Summary: The inhabitants of Wonderland had all fallen in love with Elsa, but which one has her heart? [ElsaxJack] Wonderland AU.

Disclaimer: I do not own Frozen, ROTG, or Alice in Wonderland.

I return with another story! I love Alice in Wonderland so I decided to have my own little fun with it. Please let me know what you think, and as always reviews are encouraged :)

Time seemed to run endlessly, tick tock tick tock. She watched the pendulum of the grandfather clock swing back and forth slowly, her head turning slightly with its every movement. Suddenly the pendulum stopped in its track, erupting in a sequence of chimes; she counted each chime in her head. By the seventh ring, a hole had appeared beneath her feet, and she found herself falling. Her heart was racing as she began falling deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. She closed her eyes as she felt her body make impact with the cool tiles of the floor beneath her. Opening her eyes, she looked at her surroundings; the room was completely shrouded in a cloud of smoke, and the only things visible were broken tea cups, rose petals, and playing cards scattered everywhere on the checkerboard floor; she picked up one of the cards.

"The Jack of hearts, what a peculiar card you have there."

She turned around suddenly to find where the voice was coming from, "who's there?"

She was met with no response but the faint laughter of the person she was trying to find. There was a noise behind her; she turned around to see a jeweled crown spinning in a circular motion until it made a complete stop. She cautiously approached it when she felt someone's presence behind her. She turned around but saw no one; desperate to protect herself, she blindly grabbed for an object on the floor.

"Who's there?" she asked again, surprised to see that she suddenly had a sword in front of her. It began to snow lightly, making her shudder at the sudden drop in temperature. As the snow began to accumulate, she saw a pair of footprints appearing in the snow and stop abruptly in front of her. And yet she saw no one standing there. She lowered the sword and brought her hand out in front of her; she gasped when her fingers made contact with soft fabric. She felt the unseen presence's fingers gently brush against her cheek.

She stepped backwards and raised the sword, "Who are you, and why can't I see you?"

"It is because you do not wish to see me."

"That is ridiculous, why would I not want to see you?"

She could hear the sadness in the voice as it spoke, "That is a question I have been trying to answer for most of my life."

"What are you talking about—" she was interrupted when she felt a pair of lips brush against hers. She tried to push away only to be held tighter by strong arms. To her surprise, she began to relax her tense muscles and close her eyes; the snow had stopped falling. The sword dropped from her hand, making a loud clatter as it hit the floor. When they broke apart, her eyes opened and she faintly saw white hair and blue eyes begin to form in front of her; she inhaled sharply.

"Can you see me?"

She nodded her head; she began to see the outlines of a lean, but slightly muscular figure. She watched as his sharp cheekbones began to define his face. Even though his appearance was still hazy, she could tell that he was extremely attractive. She looked up to see that it was snowing once more and when she looked back down at the stranger, she only caught a glimpse of him before he disappeared; she was now alone. It was only silent for a moment until she heard someone calling her name. Elsa…Elsa…Elsa…

"Elsa, wake up!"

Elsa felt someone gently shaking her shoulders; she quietly groaned as she tried her best to shield the bright sunlight from her eyes, "Honestly Anna, did you have to wake me up?"

"Of course I did, or else you would have slept through dinner!"

Elsa sat up and rubbed her tired eyes; it took her a few minutes to remember where she was. It was a warm day in the month of June, and Elsa and her sister had brought out their books to read by the riverbank. Anna had left for a few minutes to go back inside the house when Elsa decided to take a quick nap. She tried her best to recall her dream, but the only thing she could remember was the smirk on the stranger's handsome face.

"You were mumbling in your sleep, did you have another dream?" Anna asked.

Elsa yawned, "Yeah I did, but I can't remember what it was about. I only see bits and pieces of it in my head."

"Mmm I see," Anna clasped her hands together. "Ah before I forget, mother told me to remind you that the Frosts are coming over for dinner later tonight, and that you are to be on your best behavior."

"Oh no," she groaned. "Are all of them going to be there?"

"I thought you were rather fond of Pippa."

"That's not the one I am worried about."

"I just don't get it, you and Jack use to be best friends and then all of a sudden you have this unnatural hatred towards him. What happened between you two?"

"Yes Elsa, what happened between us?" Both girls jumped; they looked around until they saw a boy sitting in the tree branch ten feet above them. His dark blue tailcoat was blowing in the wind, and he had leaves sticking out of his unruly white hair.

"Jack, what are you doing up there!" Anna exclaimed in amazement.

"I find that being up here gives me a different perspective on things. And I thought it would be fun to climb a few trees before dinner."

"What, are we five years old again?" Elsa mumbled to herself.

"Well get down here before you hurt yourself," Anna said in a worried tone.

"Just let him do whatever he wants," Elsa said; Anna nudged her in the ribcage. Jack jumped down in front of them and brushed himself off, tucking his white dress shirt into his khaki pants. He bowed to Anna and kissed her hand. He did the same for Elsa, but lingered as he placed his lips on Elsa's knuckles; she withdrew her hand quickly from Jack's.

"Now Elsa, is that any way to treat your future husband?" Elsa cringed at hearing the word "husband."

"I didn't ask you to be my fiancée, I was forced against my will," she said, trying to emphasize each word. "Our parents arranged this entire ordeal, not me."

"Aww c'mon," he grinned, putting his arms around her shoulders. "You know you've always wanted to marry me, you even said so yourself when we were young—"

Elsa pushed him to the ground before he could complete his sentence. She felt her face grow warm, "I said no such thing."

"Okay I think it's time you lovebirds have some time apart," Anna laughed nervously; Elsa glared at her sister. "We'll see you at dinner right Jack?"

"I'll be there," he gave them a salute. "I'll be waiting with baited breath for your arrival my sweet snowflake."

"Well don't hold your breath," Elsa said in an annoyed tone. Jack chuckled and gave her a wink before heading to his house next doors.

"Honestly Elsa, why don't you give him a chance?" Anna asked once Jack was out of sight. "He's not such a bad guy!"

"Ugh, I can't even begin to list the things that I despise about him. He's lazy, he's arrogant, he's annoying, and most of all who gave him permission to call me that ridiculous nickname?"

"But you use to let him call you that all the time!"

"That was when we were sixteen years old. That was five years ago, things are different now."

"What's changed between now and then?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"But Elsa—"

"I said enough Anna."

"Okay," Anna lowered her head down in disappointment.

Elsa sighed, "look I just don't want to think about it, okay?"

"I understand," Anna took her sister's hand in hers. "But I still think you should be more open to this marriage. Jack really does love you, I know he does."

Elsa rolled her eyes, "Jack, know what love is? Don't make me laugh."

"You are just so stubborn! Oh I think I hear father calling my name. I'll be right back; don't sleep while I'm gone!"

"I'll try not to," Elsa laughed. She watched her sister run towards their house and disappear behind the hedges. Elsa fought back a yawn and lied back down on the grass. A few minutes wouldn't hurt, right? She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

When she opened her eyes, Elsa was standing in front of a mirror looking at her own reflection. Her platinum blond hair was tied in an intricate French braid, completed with a black bow that was wrapped around her head. Her cerulean blue dress came down to her knees, her white laced apron on top of it. Her black and white stockings peaked out from underneath her dress and traveled down to her feet where she wore black flats with black bows on it. Elsa tilted her head to the side while inspecting every inch of her appearance in the mirror.

Suddenly, her reflection smiled at her; Elsa jumped backwards. The Elsa in the mirror pressed her fingers to her lips and winked at her. The mirror suddenly shattered, and Elsa found herself falling like she had in her other dream. Unlike like last time though, Elsa landed in a pile of snow. She shivered and brushed the snow off of her dress.

She was in a forest that much she could gather. She was surrounded by trees with unusually bright green leaves covered in snow. There were flowers everywhere that blossomed bright blue, orange, and pink. In the distance, Elsa could see a castle decorated with red hearts. She had never seen such a colorful place in her life, there was no possible way that Elsa was still in Arendelle.

"Where am I?" she wondered out loud.

"Why the answer is simple my dear," said a voice. It was the same voice that she had heard in her other dream. "You're in Wonderland."

Hope you enjoyed it, and I will do my best with this story!