Disclaimer: Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell, Paige Matthews, Leo Wyatt, Cole Turner, and all other characters that have appeared in the series "Charmed" together with the names, titles, and background information are the sole copyright property of Aaron Spelling, E. Duke Vincent, and the Warner Brothers Television Network. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. Any other characters, this story idea, and this story itself are my own creation.

~*Fights Among Cousins*~

~Chapter 6: What to do ~

A/N: Okay, so you know how Carli Melinda had like three nicknames? Well the reason is because different relatives call her different things, okay? Got it, good.

After Jordan had finished re-telling his story Prue asked him, "Do you think you could descried this demon so we can ID him in the Book of Shadows?"

"Yeah, I think so," was Jordan's somewhat weak reply.

Whitney said, "I'll go get the book," at the same time as Brianna said, "I'll go get it from the attic." Whitney and Brianna looked at each other.

They were about to argue when Candace said, "Please guys, not now. I'll go and get the book," with that she stood up and walked toward the stairs.

When Candace left Prue asked, "Do you need anything Uncle J?"

His reply was, "No, I'm fine, really," but Prue took his empty glass and went to fill it with more water anyway.

Prue and Candace both returned at about the same time. "I got the book," Candace said as she descended the last few steps and walked to the couch and sat down by her Uncle Jordan.

Whitney stood up, walked over, and sat down on the other side of Jordan as Prue came over and sat down the glass of water in front of Jordan.

"What did the demon look like?" Brianna asked.

"He was really tall, like 6½ feet tall," Jordan said, "His skin was dark blue, not quite navy but a really dark blue. He had some kind of symbols or something under his right eye. His eyes were a deep yellow." As he was talking Candace was flipping through the Book of Shadows, looking for a demon matching Jordan's description. "That's pretty much all I remember, except for the claws," Jordan explained, "he head really large claws."

All this time Candace had continued to flip the pages of the BOS. Suddenly she stopped and gasped, "Is this the demon Uncle Jordan?" she asked, showing him the hideous picture in the book.

"Yep," Jordan said, looking at the picture, "That's him, only he's uglier and meaner looking in person."

"It says he has the powers of mental manipulation and fire throwing," Candace said, reading form the book. "He also has the power of temporary invisibility, but it can only last for up to fifteen minutes at a time. He seems kinda low level to kidnap three witches, a whitelighter, and a demon, don't cha think?"

"He may have gotten more powers since this entry was put in the book," Whitney suggested.

"Yeah, I mean, he seems powerful," Candace said, "but he just doesn't seem THAT powerful, ya know? He would have to have a whole lot of power to kidnap the world's three most powerful witches, their whitelighter, and my dad, who use to be the most powerful demon ever. I mean, think about it, maybe he has an accomplice or something."

Prue spoke up, "I wish Mel were here."

"What could Car do?" Whitney asked, momentarily forgetting about her little sister's power to find lost witches.

Prue almost laughed at Whitney's forgetfulness, "Her powers, Whit."

"Oh, yeah, duh," Whitney said, realizing how forgetful she had been, "Yeah but she's still in school for like," Whitney paused to look at her watch, "2½ hours."

"I know. So Andi, who is this demon and how do we vanquish him?" Prue asked her cousin.

Candace looked up, "Well his name is Gilwhatsabob and the book doesn't say how to vanquish him." Candace flipped the book page and looked at the back, "Nope, no vanquishing spell."

Brianna was slightly annoyed at this, "How can there be a demon that is powerful enough to kidnap all our parents and there not be a way to vanquish him. This is really frustrating."

Whitney thought then said, "Well, then, why can't we just use a power of three spell?"

Prue looked at her sister, "Did you forget our distinct lack of the power of three?"

"No, just think about it, our moms are the power of three, right?"

Candace said, "Yeah, so what are you getting at?"

"Well, then don't you think any three of us could also make up the power of three?"

"Okay Whit I don't see why not," Prue started, "but what if we try it and then when we face the demon it doesn't work? What if it backfires, what then Whit? We need a foolproof plan and yours just doesn't seem to be foolproof. All of our parents' lives as well as our own are at risk here."

"What if there isn't a foolproof plan in this situation, Prue?" Whitney asked her sister.

Bryce, who had been sitting quietly watching his dad through pretty much this whole conversation, suddenly spoke up, he sounded slightly angry, "Will you two please stop with the what ifs. We can't know what's gonna happen until it happens."

"Bryce, we have to look at everything that could possibly go wrong, otherwise, we might not vanquish this demon," Brianna said, "or worse, we could all die."

A/N: You have reached the end of yet another chapter, which means that I have finished writing yet another chapter. I'm sorry that I left this chapter as kind of a morbid cliffhanger, but that just means that you'll be ready to read the next chapter, if it ever gets written. So please tell me what you thought. Did you love it? Did you hate it? Please share with me what you loved, what you hated, what you thought of this chapter.

Peace, Love, and Oreos,


Okay so I also have several other fanfics started and plan to start posting another one soon, but I don't know which one to post. So I am going to tell you the names of them and you can vote. They all have at least one chapter already written and some have a lot more than one chapter. So here they are:

"That Girl"

"Baby Phoebe"

"Piper Teaches"

"For Dylan and Jordan"

"Remembering and Moving On…Almost"


I am also working on a story called "Madison" and a songfic for "Goodbye to You," but they have neither one gotten very far yet.

So when you review please vote for which fanfic you would like posted next and I will post the one with the most votes soon.