All right guys, bear with me. This story will be full of flashbacks so i'm saying this ahead of time so that it doesn't confuse anyone! Enjoy the chapter :)
They met when they were five years old.
Elsa was absentmindedly staring off into the distance as she rocked back and forth on her swing set nearby the riverbank. Anna, who was three years younger, was too young to go outside with Elsa, leaving her to play all by herself. She sighed and lowered her head dejectedly. All Elsa wanted was someone to play with; this morning she had heard that a new family was moving in next door. The idea of having a new friend excited Elsa. Her family mentioned that the new family had a child her age, maybe it's a girl that she could play with!
Unconsciously, Elsa began to swing her legs back and forth causing the swing to pick up speed. Before she knew it, Elsa fell forward into the grass. She yelped and grabbed her knee in pain; a thin red line of blood began to roll down her leg. Tears began to spill from her eyes when she saw a white haired boy around her age standing in front of her.
"You got red stuff coming out of your leg!" He said pointing to Elsa's scratch.
"I fell off my swing," she hiccuped; at the mention of her falling, Elsa began to cry more.
"Oh no...don't cry!" the little boy said, his blue eyes pleading for her to stop. "Wait right here."
She nodded her head as he ran off. He returned a few minutes later holding a first aid kit; Elsa watched him take out some bandages and wipes. He began to wipe off some blood from her knee, making Elsa to wince. He stopped and looked at her, afraid he was causing her more pain. She motioned for him to go on and he resumed cleaning her up.
"All done!" he said cheerfully when he placed the bandage on Elsa's knee. "Good thing my mommy taught me how to fix boo-boos."
"T-thanks! I'm Elsa by the way," she said shyly.
"I'm Jack, I just moved over there!" he said pointing to the house adjacent to Elsa's.
"That's my house over there! But I thought my mommy and daddy said there was a girl that I could play with moving in next door."
"Do I look like a girl?" he pouted; Elsa giggled at how cute he was. "I have a sister, but she's a baby. Guess that means you have to play with me!"
"You want to play with me?"
"Yeah! You're going to be my new best friend, Elsa. Do you want to come over to my house? My mommy is making cookies!"
"Okay," Elsa said excitingly, getting up from the ground. She wobbled slightly as she stepped forward on her injured leg and fell down on the ground again.
"Want me to carry you?" Jack offered.
"You can't carry me, you're too little!"
"I am not," he said giving her another pout. "Hop on my back."
"I'm going to crush you, Jack."
"No you won't."
"Yes I will."
"No you won't!" He bent down to allow Elsa to climb on his back; she hesitated for a moment and got on. Jack was able to take a few steps before collapsing on the ground.
"I told you that you're too little!"
"I'm not too little, you're just too big," he stuck his tongue out at her.
"I am not!" Elsa said angrily, crossing her arms in front of her.
"All right, all right you're not. Sit right here, I'll bring the cookies to you!" he rushed off again in the direction of his house. Elsa smiled as she saw him turn a corner a few minutes later with a handful of cookies in his hands and one already in his mouth.
"Here you go," he held up all the cookies in his hands; she took one and started nibbling on it. "Hey Elsa, have you ever climbed a tree?"
She shook her head, "Uh-huh, have you?"
"Yeah, I love climbing trees!" he pointed to the one near them. "I'm going to climb this one."
"But you can hurt yourself, or die!"
"I'm a big boy, I can do anything," he said proudly, giving her a toothy grin. He got up, ate another cookie, and started to climb the tree. Elsa gasped and covered her eyes as Jack struggled to reach one of the lower tree branches. Peaking from behind her fingers, Elsa saw that Jack had made it safely and was sitting triumphantly on the branch.
"Elsa you should come up, I can see the whole world from here!"
"I-I can't," she looked down at her lap.
"Why? Are you scared?" Elsa bit her lip and nodded sadly. Jack climbed back down and sat next to Elsa. "I'm sorry."
Elsa looked at him surprised, "why are you sorry?"
"I made you sad, and I don't like it when you're sad."
"I'm not sad!" Elsa said quickly, not wanting Jack to feel bad.
"You're not?"
"How can I be sad? I have some cookies and a new best friend! I'm a pretty happy girl right now."
"Oh okay then!" he said cheerfully.
Elsa was about to say something when she heard her mother calling her name in the distance. She turned to Jack with a sad look on her face, "Uh-oh, I think I have to go."
"Already?" Jack's eyes widened giving her the most adorable puppy dog look she had ever seen in her life. "Can we play together tomorrow?"
"Sure!" Elsa smiled, happy to hear that Jack wanted to play with her again.
"Pinky promise?" he held out his pinky.
She hooked her pinky with his, "pinky promise!"
Elsa was sitting on a swing in the garden of the castle of hearts; the swing set reminded her of the one she use to have sixteen years ago. The corners of her lips twitched upwards at she recalled the sudden memory of how she met Jack. It had been a long time since their first encounter, but Elsa could still remember how happy she felt the moment Jack had helped bandaged her after her fall. She touched her knee unconsciously and smiled to herself.
"What are you thinking about?" the White Rabbit asked her.
"Oh it's nothing...nothing important."
Awww who doesn't love little Jack? If you're still confused by the end of this chapter, the next one will help show the set up I have going on for this story. Until then, please review!