I'm sorry about the long wait! But I have the next chapter and all is great! I had finals and I just got out of school this past Wednesday! AND GUESS WHAT!? Where are my Cali readers? I need a friend that lives in Cali that's willing to join me in Disneyland this 27th or 28th of May. I'm heading over that way to visiting family and visit the grave of my hero Mitch Lucker and hopefully see some band members and celebrities, ya feel? PM me GUYS! I would love to meet some of you guys!

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater. The plot and OC's are mine and nothing else.

Soul woke up to hear quiet whispers and he slowly opened his eye to see Maka sitting up. She had her phone pressed to her ear and was looking at the wall, hushing it.

"I'm alright Papa, I just need some sleep." She whispered. She seemed to have slapped some invisible thing away from her but Soul remained quiet. "I know Papa; I love you too but if you say this is for my own good then fine I'll stay here." She was quiet for a few more seconds and finally groaned. "You guys aren't going to do anything for me so what's the point?" she loudly whispered and hung up the phone. Soul looked carefully at her and slowly sat up.

"Hey, don't worry about this alright?" he whispered. Maka looked at him and scoffed.

"Shut up! You don't know what I'm going through!" she yelled at him.

"Yeah~! Shut up~!" Patty yelled.

"Not now Patty…" Liz said grabbing her sister's shoulder.

"How do you know?" Soul asked her. Maka looked at her sheets and began crying.

"I don't know what to think anymore. Patty and Liz aren't real… How do I know this is real?" she asked.

"This is real Maka, you have to believe that."

"And what if it isn't? Then what? What if you're not real, or this place, or Stein or anyone? What if I'm in my room imagining all this?" She began yelling.

"Maka calm down-!"

"Don't tell me to calm down! You're not real!" She screamed louder. Soul got up from bed and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her a little.

"Maka! Look at me! This is real! I am real!" he yelled. Maka shook her head and Soul grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. "Want to know how I am real…?" He whispered. "If I wasn't real, your mom and dad wouldn't have let you be here with Stein. If Stein can see me, than that means I am real!"

Soul pulled back a bit, looking at her. Maka stared at him and finally she began crying softly. Soul wrapped his arms around her and she hugged him back tightly, letting her tears wet his T-shirt. After a while, she calmed down and Soul laid her on her bed. He petted her hair and she opened her mouth to thank him but he shushed her. He got up to go to his bed but she grabbed his arm.

"Can you please sleep here? Just for tonight?" she asked nervously. She felt her face heat up as she looked away, afraid that he might reject her, but she was surprised to have him tell her to mover over. Maka did as she was told as Soul rested his head on the pillow, bringing her closer to him while she put her head on his arm. Soul wrapped his arm around her waist holding on to her tightly.

"If I do anything to you, please, get away from me. Alright?" Maka nodded as Soul looked closely at her. Her ashy blond hair cascaded over her shoulders and he brushed it back. Maka looked up at him and he smiled down at her. She looked in his eyes and they were bright red. The kind of red she knew she would never forget. She snuggled into his arm as he continued looking at her. He felt her finally fall asleep and he placed his chin on her head. The color of her eyes were so bright and green, he knew he found his new favorite color.

The next morning, Soul sat up in Maka's bed, he stood up and walked to his dresser as the doors opened and Stein stepped in, Maka waking up. "Good morning you two, you both are free today to meet people, go out and enjoy your new friends." He walked back out, closing the door but not locking it. Soul and Maka got changed, Soul in the bathroom and Maka in the room.

"Done?" Soul called from behind the closed door.

"Yeah." Maka called back. Soul emerged from the bathroom and took a look at Maka's outfit. She had on a pair of jeans and a grey hoodie, seeing as it was a bit cold in the building. He had on a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved blue shirt, following her out of the door and toward the Gathering Room.

People were walking around. A man was playing chess by himself. Another was talking to a wall. There was a blue haired boy who suddenly stood up on a chair and began laughing loudly.

"I'm Black Star and I'm going to overpower God!" He laughed. A girl with long black hair pulled him down and whispered something in his ear before he nodded and stayed still. Maka decided to talk to her, seeing as she was the most normal looking girl there.

"Pretty weird kid there, huh Maka?" Liz asked. Maka ignored Liz, knowing she needed to do that. Soul and Maka sat on the other couch, across the two teens and the girl smiled at them.

"Are you both new?" She asked. Maka hesitantly looked at her before looking at Soul.

"I can see both of them." He confirmed her silent question and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm Soul, this is Maka." He introduced them. The girl was about to speak when Soul's head twitched and his eyes brightened.

"I'm Eater, but this psycho won't introduce me." His head finally twitched and Soul went back to normal.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I have multi-personality disorder."

"I'm Schizophrenic." Maka answered.

"Well, my name is Tsubaki, and this is my boyfriend Black Star. He has Grandiose Delusions, which is why he sometimes thinks he's God." Maka nodded and Soul waited for her to say what she had.

"What about you?" He asked. Tsubaki raised an eyebrow and then caught on, waving her hand.

"Nothing too big, don't worry." She smiled. A kid with black hair and three white stripes on one side sat down on the other couch, glaring at Tsubaki.

"She had Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, compliment something on Star." He spoke calmly. Maka and Soul both looked at him and Maka spoke.

"I like your hair color, Star."

"Oh thanks. A God like me can only have the best hair!" He began laughing and Maka noticed Tsubaki clenching her jaw.

"I'm going to rip your eyes out of your sockets if you as so much flirt with my boyfriend." Tsubaki threatened. Maka nodded and Kid scoffed.

"Security is tight here, she won't do anything. I'm Death the Kid, but Kid is good. I have a mild case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder."

"Mild?" Tsubaki scoffed. "What about those three stripes on your head?" She asked. Kid glared at her before his eyes watered and he threw himself on the floor.

"You're right, I'm a failure. An utter failure. Let me die here and rot, I'm a disgrace to the entire family, to this building. I'm a repulsive pig." He began crying and Maka and Soul just stared. Kid got pulled up by two security guards and they took him to get his pills. There was a line forming and the four went to take their pills. Maka looked at the two pills in the cup and up at the lady who watched her, waiting for her to take them.

I'm not sick. Maka thought, taking the two pills in her mouth. She hid them under her tongue.

She walked back with Soul and they sat on the couch, Tsubaki and Black Star telling them about the place. Maka took the pills out, carefully burying them in the fake dirt in the flower pot next to her.

Alright, Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) is a serious thing. I used to know this guy who had that with an old friend of mine. It was just beyond horrible and I hated it. The person begins thinking about the person more and more. The first few months in the relationship is normal, but eventually, it lowers. Having this is makes the person very possessive of their significant other.

Grandiose Disorder is exactly the type of psychological disorder I pinned to Black Star. The person begins thinking they are of higher power (ex: the Queen of England, God, the president, etc.).

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is just what Kid has in the anime. The obsession of having everything clean, symmetrical, or tidy.