Chapter 6 - Getting peoples attention and playing pedo's for fools.
When we walked through the door, Sasuke was hugged by Ino, who commented that she'd missed him so much... After greeting the rest of the Rookie Nine, we were approached by Yakushi Kabuto, the resident spy and Orochimaru's cum dump.
"You should be more quiet. You are attracting a lot of attention to yourself for Rookies." Kabuto fake smiled at us.
"And what's it to you? Who the hell are you anyway?" Kiba scoffed at him.
"Kabuto, and I'm a veteran at these exams. This is my seventh time taking them, they are so hard." Kabuto smiled sheepishly at us again...
"Wow you must suck, seven times?" Kiba barked a laugh.
"Anyway... I could give you some information, as a Konoha ninja to the next. I have these ninfo cards, that have information on every major Genin from the Five Big Villages." Kabuto offered... God how did no one see this as him being a spy..? He got information on mission stats, their personal stats and any hidden information on Konoha Genin and other villages too...
"Tell me what you have on Rock Lee of Konoha, Sabaku no Gaara of Suna and Meiryu Sora of Konoha." Sasuke ordered arrogantly. Shocking most of the rookies that he was asking information on his own team mate.
"Hmm so you know their names already, that boring... Lets see: Rock Lee, graduated last year as the dead last of the Academy, has no skill in Jinjutsu or Genjutsu but his Taijutsu skills are of the charts. His team mates are Huuga Neji, that years Rookie of the year and TenTen, that years Kunoichi of the year. Their sensei is Maito Gai. He has done 150 D-rank missions and 5 C-rank missions.
Sabaku no Gaara: there isn't much information on him, but it says that he has never been injured during missions. And what's even more strange is that his team has been on 125 D-ranks, 25 C-ranks and an B -rank mission. His team mates are his sister Temari and brother Kankuro. Meiryu Sora: ..." He explained his information, but before he could read anything form my card, I had snatched it from his hand before he could even blink.
"Hmm... He had my Academy graduation scores, information on our D-ranks, our C-rank turned A-rank, the bounties I had collected, well those he could have gotten from the bounty office easily. But nothing of worth that would help him, his allies or Orochimaru." I mused as I read the card, after I was done I lit it on fire.
"Sora! Why did you do that?" Sasuke demanded from me, making the others frown.
"Why would I let my skills and stats be read aloud to a room full of enemy ninja? I'm not an idiot like you seem to be... And I'm your team mate... That would have brought more attention to us, if they found something interesting in the information.." I scoffed at Sasuke, making him sneer and the others looked at me whit a new light.
But before anyone else could say anything, Kabuto was attacked by Dosu Kinuta, the sound ninja who has the melody gauntlet on his arm. Kabuto tried to dodge the attack, but it still hit him because you can't block out sound based attacks like that whit dodging. And before anyone else could do anything about it, the room was filled whit smoke and Morino Ibiki was standing by the table.
He told us that there was to be no fighting on this part of the exam and that we were to sit on our asses when he explained the rules to us. The first part of the exam written, but it was not a test of knowledge as much as a test of information-gathering and willpower. The first nine questions were supposed to be obtained by cheating, where the Genin must use any techniques to find out the correct answer without being caught. The last question was a do or die question: if one didn't answer, one's entire team failed the Chunin Exams, but if one answered incorrectly, one would remain a Genin forever.
Of course he didn't tell us about the getting answers through cheating part, I just knew everything about the exam already so it didn't really matter to me. Of course Naruto went into a panic attack, because he couldn't figure the cheating part of the exam and Sasuke just used his Sharingan to copy someone else hand movements to get the right answers. And he of course left the tenth question out for now but ohh well...
I was luckily sitting at the back, so that no one of the other Genin could see what I was planning on doing. Shishishii... I looked at Ibiki and smirked. This is going to be fun... Jinton: Mueisho! I thought and left my seat at Kage level speed and stole the answer sheet right from the table in front if him and was back in my seat before anyone could see me move.
Well other than that... Nothing interesting happened in the first exam... When we got to the last question, Ibiki tried to get us to quit telling us that yeah.. We fail and we can't take the Chunin exams again... Right like he would ever have that kind of power...
Naruto proclaimed that even if he couldn't make Chunin, he would just jump straight to the rank of Hokage and that there was no way he would ever give up on his dream. That boosted the moral of everyone in the room who were thinking of quitting and trying again someday.
Ibiki congratulated us for passing the first part after Naruto's bold words and told us that we were supposed to cheat to get the right answers like that. And that as ninja, information was power and keeping the information from enemy hands was the key, even if our lives were on the line.
But before he could say anything else, the window was blasted in and a bundle was of cloth was thrown in that spread open and attached itself to the ceiling and the floor whit kunai. But before Anko or the other Chunin could react, I was out of my seat, had her pinned against the wall, Tiburon at her neck and Katon: Tenro! seal slammed to her stomach whit my other hand.
"Oy Genin! What do you think your doing! That's your next proctor, who's just a little eccentric..." One of the Chunin examiners demanded of me, making the other Genin listed in and even making Ibiki lean in in interest.
"What? She could have been an enemy ninja, that was sent to kill every person here... There are a lot of clan heirs and heiresses in here and all the other Genin are the top brass of their villages... That would have been a major blow to our countries and especially to our Konoha who are the hosts for this exam..." I explained as I released Anko from the seal and sheathed Tiburon. My answer got all the Chunin nodding in agreement of my logic and Ibiki to smirk. Anko on the other hand, looked me up and down, purred and proclaimed that she liked me, making the men in the room have nosebleeds.
"Anyway, I'm your second proctor Mitarashi Anko and I'm here to take you to training ground 44, so follow me!" Anko exclaimed as she jumped out of the window that she had come in from. Making us all follow her, not that I needed it because I trained next to it...
When we jumped through the broken window, I created a KageBunshin and told it to use my fastest speed to fly to the Forest of Death and steal a pair of heaven and earth scroll so that I could just fly us to the tower, after Sasuke got the Pedohicky from Orochimaru. It's so convenient to have a subspace HammerSpace seal that all the clones can use...
After Anko had explained the second part of the Chunin exam to us Genin, she gave us wavers to sign, that Konoha wouldn't be held responsible for any deaths that happened in the Forest. The teams were all separated to different starting gates, that all had a 10 mile straight line to the tower in the center of the forest.
Sasuke was the one who took our scroll, because we didn't want to argue about who got to keep it... We had been traveling for about 15minutes in the forest, when I decided that I needed to go to the bathroom... The guys stopped as I told them I'd create some KageBunshin to keep watch... When I was sure there was no one looking as I checked whit my sensory, I created a MokuBunshin whit about 40% of my chakra, that way I don't have to fight Orochimaru and because the only one that has ever seen through MokuBunshin is Uchiha Madara, who himself said it was the perfect clone technique.
Once I made the clone, I concealed my chakra and took flight whit the Tsuchikage's SkyDance/BukuJutsu technique. It was easy to keep track of the team after using the Meisaikagure no Jutsu to become invisible to anyone whit out a Dojutsu.
The encounter whit Orochimaru went just as expected, when he arrived he used Fuuton: Daitoppaa! To blast Naruto away and summoned a giant snake to deal whit him. Then he proceeded to blast Sasuke and my clone whit his killing intent, that made Sasuke and my clone shiver in fear... Ok my clone only did that, because I had to act the part...
When we escaped the killing intent, Orochimaru complimented Sasuke on how he did it by inflicting pain on himself. After we avoided some snakes, Orochipedo engaged us in Taijutsu and 'punched' me out and after regaining 'consciousness' I could only watch as Sasuke was about to give the scroll to him. Before he could do that, Naruto showed up and punched Sasuke, for thinking he'd let us leave even if we gave the scroll to him.
Orochipedo confirmed that he would kill us, before summoning another giant snake that surged forward to eat us. Before it could get to Sasuke, Naruto jumped in front of it and stopped the snake while using Kyuubi chakra. After sending the snake away Naruto attacked Orochipedo and got his ass kicked and chakra fucked up by the Gogyo Fuin.
After my clone secured Naruto to a tree whit a kunai, Orochipedo tested Sasuke out some more. Sasuke used some wires and shuriken to secure a TsuchiBunshin of Orochimaru to a tree and blasted it whit Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu that travelled straight at him along the wires.
Right when Sasuke let his guard down, Orochipedo lunched his elongated neck at Sasuke and gave him his patented Pedohicky, that knocked him out.
After checking that he was out of the forest, I dropped down to check on my team and reabsorb the MokuBunshin into myself. It had about thirty percent of my chakra, so it lost only ten.. well not that it did anything, other than evade and get kicked around as to not arouse suspicion. After checking Sasuke I got Naruto out of the tree and used the Gogyo Kaiin to unseal his chakra, so that his fight whit Kiba will be easier and Jiraiya would have done it anyway later for his training.
The fight whit the Oto-genin was kind of pointless... I had the scrolls and all that happened was Sasuke waking up and going berserk on Zaku and busting his arm, that was still ok in the preliminary fights. If Sasuke tries to go berserk again I'll just knock him out. So I just gathered Naruto and Sasuke in my shoulders, used BukuJutsu and blasted to the sky and towards the tower.
When we arrived, I used the scrolls to summon Iruka who looked shocked that we were the first team to enter the tower and broke the record for arriving just after an hour and fifteen minutes after the exam started. He told me that we had the five days to rest, before anything else happened to give the other teams the full time to arrive.