."

"Ooh, with the tan? And the green eyes?" Claire asked. Massie nodded. "He's hot. He could so be your boyfriend. I think he's a tutor? Maybe he could teach you some things, hmm?" She waggled her eyebrows.

Alicia giggled, sniffling. "I don't even know him."

"Well, who do you know?" Dylan asked. "I know, you should make out with one of his friends. I think Plovert is single."

"Ew! Plovert! Why would I make out with that perv?"

"Fine, then, how about...I wonder if Josh has any hot cousins that live nearby."

Alicia smiled, then sighed. "Thanks, but I don't think I'm ready for this yet. I know Josh was a douche, but I still love him."

"Leesh, you just have to find somebody better. I know you were together a long time and you love him but you can't stay hung up on him. It's not healthy," Massie said.

"I know, I know, but he was my first boyfriend. I really loved him, and we used to be so happy, and..." she trailed off sadly. "I just can't believe he doesn't even care anymore."

Dylan rubbed her back soothingly. "It'll be okay, Leesh. I mean, at least you don't have to worry about your relationship falling apart anymore." She got an 'are you serious' look in response. "Well, it's true! Now, instead of being paranoid that you need to put out or something to make sure he stays you can put your boobies to work and attract some new suck-uppy admirers. This is a good opportunity, Leesh, you just need to see it."

Alicia grimaced uncomfortably. "Well..." she mumbled, looking down at her lap, "I kinda already...slewihimalontiago."


She sighed and looked up reluctantly. "I... I lost it to him when we were fourteen, okay? I'm sorry I never told you guys, but I felt like such a whore for being so young and I wasn't comfortable saying it out loud and I felt like it was too personal and you guys would judge me and-"

"Ehmahgawd, Leesh, I can't believe you didn't tell us!" Massie burst out, unable to wait any longer. Her face had a look of shock on it and she looked a little upset and just the tiniest bit offended. "I mean, yeah it's personal and you were young and blah blah blah but come on we're your best friends and oh my god I thought I was the first out of all of us-"

"Massie!" Kristen and Dylan snapped quietly while Claire made frantic 'shut up' gestures with one hand and pointed to Alicia with the other. Alicia's lower lip was starting to tremble and her wide eyes stared at Massie in disbelief. Massie, realizing that her words probably came off as harsh gasped and said, "Nononowait, that came out wrong, I'm just surprised; you're not a whore Leesh we love you-"

"It's alright," Alicia groaned, resting her head in her hands. "God, I'm so stupid. For like the past two months, the only reason he calls me is to tell me to come over and sleep with him. I knew this was coming. It's my fault I'm hurting right now."

Kristen gasped. "Al-leesh-sha! Don't you dare think you're stupid for being hurt!" She gave her a light smack on the arm. "You'd be stupid to be fine with it." Dylan nodded in agreement.

Claire cocked her head to the side, confused. "Wait. Wait. For the past couple of months?" Her expression became scolding. "LEESH."

"I know, I know! I shouldn't have kept things going so long of I knew I was getting used, yeah yeah... I was hoping he'd snap out of it, okay? Don't make me feel like a whore."

Her face softened. "I'm not saying you're a whore. But damn, if he had stayed with you for so long after he, well, got bored with you-" Cue the 'are you serious' faces "- then why did he break things off now? I mean, why so sudden, why not keep things going?"

"I don't know," Alicia said. "Oh, God, what if he found somebody else?" When she got no response, her head snapped up to her friends. "Ehmahgawd, you guys think he found somebody else!" she accused with wide eyes. The girls shifted uncomfortably.

"Well... it seems kind of likely- Oh come on, Alicia, she's probably some dumb whore! Don't get mad over a dumb whore!" Dylan tried when she saw her friend's face get an even more upset look.

"Ehmawgawd! I can't believe him! He just strings me along for sex then dumps me the minute he finds someone new- ugh, I thought he freaking loved me!"

"Um," Massie says timidly. "I thought you said he had been doing this whole fuck buddy thing for a while now-"

"You know what I mean!" Alicia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming down slightly. "I mean, we used to be so happy and in love. What happened? What did I do wrong, everything was going great. When did he just stop caring about me?"

Everyone was quiet for a moment.

"Leesh," Massie started. "Listen, I know you still love him and you're hurt and you don't understand, but right now, why don't we just try and forget it for a little while? Cheer up a bit."

Alicia only muttered incoherently in response.

"Oh, come on, Alicia!" Massie continued, smiling. "Get up, smile! We're gonna have a huge sexy bitches party tonight, okay? Movies and junk food and movie-sleepover-scene stuff like that. Don't ruin it by being sad!"

The girls watched Alicia, who had opened her eyes and was staring at Massie, deadpan.

"We have Nutella..."


"Don't make us force you to have fun."

After a few silent moments she rolled her eyes and smiled. "Fine, fine, sexy bitches for the win. Who the hell is Josh, anyway? Sounds like some kind of disease." The girls cheered and hauled her to her feet, none of them really caring that it was a around 2 PM on a Saturday and they probably had stuff to do. This was more important.

GUYS I DYED MY HAIR PURPLE. It looks like I have grape juice for hair. I like it. Thankyouthankyouthankyou for reviewing, you're all super amazing and shmantasticslicious and awesome and gahhsh thank you. The chapter song is Snap Out Of It, by Arctic Monkeys.

review replies:

tyrells: sharine you're like my favorite reviewer ily- thanks, and gahhk I feel bad for alicia since I'm having all these shitty things happen to her; cerulean cascades: thats unlikely but I'll try; outside the crayon box: thanks, and gahhk I can't wait for slash either. I find the chapter songs by looking up stuff like 'breakup songs' or something to do with the chapter; gravity5: well, there's not gonna be a guy because this is slash, but of the lyrics fit then sure; tammywammy9: thanks, and hey maybe you automatically become awesome person of the day if someone reads the chapter cause they'll see it and be like 'oh cool she must be awesome'; euphorias: thanks, and I haven't really watched tv or anything in a while so no. and yay I love caps lock; serena ning: thanks, and if you find out a way to enter the story somehow then go for it.

Six reviews for an update! (cause there's six followers so that should be fine)