p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"strongRachel's POV/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's been a long time since Santana and I have talked. My Broadway debut is in twelve days, and she promised to be there, but that was as my girlfriend, not my friend. So I don't know if she'll still be coming now. I mean she has Brittany to keep her comfortable./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emStop it Rachel!/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"I promised myself I wouldn't do that. We have already talked, and she said she has no feelings for her, and I have to believe her. It's one of the things I've been trying to work on. My insecurities, trust, selfishness, etc. There's a lot to change, but I have enough time to do it before I may see her again. Time to put in work./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"strongSantana's POV/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emI have had an amazing time hanging out with Brittany, and meeting new people on our adventure. We ended up staying g longer than originally planned, but I'm glad. I have had the space I've needed to think about me and Rachel, and I have found myself again. Things were more messed up than I thought they were, but I'm better now. /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"strongNo POV/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Brittany walks into the hotel room as Santana was sitting on her bed thinking./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Uh-oh. You're thinking again." Brittany said as she placed her suitcase on the bed getting ready to pack for their trip back./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No, it's good thinking. I was just thinking about how much I've changed in the short amount of time we've been here." Santana replied as she turned to face Brittany./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, that's true. I'm proud of you. I thought when we first got here all you were going to be doing was trying to prove to me that you didn't miss and want Rachel anymore."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, well that was proven wrong our first night here." Santana replied thinking back on when their first night./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emBrittany walked in the hotel room after going to get ice for hers and Santana's drinks, to find Santana sitting on her bed bawling her eyes out crying. /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememWhat? What happened?" When she didn't get a reply other than Santana leaning into her crying more, she started to worry. "Santana what's wrong, do I need to call someone?" /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememNo… I-… She-… then-…" Santana couldn't form a sentence, so she stopped trying, and just pointed to the magazine./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememOh, I get it now. This is about Rachel. Am I right?" Brittany asked getting up to grab Santana some tissues. When Santana just nodded her head, she hugged her then began speaking. "… I was right." This made Santana laugh./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememYeah you are, but I don't get it. I thought I was fine. I was finally not thinking about her, but then I see her on this stupid magazine and I can't stop crying."/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememSantana it's only been 336 hours since you've last seen her, this is normal. She's the person that, even when you guys were fighting, you saw every day. Also, you both love each other. It's okay to feel this way. I can bet you Rachel feels the same, she's just an actress so she's better at hiding it."/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememI don't know what to do. I love her, I do, but I also know her. I know how she gets, and how she will get if I were to outshine her, or do anything that makes her seem or feel small. Britt I miss her so much, but I'm scared if we get back together she will just hurt me. I can't go through that again."/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememHow will you know if she has changed if you don't try? Maybe she just has to go through something hard so she can realize the things most important to her. She hasn't had to live a life were things didn't go her way. The only thing she has to look at like that is her mother, and everyone knows she's better off without her." Brittany said making sense. "Maybe something will happen and make her realize that she has to change.'/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememI guess. Let's just forget about this for right now, I don't want to think of what will or won't happen."/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememOkay, but we will be continuing this before we leave."/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I kinda feel bad for that night." Brittany began looking towards Santana./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Why?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Because, I kinda put it out into the atmosphere that something bad was going to happen. Had I known what would happen to Kurt, I would've stayed quiet."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Britt, you can't punish yourself for that. No one knew, and you were right anyway. After that night, she called me, and we actually talked. It was good, and we're okay now." Santana said trying to ease Brittany's mind./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Does this mean you are going to go to her opening night tomorrow?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I don't know. Let's just get back to New York, and see where we go from there."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememRachel? Rachel, come on? Rachel!" Kurt called out waking Rachel up. "Come on. You're on." Rachel jerks out of bed hearing the sound of applause, only to find herself on the McKinley auditorium stage./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememHere's your c-c-costume Rachel. Break a leg." Tina, dressed in her old gothic attire and speaking in her signature stutter, approaches Rachel giving her an empty hanger as her costume./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememThere's nothing on the hanger." Rachel said before she turned to find Santana applying her makeup./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememYes, well apparently the emperor wears no clothes." Rachel gasped after Santana finished talking because she looked down and saw she was naked. Then she reached into her mouth before pulling out a tooth./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememLittle trouble chewing on something?" Rachel turned her head to find Karofsky sitting behind her in the audience. She then turned to her other side to find JBI (Jacob Ben Israel)./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememLove me. I love you. Why can't you love me back?"/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememHey Rach. It's all riding on you kid!" Rachel turned around to find Sydney leaning against the rail yelling to her in a high pitched voice. Then turned again to find Sue talking in a deep voice./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememEven though you have no business being up there, shouldn't you be onstage?"/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emRachel then started panicking asking questions to the people in her dream. "Where's my purse or my Finn necklace? Where's my Finn necklace?!"/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em"/ememGet on with it!" Becky yelled before Rachel magically appeared on stage to sing "Lovefool" accompanied by a band drees in Shakespearian clothing, and her New York friendship group dance along./em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongemRachel:/em/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emDear, I fear we're facing a problem/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emYou love me no longer, I know and/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emMaybe there is nothing that I can do/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emTo make you do/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emMama tells me I shouldn't bother/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emThat I ought to stick to another man/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emA man that surely deserves me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emBut I think you do/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emSo I cry/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emAnd I pray/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emAnd I beg/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongemRachel with Santana, Tina, and Alumni:/em/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emLove me, love me /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongemRachel (Santana and Tina with Alumni):/em/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emSay that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Fool me, fool me) Go on and fool me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Love me, love me) Pretend that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Leave me, leave me) Just say that you need me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emSo I cry and I beg for you to/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Love me, love me) Say that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Leave me, leave me) Just say that you need me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emI can't care 'bout anything but you/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emSo I cry/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emI pray/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emAnd I beg/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongemRachel with Santana, Tina, and Alumni:/em/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emLove me, love me /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongemRachel (Santana and Tina with Alumni):/em/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emSay that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Fool me, fool me) Go on and fool me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Love me, love me) Pretend that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Leave me, leave me) Just say that you need me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emSo I cry and I beg for you to/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Love me, love me) Say that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Leave me, leave me) Just say that you need me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emI can't care 'bout anything but you (Anything but you)/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Love me, love me) Say that you love me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Fool me, fool me) Go on and fool me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"em(Love me, love me) I know that you need me/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emI can't care 'bout anything but you/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emThroughout the song, Rachel sees people she loves: Santana, Blaine, Kurt, Tina, and Sam, and hears people heckling her: Becky, Karofsky, Sue, JBI, and herself. At the end of the song she falls in a pile of heart shaped balloons, with everyone surrounding her booing her. /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Shaken, Rachel awaked from her nightmare, covered in sweat. She looks at the clock to see it's around 2:30 in the morning and decides she won't be able to sleep, so she pulls out her laptop and starts looking up things that may distract her./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I don't know why you are so anxious. You killed it in the previews up in Syracuse." Kurt said talking to Rachel while fixing them both tea./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No you didn't read any of the reviews." Rachel said stopping Kurt from saying anything else./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yes, I did. I read every single one of them."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No, you only read the legit ones. You did not read the independent bloggers or you didn't read the comment section." Rachel said cutting Kurt off again./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I told you to stay out of that comment section."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I know, but I couldn't help it, and now it's like they're my anxiety avatars. Like the people in my dreams. They're the voices of all the self-doubt I have ever had about myself. And do you know why people become actors in the first place? You know? It's because we want to be loved. We're like a… a bottomless cup that just constantly needs to be filled with love and validation." Rachel said looking back down at her phone to finish reading the comments about her./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Kurt sat there watching her, trying to think of what to do. He has never had to do this before, because Santana was always the one who calmed her down. He reminded himself to call her last if none of his tricks to get her to stop worked./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Give me your phone." Kurt said reaching out his hands./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel hesitated before handing Kurt her phone seeing no harm in it./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""You're being unplugged until after opening night."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Wait-"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""strongNo/strong gong on the internet for anything. All the greats do it… Scorsese, Woody, Miley. None of them read reviews, or blogs, or check Twitter. Okay? We are going to hermetically seal this loft into a big love bubble and fill it with positive affirmations and validations from people who know you and love you and have no doubt that you are going to be amazing. If you need your cup filled, we'll fill it right here." Kurt told Rachel as he walked throughout the loft collecting all of Rachel technology devices./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay." Rachel said looking at Kurt. She knew he was right, and was trying to help her in the best way he could. She got up and went to hug him before going in her room to rest for a while before all of their friends got there to do celebrations for her opening night./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Tina!" Kurt yelled as he opened the door./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hi!" Tina said moving inside the loft. "Hello big fat Broadway star!" She yelled addressing Rachel. The rest of the gang said their hellos, and Rachel made her way of to Tina to hug her. "These are for you." Tina said handing her some flowers./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Thank You." Rachel mouthed accepting the flowers./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh no. Do you have laryngitis?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh no, she's just resting her voice." Kurt said cutting in to help Rachel. Rachel moved towards the table to place the flowers down./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, thank God. This would not be a good time for your tonsils to flare up again. Remember that? What year of Glee Club? Hey where is everyone…" Tina said rambling on, not giving anyone time to reply./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"emRachel began to think of this time. She had told everyone her voice was gone because she was trying to improve her vocal range, but it was actually Santana's fault. They had been sleeping together for a while, and decided to take things to the next level by using a strap-on. Santana had Rachel screaming to the top of her lungs, and the next day, not only could she not walk properly, but her voice was gone. /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""…Rachel's opening night on Broadway is a big deal. And where's Artie? I was hoping to see him."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh his short film emBags in the Wind/em got accepted into the Ft. Lauderdale International Short Film Festival."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, that's too bad, but what about Quinn and Puck and Santana? Are they just not being supportive?" Tina asked being insensitive to Rachel's feelings with her whole relationship with Santana./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"After looking towards Rachel to see if she was okay, Mercedes interrupted Tina before she said something else. "Tina! Why don't you catch us up? How's Brown University treating you?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Ah, I love everything about it. Except for my dorm room. My roommate, she's nice, but she's from Pakistan and she speaks almost no English, and she's always watching that Al Jazeera Channel. And, no, I don't have a boyfriend, but I was dating this really nice guy, but he turned out to be…"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Gay!" "He's probably a homosexual."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No!" Tina said about to sit down. "Yes. Anyway… Rachel I read this amazing story about you on Broadwayworld dot com and they are predicting that emFunny Girl/em is going to be a huge hit, and so is everybody else except for a few moronic bloggers…"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Blaine stepped in when he realized Tina was just about to ramble on about the bad reviews of Rachel. "Oh, hey, Tina."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""…But, I mean, who are they to call you pitchy…"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Let's go get an iced mocha."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""…And don't get me started on those anonymous comment trolls. I mean that…you are not that short…"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Everyone then told her to shut up then Rachel cut in…/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""It's Fine. It's Fine. Frankly, the only opinions I care about are you guys. And I love you guys and you love me. So, you know, if I ever need any validation, I just turn to my buffet of people right in front of me. If you don't mind, I am going to take a nap. This diva needs her beauty rest. So…" Rachel walked away to her room, and right before entering she looked back, and saw the other gleeks weren't looking at her anymore, so she snuck over to Kurt's room to grab all of her electronics, and his also. She started finding interesting articles and decided to print some out so she could read those while also looking up new things about herself./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"The gang had left after a few more hours, so Kurt decided to take a nap, but after a few minutes he started hearing different voices./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Woman: "The only thing Rachel Berry is going to have in common with Streisand is her enormous schnoz. Someone call the bomb squad, because emFunny Girl/em will no doubt be a fun less flop."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Kurt ran into Rachel's room and saw her with his stuff and her things all over her bed with articles on the play thrown all around her room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Woman: "Do Broadway a favor Rachel Berry…take your butt back to whatever hobbit hole you crawled out of."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""NO!" Rachel yelled as she saw Kurt yank open the curtains. She tried to gather everything to her chest to keep him from taking it from her. "Nothing!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, honey."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Sorry."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Kurt then walked out with everything, and decided to call the gang to see if they could help him get Rachel out of her room. He thought about calling Santana, but decided she'd be a last resort since she was coming home on the plan now./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey guys. It's bad. Rachel has been cybercutting all night. She read, like, every negative comment every written about her in the span of an hour." Kurt said whispering as he opened the door./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No." Sam said walking in./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, she's taken to her bed. She says she's too psyched to go on tonight, and her confidence is shot. We have to fill her with love and validation so she gets it back. Otherwise, everything she's ever worked for her entire life, is going to be ruined." Kurt finished./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Don't you think we should call Santana? I mean, wasn't she the one who helped her last time?" Sam asked thinking of a way to make things easier./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""We can't yet. There's already a lot going on with them. And we can't bring Santana here only so she can fix Rachel again."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay. Let's do it." Blaine said with a shake of his head./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey. Uh, Rach?" Sam said coming into her room with a guitar. "I thought we could sing a song together, what do you think?" When she didn't reply he just started to strum and sing./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"After a few verses, Rachel leaned over to her night stand, and pulled out some scissors, and cut the strings of Sam's guitar. He looked down at his guitar before walking out the room when she laid back down./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Namaste Rachel… These magic hands right here, they're going to get you back to your happy place…or not." Blaine said as he moved into the room, before leaving right after Rachel gave him a mean look./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey, Rachel." Kurt said coming in with a basket of goodies. He handed the basket to her, and she opened them and pulled out the card…/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hello gorgeous. 'Fanny Brice was my most cherished role, but I can't stay in style forever. Now it's your turn. Barbra." Rachel's voice was rising as she read, but once she was done she gave Kurt an angry look. "You of all people should know that Barbara dropped the 'A' when she was 18 years old as an act of rebellion! Who wrote this? Tina!" She continued yelling at Kurt before picking up the basket, and throwing it out the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I've never seen her like this." Kurt said walking out of the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I know. She's usually pushing people away to get onstage." Blaine said moving to sit down,/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""It's not fair that anyone can send a hateful tweet to anyone and have access to artists." Kurt said angrily before sitting down./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""You know, I-I don't think it's the criticism that got to her; I think it's like the volume of it." Mercedes said trying to explain what may be happening with Rachel./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""It's Twitter." Sam said getting angry./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I can't believe my note didn't work." Tina said selfishly./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Maybe it's time for us to call Santana?" Blaine said addressing Kurt./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Right after Blaine finished talking Sue walked in./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hello, Losers. Well, you live in the worst neighborhood in Brooklyn, and there's not even a lock on the door. You might want to look into that. Unless, of course, you think the rapist is gonna just move on to the next apartment with nimble 19-year olds simply because your door is so damn annoying to open."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Tina being the only one to come out of her shock, began speaking… "What are you doing here?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, Asian Number One, that's totally something you would say. I have come to watch Rachel Berry choke on her opening night."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I heard that, I'm right in here!" Rachel yelled from her room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Sue please, Rachel is freaking out!" Kurt said moving towards Sue./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well, she should be she's going to choke."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I can hear you in here!" Rachel yelled again after hearing what Sue said./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, and to answer your question, Cheech and Chang, I am staying here over night, because I realized when we arrived at the hotel that Will Schuester is a big old perv, and has been trying to sleep with me this whole time."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""You are not staying here. I can't have you anywhere near Rachel!" Kurt said finally reaching Sue./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, that's fine, I'll stay in your room." Sue said before moving into Kurt's room. "Oh, thank God. There's no weird sex laying around."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Things could not possibly get any worse.' Tina said after Sue was all the way in the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""That's it. I am calling in the Calvary." Kurt said moving out into the hall./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Santana and Brittany had just reached the outside of hotel Brittany decided to stay in while they were in New York, when Santana got a phone call from Kurt./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey Kurt, is everything alright?" Santana asked thinking the worse, since the last call she got from them was about his accident./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, we are good, well not really."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""What's going on?" Santana asked putting the phone on speaker so Brittany could hear./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Nothing life threatening, well it depends on how you view this, but Rachel needs your help. She's not going to go onstage tonight." Kurt said rambling before getting to the point or else Santana would have yelled at him./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""What why?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well, she read a bunch of reviews about herself, and it was all the bad ones. The gang and I tried to cheer her up, but I think that just made things worse. I know you guys aren't really… I don't know what you guys are, but I know you are the only person who can help her." When he didn't hear her say anything he started calling out her name, "Santana? Are you okay? Did you hear me? Santana"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"The whole time Santana had been having a conversation with Brittany through their eyes… Santana knew what she had to do./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay Kurt, I'll catch a taxi. I should be there in about 10 minutes."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Thank you so much San. I know this may be hard for you, but I'm glad you are going to help. Just so you know, Rach has changed. She's been trying to be better for you. I think the comments, along with the fact that this is the first performance she's doing without you in the audience, affected her."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, Kurt I have to go."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay. See you in 10."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"When Kurt hung up, Santana looked towards Brittany and gave her a look, 'I hope you are right'. They caught a cab, and after 8 mins they reached the loft. Before walking in Brittany gave her a pep talk in the cab, then feeling confident, Santana stepped out of the cab, and walked into the building./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Look, what I'm trying to say is, whenever I'm nervous about chocking in front of hundreds of people, I eat a spoonful of mustard to make myself puke, and I get that part over with." Sue said yelling into Rachel's room before everyone turned towards the entrance way as the door was opening./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""All right, where is she? Kurt called me when I reached the hotel and told me what was up." Santana said walking in laying down her things, with Brittany waiting in the hall to give her her grand entrance./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""She's been in there for hours. We don't know how she's peeing." Tina said pointing towards Rachel's room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay. Give me four minutes."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I will return with Grey Poupon." Sue said moving to exit./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""What?" Santana asked quietly before moving toward the room. She hesitated at the curtains, before walking fully in the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel rolled over in her bed, to see who was interrupting her this time, when she saw Santana. She hid herself, because she thought she looked a mess, and then began speaking through the covers. "I figured they would call you, but I wasn't really sure."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hells, yes. Because I am the closer, and in two minutes you are going to be out of this bed ready to fistfight the Taliban, and offering to buy me a diamond necklace." Santana said putting their issues to the back of her mind./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Santana you don't have to be here, and besides, a pep talk isn't going to work right now. Honestly. Okay? I have never felt like this before, in my entire life. I never thought I, in a hundred years, would be too afraid to perform, but it's, like, these people, and all this stuff is just in my head. And now, I don't even know what's real anymore. It's like I am…" Rachel said sitting up starting to ramble, but the only person she's been wanting to talk to is here./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay…seriously…I don't do…I don't do pep talks. You know this. If you want a pep talk, you should call Mr. Schue or go rent emThe Notebook." /emRachel looked up at her trying not to smile. " I took the liberty of looking up some reviews on my ride here in the cab."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No, no, look, seriously, uh, one… hundred good reviews…"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Uh… she is 'an ancient Hittite princess'… She's a 'freak'… Her hands are 'frightening more than amusing' and 'her movements are wildly bizarre'." Santana said moving to sit down on the edge of the bed./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Those are awful." Rachel said surprised Santana would tell her those things./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""They were also written in 1964…about Barbra Streisand when she played Fanny."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I see what you did there." Rachel said after looking at Santana for a few moments./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I have spent most of my life in a closet because all I cared about was what people would think about me. I am not about to let you do the same with this play. Rachel you are incredibly talented. Yeah, I know there are things you absolutely suck at, like keeping secrets about a shows ending, turning off all the lights in the loft…" Santana said putting a smile to Rachel's face. "…but this, isn't something you suck at. And, the thing is you don't have to even believe me or yourself, all you have to do is get up on that stage, and open your mouth. You can't do this badly, you don't actually have it in you. You and I only have two speeds: awesome or not at all, it's why we worked. Who gives a crap what all the other peasants think?" Santana finished looking at Rachel, before standing up and walking towards the door. "I know we aren't really talking right now, but even I will admit, that even if you drag yourself out on that stage tonight, you are going to murder that crowd." Santana walked out after seeing Rachel look down towards her covers./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Santana walked into the living room, and went around speaking to everyone, before joining them as they picked through the baskets. A few minutes later Rachel walked out…/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""What are you all moping around for? It's my opening night!" She yelled getting excited at the end. Everyone cheered running over to hug Rachel. Santana was about to be the first to her, when she remembered she had to keep a little distance, so she let Kurt hug her first, then Sam and the rest. She looked at Brittany, and Brittany mouthed 'Are you okay,' which she replied with a head nod./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel had been getting ready to go on stage to perform, when she heard a knock on the door./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Come in!" Rachel turned around once she saw who had entered her room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I heard it's somebody's opening night on Broadway." Will Schuester said as he walked in the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh my gosh! Hi!" Rachel said getting up laughing going to hug him. "How are you?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, my gosh, look at you! Here you are." Will said handing Rachel some flowers./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Thank You."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, my gosh. I had always known that I would end up here. That… That emyou/em would end up here."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well apparently dreams do come true." Rachel said smiling./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Apparently."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, I-I got him a seat tonight. I know it's weird, but he always made me promise I would get him a ticket to my opening night on Broadway." Rachel said when she saw Mr. Schue glance down at her Finn necklace./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""It's not weird. It's lovely."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""The only thing that scares me is getting through "Who Are You Now?" It's the last song, and I always think of him when I sing it. Well, now him and Santana, but…If I can get through that, then I'll be fine."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well you know where we are all sitting. If you need a little boost, just zoom in on us. Rachel I know things aren't going well with you and Santana, but it's going to be okay. You are going to go out on that stage and perform the best you have ever had in your life. I am so proud of you. Tonight is the best gift that a student could possibly give a teacher. You are making my dreams come true too."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"They hear knocking and turn to see a stage crew member, and then Will's phone starts to ring. "Ten minutes Ms. Berry"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Thank You"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hello? Hey Em. Yeah I'm here with Rachel what's up?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Tell her I said hi." Rachel said moving back to her dresser/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""She said to break a leg."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Thanks."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""What? Now? How-how long? Wha…wha… Okay wait for me. No, no, no, just try to wait."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Is she…Right now?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Her water just broke. Oh my gosh, I have to go." Will said moving in to hug her./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Go, go!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I love you. I love you. Break a leg!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel:br /I'mbr /The Greatest Starbr /I am by farbr /But no one knows it/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Wait! They're gonna hear a voicebr /A silver flute (Oh ooh Oh ooh)br /They'll cheer each toot (Hey, that kid is terrific, mmm)br /When I expose it (Now can't ya see to look at me that)/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"I'm a natural Camillebr /As Camille I just feelbr /I've so much to offer (Hey, listen kid I know I'd be divine because)br /I'm a natural cougher (Ahoo, ahew, ahay)/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Some ain't got it, not a lumpbr /I'm a great big clump of talent!/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"These are factsbr /I've got no axe to grindbr /Hey, whaddaya, blind?/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"In all of the world so farbr /I'm the greatest star/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"No autographs, please/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"I'm the greatest starbr /I am by farbr /But no one knows itbr /That's why I was bornbr /I'll blow my hornbr /Till someone blows it/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"I'll light up like a lightbr /Right up like a lightbr /I'll flicker then flare up, habr /All the world's gonna stare up/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Looking down, you'll never see mebr /Try the sky cause that'll be me!/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"I can make 'em cry!br /I can make 'em sighbr /Someday they'll clamor for my drama/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Have you guessed yet?br /Who's the best yet?br /If you ain't I'll tell ya one more timebr /You bet your last dime/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"In all of the world so farbr /I am the greatest, greatest star/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"During the song, Rachel looked at her friends and saw everyone cheering her on. She smiled until she noticed Sue and some other guy got up and walked out, at the beginning of the performance. She would have to talk to Kurt about that later./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"During the interval, Rachel was thinking about Sue leaving and if the critics saw. Just before she's able to fully freak out, Kurt and Mercedes enter./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey, you are doing great out there. You are giving it the full Fanny." Kurt said as he walks towards Rachel./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey, how you feeling?" Mercedes asked right after Kurt finished./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I don't know, I don't know. I mean good, good. But do you guys think Sue getting up in the middle had any sort of effect on the critics or on the audience or anything like that?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No." "No, probably not." Both Kurt and Mercedes said respectively./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No, right?" Rachel said right as Sydney walked in./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Bravo. You were terrific in the first act. Terrific!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh good, oh good. I made some little changes, but..."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No, no. It was perfect. I promise you it was wonderful. I am a little concerned about that man in the track suit leaving right at the beginning. I mean, he stepped over the critic of the emTime. /emThe gut was spooked."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh my gosh!" Rachel said moving to sit down./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""No, no, no. Not to worry, not worry. The important thing now is what you do in act two. Critics remember beginnings and endings. So now you have to dig deep. I know you can do it. All you have to do is share it with everyone."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I can do it." Rachel said looking at Sydney through the mirror./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Sorry to tell you, you are going to have to. With all the work that we've done, all the money that's been put in, it's all for that one critic from the emTimes/em. If he doesn't like it…we're kaput. If the review is bad, then opening night is closing night. And that…is showbiz." Sydney finished before walking out./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel put her hands in her hands, and Kurt and Mercedes told her they'd leave to give her some time before act two. She just shook her head okay before laying her head down on the table. A few minutes later she heard her door open again./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Guys I'm okay. You can leave, I'll be out in 5 min."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Does that relate to us?" Rachel's parents asked as they walked in./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel turned around in her chair, and saw her parents standing there with open arms. "Oh my gosh, Dad, Daddy!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Hey baby girl! We saw the first half, and thought you were absolutely fantastic!" Hiram said as he went to hug her./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""When did you guys get here? How did you get here?" Rachel asked rambling off questions, too surprised to actually breathe her words./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Breathe honey." Leroy said laughing at his daughter. "Well, Santana thought it would be a good idea if you had family here with you, but our flight got delayed, so when we landed we got in the taxi and headed straight here. We got here right as the curtains opened…"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Rachel 5 minutes…" A stage crew member said interrupting Leroy./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Okay, we are going to go back to our seats. Love you!" "See you later!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"When the Berry's where gone, Rachel couldn't help but think about Santana and what her fathers' told her. She sighed, looking in the mirror one last time, before walking out her dressing room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"[Rachel:]br /Who are you now?br /Now that you're mine?br /Are you something morebr /Than you were before?/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Are you warmer in the rain?br /Are you stronger for my touch"br /Am I giving too littlebr /By my loving you too much?/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"How is the view?br /Sunny and green?br /How do you compare it to/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"The views (The views)br /(You've seen?)br /I know I am (I am)br /Better, braver and surer too/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"But you-are you now-br /Who are you now?br /Are you someone better for my love?/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Throughout the song, Rachel thought about all of her exes. She thought about Jessie, Finn, and Santana, but mostly Finn and Santana. Finn was better all the time he was with Rachel, but Santana was better when it was just them two, and Rachel liked that because she saw a side of her no one else saw. It was like their time together was special because it was theirs and no one else could claim it or judge it. Rachel softly smiled as she finished the song./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Great show everybody!" The man on the intercom said right as the top of the champagne bottle popped off./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I am going to have a big glass of that." Rachel said as she went to hug Tina./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh my gosh, Rachel you were so great." Mercedes said going to hug Rachel after she moved away from Tina./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"'Thank you"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I bawled during "Who Are You Now". I had to blow my nose on Sam's sleeve."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah, and this is suede." Sam said moving to stand next to Mercedes./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I'm sorry. You guys I love you so much. I seriously couldn't have done this without all of you." Rachel said smiling at everyone in the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""And you got flowers from Quinn and Artie and Mike Chang and Puck and Principle Figgins, and Sant-… Uhh, clearly you are loved by many." Kurt said pausing when he realized whose name he was reading, before trying to rephrase before it became awkward./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel became confused, she hadn't realized Santana brought her flowers. She looked over and saw there was a card, and was about to ask about it when Sydney came in clapping. He starting whooping and laughing and dancing, leading Rachel to momentarily forget about her thoughts. "Tonight, you are a star."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Everyone started cheering. "Oh, thank you so much. You know what, you guys, let's save all the praises until after the emNew York Times/em comes out." Rachel said smiling./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""You are absolutely right. We have, uh, six hours of innocence. And then when the reviews hit the stand, we'll find out if we're the best thing since sliced bread or toast. But…we are going to celebrate tonight. We are going to have an opening night party at Elio's restaurant. Italian restaurant Eggplant parmigiana always, always brings me good luck." Sydney said getting excited./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yay!" "Alright" Everyone said cheering./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Rachel, Rachel, your friends, huh?"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yeah." Rachel asked hoping he was about to say they could join./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Bring everybody!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Yay!"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Alright bye!" Sydney said smiling before leaving the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I can't believe it, a real Broadway cast party." Blaine said happy./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I don't really feel like going to the party. I think that they are just going to be talking about the play, and I don't know…I'd rather just…spend time with you guys." Rachel said. She had paused during her sentence because, though she loved her friends, truthfully, what she really wanted was to be wrapped up in Santana's arms lying on their couch watching emRent/em. She remembered about the flowers and the card, and was about to go towards them when Blaine started speaking./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I know just the place down in Greenwich Village. Trust me, Rachel, they are going to love you there." Blaine said moving so everyone could hear him. Rachel glanced towards the flowers. emOkay, I'll /ememjust read the card on the way there…/em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; text-align: center;"xXx/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel didn't have time to read the letter from Santana because the trip over was filled with people calling her congratulating her on her opening night. Right when she was done making her last call, they were already parked, about to walk into the club. When they entered the club was in full swing./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh My Gosh." Everyone respectively said as they walked more into the club. Everyone in the club was dancing, and Rachel smiled, because this was a place she could let loose and relax at./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh my gosh! Rachel Berry? Here?" A guy yelled getting Rachel's attention./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""My gosh. You recognize me?" Rachel said looking around the club at everyone who was looking at her./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""We've been tracking emFunny Girl/em for weeks. How was tonight?" The bartender said hopping over the bar to get close to her./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""She was incredible!" Kurt yelled from the back of the gang./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh well, then this is a story. You have to sing something, it's Broadway tradition."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh no, I'm not sure." Rachel said trying to remove herself from the spotlight./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, whatever the reviews say tomorrow, let's just love and celebrate you tonight. Right now." Kurt said moving over to Rachel to pull her to the dance floor./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well in that case…I'm HERE FOR THE NIGHT! HIT IT!" Rachel yelled and the dj started playing 'Pumpin Blood'./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongRachel:/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Hey heart on the road again/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Moving on forward/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Sticks and stones won't break our bones/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"We're in the car on the highway/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's a magical feeling that no one's got a hold/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"You're a catalyst to your happiness you know/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongRachel with Blaine:/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"This is your heart, it's alive/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's pumping blood/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"And it's your heart, it's alive/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's pumping blood/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"And the whole wide world is whistling/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongRachel with Kurt:/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Hey heart on the road again/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"On the highway, on the highway/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Hey heart on the road again/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"On the highway, on the highway/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongRachel with Blaine:/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Cause it's your heart, it's alive/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's pumping blood/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"And it's your heart, it's alive/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's pumping blood/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"And the whole wide world is whistling (Mercedes: Oh, ooh)/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongRachel:/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's whistling (Mercedes: It's whistling)/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's whistling (Mercedes: Oh, ooh)/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"It's whistling/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"strongRachel with Alumni:/strong/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"And the whole wide world is whistling/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"The gang stayed at the club until closing, 5AM. Once it closed they all got in taxis and headed to the loft. When they reached the loft all Rachel could think about was the review and Santana's letter. She decided she'd make some coffee, go to her room, and read the letter while they waited on reviews to come out./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Who wants to rub my feet? I haven't danced that much since regionals. Two years ago." Brittany said as she moved to the couch. /p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I got the dj's number!" Tina yelled waving it up in the air./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh, Tina. I told you he's totally gay." Blaine said moving to take the piece of paper with the number on it from Tina./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Gay? Nooo"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Wha-what are you blind?" Blaine asked finally getting the paper from her hands./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel moved over to the coffee machine. "I'm gonna make some coffee guys. The reviews come out in 30 minutes, and I want us to all go down to the newsstand together."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""I'll take mine's black. Thanks." Rachel turned and saw a strange man coming out of Kurt's room in a cheetah print robe. Everyone in the room stared at him, wondering who he was, and why he was in the loft./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Huh, who are all you people?" He asked looking around the room./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Oh My Gosh! You are the guy, the guy that walked out of my show last night! What are you doing in my apartment?" Rachel yelled moving closer to the man./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"'In my robe?" Kurt asked standing up when he realized that was his attire./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Sue walked out of the room after Kurt finished talking. "Well aren't you guys so very very rude?" She leaned down and kissed the man, and everyone made disgusted faces./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Eww, Sue had sex in your bed." Tina said walking up to Kurt./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Actually, we did it all over your apartment." Sue said once the kiss was broken. She moved towards the kitchen. "And if I were you I would put something down on that couch, before I sat on it."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Ewww, no no no no no no no ahhh." Blaine said as he got up off the couch./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""So how did the rest of the show go huh? I considered coming back for Act 2, just so I could walk out again."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Ok you know what, I am not…" Brittany channeling her inner 'Snix' like Santana taught her to. Everyone stared at her, because they never seen her like that./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel glanced at Brittany, and smiled, because she's seen how she gets from their time hanging out with San. Now that she knows nothing ever happened with her and San she feels a little bad for her jealousy./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""It's okay Britt, I got this. You know what Sue, you made my life in high school a strongliving Hell/strong."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well thank you."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""…And it's like you have a mission to keep us underwater, never coming up not even for a breath of air. And you said that it was to to push us, but I really don't think that's what you wanted because if we actually felt how wonderful and amazing and strongloved/strong than we really were, then we would know what you knew all along. Which is that you are a rotten and awful person who only finds joy in people's misery. Well let me tell you something, something strongamazing /stronghappened tonight. A group of friends rallied together and made a dream come true and never…ever…in your empty sad life will you ever feel the kind of love I felt tonight, and I would feel so sad for you, but I don't. Because I just want you to get the stronghell /strongout of my apartment, because I wat to be with strongMY/strong strongfriends./strong"/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Kurt and Tina looked at each other holding back a smile, before turning to see what Sue would do./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Well, Mario, I am so sorry you had to see that. Let's go." Sue said moving to get her things. "I suddenly don't feel very welcomed here anymore."/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Huh...It was strongsuper/strong meeting all of you. Hey, were did you get this robe." Mario asked Kurt as he roamed his hands over it./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Just keep it." Kurt said shaking his head./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;""Thanks dude." Mario moved into Kurt's room, and Brittany started clapping. After a few seconds, Sam starting chanting 'Rachel', and everyone joined in. Rachel smiled laughing and said Thanks. After everyone was done she moved to put her things in her room so they could leave to see the reviews, they still had 17 mins before they aired, so they decided they'd stop and get coffee first. As Rachel was putting her things down, Santana's letter dropped out of her purse. Rachel decided now would be a good time to read it. emHopefully this will be good news. I will need that if the review is bad. /em/p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"'Hey Rach. I saw your performance, and you were AMAZING tonight. I'm sorry I didn't come by and say hey, but after leaving the loft today it felt strange. I didn't know what was okay. Could I come to your show, see you, celebrate with you on a night you will always remember? Having these questions sucked, but I knew that though I couldn't be there for you, someone should. If you didn't know already…Surprise! Your dads are there. I'm sorry, but they know about us now. When I heard you didn't tell them it made things better, but also worse. I didn't know if the reason you didn't tell them was because you hoped we'd work things out before their anniversary, the party we promised to go to together, or because you didn't know how to tell them that we broke up, which meant you accepted we aren't together. One of those made me happy, and the other scared me like hell. I love you Rach, and it terrifies me because I feel like I am always the one who forgives, or caves, and if I can do that with you and not care, I will only end up getting hurt again. You mean everything to me, and Brittany helped me realize that it's okay to have that feeling for someone, because it means they are your person, but what scares me is that I may not be the same thing for you. I sound pathetic…I'm kinda having an inner battle right now on if this is going to be another letter tossed into this trash can, or one that you'll actually see. I don't know how this one sounds, but I do know that I am happy when I am with you, and without you everything sucks. How about this…no matter how this turns out, I'll give it to you and let you decide what you want. If I don't hear from you tonight I'll know my answer, and I'll be on the first flight out in the morning. Just know I will put in 100% to make sure we never get in the position we were in./p
p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"Rachel smiled looking at letter. She felt bad about the way Santana was feeling, but was happy Santana liked her back, and wanted to give them another chance. She turned her head smiling, and when she did she glance at the clock. Doing a double take when she saw the time: 5:46 AM. emShit./em/p
Girlfriends to Frenemies by TheKid1924