Chapter 31

(3:15pm, 3 hrs and 45 minutes to permant platypusization for Kim)

Bonnie weaved her way through the crowd to make it to the food court. She saw Josh eating Chinese takeout with his other band mates.

"Oh hey, Joshie!" the brunette smiled, waving to him.

Josh turned around and saw her not more than 30 feet away from his table.

"Hey, Bonnie! What's up?" he asked.

"Not much. Care if I join in?" Bonnie asked, sweetly smiling and hiding her real intentions.

"Join in. We have an extra seat for you!" Josh said, patting down an empty chair.

Bonnie walked up and sat down in the extra chair.

She was the first to break the ice and asked, "So what time are you going to be there at this Summer Rocks thing, or whatever it's called?"

"First, with the new motorcycle that my parents lent me, I'm going to pick up Kim at a house that she said that she was doing her latest babysitting gig about two brothers. She even gave me the address."

Josh took out a small slip of paper from his wallet, showing the Flynn-Fletchers' address.

"Don't you have to usually ask K's 'rents before you pick her out at her house?" Bonnie wondered. She knew about how strict James and Ann were in terms of boys picking Kim up from her house, the only exception being Ron.

"My parents took care of that." Josh explained. "My dad works with Kim's mom at the hospital so she was the one who made the key arrangements. Her dad was cool with it as long as I returned her home by 9:45pm."

"Okay...that kinda sounds cool. I hope the two of you have a good time together! We're helping babysit those two with...some help." Bonnie said, hiding her evil intentions on humiliating Kim in front of Josh. She still had that message that she intended to send to Josh with a photo of the platypusized Kim. "I was over at Club Banana just now and saw this cute dress for K to wear for your date!"

"Date? Nah, it's not a date, it's more of an intimate get-together than anything else!" Josh said.

"So what time are you picking her up?" Bonnie questioned. She needed this answer from Josh in order to pull off her intended plan.

"At 7pm to be exact." Josh said, "The gig is about 15 minutes from the Flynn house, so we should make perfect timing over there!"

"Ah, that should be perfect for the both of you!" Bonnie said, seemily gleeful. But inside, the only thing she was thinking about was Kim permanately coming a platypus. She still also had that message on her cell phone with the picture of Kim as a platypus, intending to send it to Josh. But she was waiting patiently for that right moment to strike.

She stood up from her seat and said, "It was good to see you, but I have to meet up with some friends of mine at the Center Court."

"Alright, Bonnie! Catch ya on the flip side!" Josh said to her before Bonnie headed on out to Center Court where Stacy and Candace were waiting with the new fashions.

(3:20pm, 3 hours and 40 minutes to permanent platypusization)

Back at DEI, Doofenshmirtz was still trying to find the slideshow to his Sugar-Attract-inator in the drawers of the slide projector.

"It's gotta be around her somewhere!" the absent-minded scientist said, "I thought I put it on the kitchen counter this morning in time for when Perry the Platypus was going to show up!"

"Doctor, can we hurry this up? I got to get to a date tonight!" Kim exclaimed.

"Oooh, are you going out with Perry the Platypus?" Doofenshmirtz asked, chortling. "Because the two of you really do match well!"

"Him? So not because...well...I'm actually a human, and he's a platypus!" Kim said.

"Yeah, right!" Doofenshmirtz scoffed, "And I'm the phony King of England!"

"Does anyone know where my slideshow for the Sugar-attract-inator is?" Doof wondered, still looking around.

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, his daughter from his ex-wife's marriage, yelled from the living room, "Didn't you put it in the back drawer somewhere, Dad?"

He finally managed to find the slideshow containing his plans for the use of the Sugar-Attract-inator in the rear of the drawer.

"Ah, I finally found it! I knew I had hidden it somewhere in one of these drawers. Thanks, Vanessa!"

"No problem!" Vanessa called out.

Doof then inserted the slide into the projector.

"So, as I was saying, I will wheel the Sugar-Attract-inator onto my skiff like so!" He first showed the slide of himself wheeling the -Inator onto his jet skiff.

"Once I get high enough into the air, I will activate the Attract-inator to inject into a little concocction that I named myself: Chemical Z!" Doof chuckled, turning to another side showing Chemical Z. "What is in Chemical Z, you ask? It is filled with a tooth-enamel rotting substance that will wear away teeth in a matter of hours! Once the Chemical Z is injected into the sugary mass, I will then release it in front of Dr. Vitis's office!"

The third slide showed an image of the skiff dropping a large mass of candy in front of the dentist's office.

While the monologue was going on, Agent P activated a secret compartment in his fedora from behind to take out a packet of sugar. He tore it out and began to pour it onto the denture paste binding his hands.

"Children and adults will be tempted by the sweet smell of the sugary substance that they would run out of the waiting room and start eating the glob of sugar. Them, in only a few hours, all of their teeth will fall off and Dr. Vitis would have no choice but to close his office."

The fourth slide showed Dr. Vitis sadly closing his office.

Doofenshmirtz concluded his monologue with the following, wringing his hands with glee. "I will then swoop down and enforce my Doofenshmirtz-approved dentures onto the populace! They are going to be extremely expensive and not covered on any dental plan at all!"

The fifth and final side showed a picture of the DEI-approved dentures that people would wear. It looked ugly with crooked teeth on them.

"Then everyone will be miserable and I will become Supreme Overlord OF THE ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA!"

Doofenshmirtz laughed madly and ended the slideshow right then and there and said to Kim, "So how do you like me now, Miss Doubter of Evil Scientists?"

"That is among the most boring evil monologues I had to sit through!" Kim exclaimed, "And I've already been through some before!"

"Do I have to summarize everything for your small short attention span, female platypus?" Doof sneered, "I go in with the skiff, activate the Sugar-attract-inator, drop the mass of sugar in front of Dr. Vitis's office, people's teeth will fall off, and then I will force people to wear my dentures, ensuring control of the Tri-State Area. Does everyone have shorter attention spans these days?"

"Hello? I was paying attention to your monologue before, Doctor!" Kim shouted.

"Well, you and Perry the Platypus are not going to stop me this time!" Doofenshmirtz laughed as he got onto his skiff, the Sugar-attract-inator in tow.

He left both Agent P and Kim behind, laughing all the way.