I hear the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace"
There's the silence, there's my last chance.
I stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me.
Horrified looks from everyone in the room
But I'm only looking at you.

-Speak Now (Taylor Swift)

It was the queen's wedding day and all of Arendelle was in a buzz…that was everyone but Queen Elsa herself. She looked at her reflection and cringed at how hideous her wedding dress looked, it made her looked like one of the pastries in the front display window of the bakery in town. Groaning, she slowly banged her head against her drawer.

"Keep that up and you'll damage that pretty head of yours."

Elsa gasped and turned around, spotting a brown haired boy leaning casually against the door that led to her balcony, "Jack! Did you climb up here to see me?"

"Maybe," he said, giving her his signature crooked smile. Elsa got up to hug him when she tripped on the front of her dress and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Jack quickly ran to her side to help her up, "Yikes, this is one hell of a dress."

"Tell me about it, I look ridiculous in this!"

"You look like a cream puff," she glared at him. "But the cutest one I've ever seen."

"Shut up," she said, playfully punching him in the arm. Jack pretended to wince in pain and fell over, causing Elsa to giggle. "Oh stop being dramatic."

Jack laughed but then his expression grew serious, "So I guess tomorrow is the big day huh?"

"Unfortunately," Elsa laughed bitterly. "Nothing screams out true love like an arranged marriage."

"It's going to be all right," he put his hand on Elsa's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Hey, do you want to go on a walk with me?"

Elsa nodded her head. Jack waited patiently outside her room as Elsa changed out of her wedding dress into the icy blue one that he loved seeing her in. They walked together and made their way through Arendelle. Elsa tried her best not to draw any attention to herself but it seemed as though everyone in town from the florist to the baker was too busy preparing for tomorrow's wedding to notice her. She sighed, why was everyone so excited for a wedding she herself was dreading?

Hearing her sigh, Jack did his best to distract her, "Hey do you realize where we are?"

Elsa looked around. They were at the very center of Arendelle. She thought for a moment before smiling, "Why of course! This is where I first met you and Hazel."

Jack and his younger sister were taking a walk around town when they met the queen. They were chatting happily about making plans to go ice skating when winter time came. Both Overland siblings were holding bouquets of flowers in their arms and were unable to see in front of them. As a result, Hazel accidentally bumped into someone in front of her, knocking both of them to the ground. To their surprise, they had knocked over the Queen of Arendelle.

Panicked, Jack immediately rushed to Elsa's side. "Your majesty I am so sorry!"

Brushing the dirt off of her blue dress, Elsa stood up and smiled at the both of them. She helped Hazel gather all the flowers that had fallen out of her hands, "Oh it's quite all right. Are you hurt?"

"No I'm fine," his sister responded shyly. "I'm sorry your highness."

"Oh please, call me Elsa. What's your name?"

"I'm Hazel Overland, and this is my older brother Jack."

She glanced at the older sibling for a brief second and noticed how handsome he was before returning to look at Hazel, "Well it's a pleasure to meet you! May I ask why you two have so many flowers in your hands?"

Jack spoke up, "We're off to deliver some to the local florist; he loves the flowers our mother grows in our backyard."

"I can see why, they're absolutely lovely! Well I should let you two be on your way. It was nice meeting you two."

Hazel nodded her head, smiling and thanking the queen once more before running ahead towards the florist's shop. Jack stayed behind and pulled out a single white rose, handing it to Elsa. "Please accept this as an apology."

Jack watched her bring the rose up to her nose to smell the flower. It took all his nerves to hand her that rose. She thanked Jack before letting him run off to meet his sister. He glanced back and waved goodbye to her when he noticed that she was still watching him. The next day when he got out of bed, he headed down to the kitchen and was surprised to see Elsa laughing and drinking tea with his mother.

"Elsa? What are you doing here?" he tried to smooth his bed hair; he didn't want to look like a complete slob in front of her.

"Oh Jack!" Mrs. Overland said when she noticed her son entering the kitchen. "Her majesty was just telling me that she wanted to see the flowers I grow!"

"Please call me Elsa," she said before turning to him. "Jack here gave me the most beautiful rose yesterday and I was wondering if I could have the pleasure of seeing what other flowers you grow."

"Oh of course anything for you!"

"Would you mind giving me a tour of your mother's garden?"

Jack couldn't contain his smile, "It would be my pleasure."

After that, Elsa regularly visited the Overland family for the next year. Needless to say, everyone began to fall in love with her, Jack included. His mother always put in extra effort to make Elsa delicious dinners whenever she came over. Hazel loved Elsa's company, always stating that she was like the older sister she never had. And as for Jack, he could feel his feelings for her grow more and more with each passing day. He loved their time together and looked forward to each visit.

One of the worst days for Jack happened last month when Elsa came to his house distraught. When he asked her what was wrong she told him that apparently there was a law that stated that she had to get married when she turned twenty one, which happened a few months ago. His heart sank as she told him about her impending marriage.

The person she had been arranged to marry was the Prince of Weasleton, who took the opportunity to wed the queen in order to make trades with Arendelle again. She told him of her meeting with the prince. He was a selfish man with beady little eyes and a mouth that never stopped talking about himself. She tried her best to be polite to him but after an hour, Elsa couldn't stand to be in the same room. He was rude and arrogant and didn't care one bit about her. In fact, he did not even notice her leaving the castle because he was too absorbed in looking at his own reflection in the mirror.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind, what's been bothering you Jack?"

He shook his head, snapping him out of his thoughts. "The Queen of Arendelle has in fact."

"Me?" she asked incredulously. "What on earth did I do?"

"The answer to your question is quite simple really. You see I am so deeply and irretrievably in love with the queen, but she is to be married to another man tomorrow morning."

"I-I see," Elsa was silent for a moment before speaking. "That is quite the dilemma."

"And to make matters worse, I've just confessed my love for her and she has yet to respond to my declaration. This must be a sign that she must not return my affections."

Elsa stood up quickly, "but she does! I mean I-I do." Maybe it was silly of her to think that someday she would be marrying for love. She had hoped that Jack would be the person standing next to her at the altar. She had come to love him and his family very much but she knew that by this time tomorrow, she would be the wife of that unpleasant man. She smiled sadly, "I wish I wasn't getting married."

"Me too," he held her hand. "This isn't fair."

Elsa was about to answer him when one of the guards from her castle approached them. He bowed, "your majesty, Prince Weslteton has demanded that you return to the castle at once for the rehearsal dinner."

"Demanded?" Elsa asked in a disgusted tone. She sighed and looked at Jack, "I have to go. Will I see you tomorrow?"

He looked down, "I don't think so."

"I understand," she squeezed his hand before letting it go. She mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to him before leaving him to return to the castle. Jack headed back to his house and collapsed in his bed, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep. He awoke the next morning to the sound of wedding music playing throughout the kingdom but to him it sounded like a death march. He could only imagine Elsa standing at the altar saying "I do" to the man who would become her husband. Something inside Jack snapped because he suddenly found himself jumping out of bed and running towards the church.

When he approached the double doors, he could hear the priest inside asking if anyone objected to this marriage. Turning the door handle Jack opened the door, "I object!"

There were thousands of audible gasps in the room as all heads turned towards Jack. He could see his mother and sister in the crowd as well as everyone else with the same expression on their faces. He marched over towards Elsa and Prince Weslteton, his eyes never leaving hers. Elsa unconsciously made a step towards Jack but was held back by the prince.

"Who do you think you are," he snarled.

"Jackson Overland and I object to this wedding."

"How dare a peasant like you interrupt our wedding."

"Don't you call him a peasant," Elsa said angrily, trying to remove her arm from his grasp.

"Let her go," Jack demanded.

"Or what? There is nothing you can do. I am marrying her and then becoming King of Arendelle. And the first thing that I do as king is to have you forbidden from ever making contact with my soon to be wife," he gripped Elsa's arm tighter, causing her to cry out in pain. This was all it took for Jack to lunge forward and push the prince away from her. He was knocked over but quickly stood up and grabbed Jack by the shoulder, shoving him to the ground. Jack hit his head hard and felt the searing pain as Prince Wesleton punched his face. Darkness overtook him and he lost consciousness.

When Jack woke up, he felt a throbbing pain in his left eye; somehow he had made it back to his bed. Trying to peer out of his eyelids, he was met with the worried face of Elsa hovering over his. "Oh hey Elsa, how's it going?" he asked, as if the events that happened earlier didn't transpire.

"Oh you know nothing much just the usual—HOW DO YOU THINK IT'S GOING?" she asked, throwing her hands into the air. "Are you completely insane?"

"Maybe," he joked. He looked at her left hand and noticed the absence of a ring. "You didn't get married."

"No I didn't. After you passed out, the guards grabbed Prince Weasleton and dragged him out of the church. I think I can safely assume that the rest of kingdom will agree with me when I say that he was unfit to be King of Arendelle."

"Oh thank god, I mean that's a shame," he grinned. "You two would've made such a lovely couple."

"Really, you're going to joke about this?" She crossed her arms, "well if that's the way you feel then I'm just going to go to his jail cell and convince his royal highness to take me back."

Jack quickly sat up in his bed and grabbed Elsa's wrist as she turned around. "No don't go."

Elsa stuck her tongue out at him but allowed Jack to guide her back towards him. She sat down on his bed next to him. He loosened his grip on her wrist but still held it in his hand. She reached out to run her fingers through his brown hair when he inhaled sharply as her hand accidentally brushed against his eye. Biting her lips, she gave him an apologetic look.

"Is there anything thing that I can do to make you feel better?"

"Well my mom always kisses my boo-boos," he teased. Jack snickered at the site of Elsa's flushed face and tried his best to hold in his laughter. To his surprise he felt a pair of lips kiss his injured eye so softly that he thought he imagined the touch. Elsa looked away, avoiding eye contact with him. Jack stared at her with a stunned expression on his face.

"Did that…did that help?" she asked nervously, suddenly finding great interest in hem of her dress.

"I think I got hurt here too," he grinned, tapping his lips.

"Don't push your luck."

"You can't blame a guy for trying," he shrugged. Elsa lightly smacked his arm but then leaned down to brush her lips against his. She pulled back and gazed fondly at him, caressing his cheek with her hand. He savored her touch and responded by pulling her into his arms.

"You know there's still a law that says I have to get married."

"Then I gladly volunteer to assume the role of your husband."

She heard the sincerity in his voice and looked up at him, "Are you being serious?"

"Yes," he said. He reached over to open his drawer and pull out a small velvet box; inside was a silver band. He held it up to her, "This was my mother's, she told me to give it my future wife. It's yours if you want it that is."

"Of course I want it," she said, tears springing to her eyes. He removed the small ring and placed it on her left finger. She cupped his face and kissed him. "I'm so glad you were around when they said speak now."


Jack was still standing in front of the door with his hand gripping the door handle. The scenario that he had just imagined in his head could become a reality, all he had to do was turn that door handle. Inside he could hear the preacher's voice say the seven words that would change his life: speak now or forever hold your peace. If he didn't do anything now, Jack would lose her forever. The thought of Elsa marrying someone so undeserving of her love made him sick to his stomach. Was this all worth it? Was he doing the right thing? There were a million and one thoughts running through his head but at that moment only one mattered.

Speak now.

Taking a deep breath, Jack turned the handle and stepped inside the wedding chapel.

"I object."

ARGHHHHH i'm sorry, this isn't as good as I wanted it to be. I kind of gave up and rushed this :( Anyway, on my Jelsa tumblr I have decided to write some drabbles and post them on there so feel free to check them out, the link is in my profile! And to anyone who reads my Wonderland AU, I promise to update that soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I promise to make the next one better.