A/N: Hey, you guys! I'm Marianna and this is my first fanfic, or at least the first fanfic I've posted here.
Some people might be OOC to fit the character I've planned them to be. I'm warning you. ;)
Disclaimer: I do not own The Mortal Instruments, Cassandra Clare does. I wish I owned Jace, though. The things I would do ;). Did that sound creepy? Especially with that wink?
"Simon!" I yell. "Stop fixing your hair! We'll be late!" That idiot, I'm never giving him a ride again. If he doesn't stop acting like a pageant queen, then I don't know what I'm going to do.
"But it's Thursday! I have English with Isabelle today!" he yells back. I sigh. He's had a crush on Isabelle Lightwood since sixth grade. I don't blame him. With her long, black hair and her stunning dark brown eyes, it's not that hard. The boys are all over her.
"I'm not waiting! Get your funky ass into my car, now!" Okay, that was probably a little more crude that it should have been. I am moody when I'm late.
"How can an ass be funky?" Oh, so now he decides to be literal.
"Just get in!"
"Fine!" Well, that went well.
I hear his house's door open and close with a loud bang. He jogs to my car (which is weird on its own, since he hates anything associated with running), opens the door and sits in the front.
"Happy now?" he says, frustrated.
I take a look at his hair. His fringe is covering his forehead, as if he just had a tattoo there and doesn't want his mother to know it. Not that that would ever happen. I could swear that Mrs Lewis has eyes on the back of her head. She notices everyone and everything.
"Your hair looks fine," I comment.
"Thanks," he responds and looks out the window.
His frustration doesn't seem to last long, since a minute after we left his house he starts talking excitedly. "Did you hear?"
"I did hear, Simon." I decide to be a sarcastic little prick, something I always do when I'm bored. Correction, something I always do, in general. "I heard the radio, I heard you, I heard your mother talking on the phone with mine and asking her if we're dating." Okay, that last bit didn't happen. But I want to see his expression. He makes the most over-dramatic faces sometimes.
"Wh—what?!" he splutters, blinking repeatedly. "Are you messing with me?"
"Nope," I pop the p, shrugging with one shoulder. I drum my fingers on the steering wheel before continuing. "I think we should, actually. We'd make the cutest kids ever." Oh, I absolutely love messing with him. It's so entertaining.
"Clary!" he scolds me, before he raises his eyebrows. "You are messing with me."
"Or am I?" I gasp, taking one hand of the wheel so I can put it over my heart dramatically.
"Yep. You're just my crazy best friend." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, but a smile occupies his lips while doing so.
"And you're my nerdy crazy best friend," I laugh.
"And you're my geeky nerdy crazy best friend," he shoots back teasingly. Oh, I've got the perfect comeback.
"Are you implying that I bite off chicken heads? 'Cause that's what a geek is." Yep. Two whole days with my head glued to a computer screen gave me that information. Thank you, Urban Dictionary!
"You've always liked kinky stuff—" I punch his arm (and quite harshly, may I say) before he can finish his sentence. "Ow, woman!"
"Shut up and let me drive."
After another five minutes of being impossibly annoying to each other, we arrive at Alicante High School. I park at an empty spot, motioning to Simon to leave the car. It just so happens that Jace Herondale, the school's proclaimed "hot guy" (proclaimed by the other girls, don't get any ideas), is parking at the same time. Simon walks out of the car, practically running (oh, the horror, he's running) out of it; he doesn't seem to want to see Jace, but then again, who does? Oh, wait, the entire female population of the school, except me and very few others, like Jaida Jones and Maia Roberts. While appealing to the eye, with long, blonde curls framing his face, a pair of golden eyes, and pale skin, he's sort of a demon. An English demon, to be exact.
"Oh, won't you look at that," he says in his English accent (which I grudgingly admit to find rather nice),"if it isn't Strawberry Shortcake." He smirks.
"You thought of that, what, five years ago? It's getting old, Rapunzel," I respond. Damn, I need to work on my comebacks. Um... Blondie? Legally Blond? No, Elle Woods! Better yet, Reese Witherspoon!
I'm so lame sometimes.
"As you wish. Pippi Longstockings? Wait, I got it. Ginny Weasley," he suggests, a smug look forming on his face. "I enjoy making up nicknames for you."
I groan. "Whatever."
"Later, Ginny," he says and jumps out of his convertible. He makes his way to the school gate, and I follow shortly after. Ginny. As if that is insulting. Ginny was great.
I have English now. But he sits behind me. It's going to be a long hour. Ugh.
"Good morning class, sorry I'm late!" Mr Morgenstern says as he enters the classroom. He leaves a pile of paper sheets on his desk. "So, I'm already twenty minutes late, because I have been quite busy." If busy means making out with Miss Fray in the janitor's closet. Seriously, the whole school knows about it. "I'm going to assign you partners, and you're going to get together and do projects. That'll be your only homework for the year." Insert mental happy dance here. "The first project is this sheet of questions, so you can get to know each other." Aw, really? I would have never guessed! Note the sarcasm. "Camille, please give everybody a sheet." Camille Belcourt stands up and walks to the desk. She grabs the papers and starts giving them. When she gets to Jace, she winks at him and licks her lips. He just rolls his eyes. I have to admit, that was entertaining. Camille's been with 3/4 of the class, and someone turning her down doesn't happen often. Especially Jace. I thought he liked the attention, and even more when it came from pretty girls like Camille. I mean, look at her; blonde hair, charming green eyes. Like Jace, she's pretty, but a demon.
After Camille is done, our teacher begins calling the pairs.
"Aline Penhallow and Helen Blackthorn. Camille Belcourt and Theresa Gray." Poor Tessa. She's actually a really nice girl, and Camille's the female devil, as I mentioned previously. "Magnus Bane and Alexander Lightwood." I see Magnus smirk; it's no secret he likes Alec. How wouldn't he? Alec is Isabelle's twin brother, so it's no surprise that he's handsome. He's got black hair, like his sister, and striking blue eyes. If Magnus doesn't ask him out, I'll probably smack the top of his head. Really, they should date. "Isabelle Lightwood and Simon Lewis." Well, there's a reason for Simon to fangirl now! "Maia Roberts and Jordan Kyle. Seelie Queen and Sebastian Verlac." Sebastian glances at me with disappointment. I shrug it off. I probably just thought he looked at me. I make things up, honestly. "Clarissa Fairchild and Jace Herondale." Wait, what?! "There will be no exchanges. Have fun for the rest of the school year." No. Nope. I refuse to believe that happened. Nuh-uh. I know I'm acting like a kid, but this can't be happening.
Jace leans in and whispers, "Just your luck. You'll see me every day for the rest of the year. Which is about two hundred and ten days." Damn, couldn't Mr Morgenstern make us do this in April or something? But no, he has to schedule it during October. Yep, I'm so lucky, note the sarcasm again!
"Didn't know you could count," I say sarcastically.
"There are things you don't know about me," he mumbles. His breath feels hot in my neck, and it's making me uncomfortable.
The bell rings, and I let out a sigh of relief as he moves away from me. I start packing my bag. He packs his, too and waits next to my desk.
"What do you want?" I ask him.
"It's due tomorrow," he says. "Where are we meeting?"
"Who said we're meeting?"
"We can't answer if we don't. You'd have to give me your phone, and I don't think you would like that."
I sigh for the third time today. What's up with me sighing all the time?
"Fine. But not my place, my mother will freak out."
"Then, mine, if it can't be any other away. I'll give you a ride," he suggests.
"Whoa, two full minutes and no insult? That has to be a new record!" I exclaim sarcastically, faking a shocked look.
"I'm saving it for later."
I stand up, nodding to him. He nods back and walks with his friends to the cafeteria. I exit and spot Simon standing by my locker, beaming and probably in the verge of squealing.
"I bet you're super excited to be with Isabelle," I laugh.
"And I bet you want to slap Mr Morgenstern," he says, completely serious.
"The only one I want to slap is Jace."
He looks at me and after a second, he starts laughing.
"Good luck with Mr Pretty Face. Oh, and Clary?"
"Verlac is staring at this direction."
A/N: Remember, things are not what they seem... No, really, it's not what it seems to be.
Anyone who reviews gets a shout-out.
-Marianna (ifyouknew)