The Mystery Shack's Night After Summerween Madness
"And that was the end of it. The scariest adventure of a lifetime for me and my friends, the boys and girls of the small town of Boring, Oregon. And know that everyone in town learned that night to never again underestimate nerdy guys like me, and to be careful next time we see the green steam coming out of the sewerage. But the most important thing was that, from that day on, none of us laughed anymore when some old folk or a little kid spoke about…The Little Green Men From Below Pine Street."
The TV screen went black and the words "The End" appeared on it. They were followed abruptly by "For now", as green steam covered everything and the credits started to run.
"Wooow... that was amazing. Wasn't it guys?" Dipper said, with a stupid astonishment look on his face.
Mabel just stared at him, not so amazed.
"I think it was stupid."
"What?!" Dipper shouted, the stupid look vanishing.
"Seriously Dipper. How can you like a movie about tiny people that live beneath our feet, and whose most lethal weapon is some kind of party fog machine?" Mabel sounded ironically scared at the last words.
"The Little Green Men From Below Pine Street is simply one of the most awesome and scariest films made with a really low budget of all times. That's why it airs every Halloween. They even showed it here in Gravity Falls!"
"They showed it because they had nothing more left. The really good movies aired yesterday .You know, the night of Halloween? Or Summerween, whatever. Like 'Vampires Take Over Prom Night' or 'Guess Who's Coming To Suck Your Blood'."
"Aghh, you mean the ones where the blood spilled in super slow motion just for the 3D effect?"
"Don't forget the really handsome vampire boys. Man, I wouldn't mind being the "special first meal" of a guy like that." Images started to form on Mabel's head.
Dipper just rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what was happening on his sister's mind. She kept naming more horror movies about vampires and other creatures that were portrayed by young handsome actors. That was the reason why Dipper didn't like those movies. That, and the excessive amount of artificial blood which spilled by gallons every time someone lost a part of their body. The guys behind those films must have never read a school biology book Dipper thought. They don't have a clue about how much blood exists in the human blood stream. The worst part was that nobody seemed to care about it. They wanted only violence and internal organs over the floor. Mabel was there only because of the boys. I mean, why can't people enjoy a well written story with a good dose of suspense and adventure, and where the good guys use their brains to fix the problem, instead of taking off their shirts and eat everyone else around alive?!
"So different from your scary B movie, which isn't scary."
"I guess it's only for men." Dipper stated and moved on his seat to look taller and manly. Then he stared down, between him and Mabel. "You know, like me and the little guy here." He said. Mabel took a peak at the tiny monstrosity that Dipper had baptized as The Candy Monster, and that ended up watching the whole movie with them after making the twins chase it all over the shack.
"You're calling that thing a man?"
"Well I don't think it's a girl, but I haven't seen if he has a..."
"Dipper! I mean 'he' isn't even human."
"Well at least 'he' liked the movie as much as I did. Plus, he didn't freak out at the most intense parts."
"Yeah, he's a cute little deformed naked man and you're a big dork without chest hair. You both are so manly."
Dipper frowned and looked at the monster, which was still kind of hypnotized by some random movie promos on the TV.
"What is it anyway?" Mabel asked "Doesn't your book say anything about it?"
"I was just thinking about the same thing." Dipper said, opening his journal and starting to search throughout the pages. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything that looked like the Candy Monster. However, a certain page caught his eye.
"Wait a minute, this looks very similar to that Summerween Trickster!" There was indeed a page he hadn't seen before and it showed a picture of the monster that almost killed them the night before. "Oh man, how come I didn't see this before? In fact, how come I didn't even consult the journal last night? This would have been really helpful; it says here you can weaken the Trickster if you attack him with eggs and toilet paper."
"Let me see it!" Mabel said. She grabbed the book while Dipper still held it. They read more about the creature and Dipper felt more stupid.
"Well too bad Dip, but look at it this way: If we had known how to defeat him, we wouldn't have gone on an amazing trick or treating odyssey together." Mabel said.
Dipper gave her a look, but then smiled. "I guess you're right. I actually had fun last night with you and the gang. Again, sorry for almost blowing it and getting us all eaten"
"It's okay Dipping Sauce." Mabel said, poking his nose "Good thing Soos was there to save the day."
"Yeah, I still can't believe he actually ate all that loser candy. No wonder why he was having some serious stomach ache this morning."
"I'm sure he'd be fine." Mabel said as she turned the TV off. "Speaking of candy, our little friend here seemed to be really crazy about it earlier. Maybe he has something to do with all the Summerween madness."
"It's possible, considering how he didn't let go our Jack O' Melon. But, then why we didn't see him last night?"
They both looked down at the critter which looked like it was staring at nothing. "Is that true little dude? Maybe he's your family." Mabel showed the page with the figure of the Trickster to the monster and pointed at it.
"Mabel, I don't think they were related..."
He was cut by a loud shout coming from the monster, which jumped to the floor and started to smell all over it."
"Dipper, I think he's hungry."
"Did you see it? I think he was scared of the picture."
"I'm sorry pal, we don't have any more golf clubs left." Mabel joined the creature on the floor. "Maybe he got a stomach ache."
The thing just kept searching on the floor and lifting empty candy envelopes. It finally reached for the Jack O' Melon and found it empty as well.
"He's looking for something. He started to look for it just when he saw the Trickster's image." Dipper said, trying to figure out what was happening.
"You think he wants to eat him too? He definitely wants some candy."
The Candy Monster started to make strange noises. "Ok, it's starting to scare me now." Mabel said. The monster came towards her and suddenly grabbed her night gown and started to pull while looking at her in the eyes. "Ok, now I'm officially freaked out!"
"What do you want? The Summerween Trickster is gone, and we almost ran out of candy by now." Dipper said to the monster. Obviously, it was trying to communicate with them by moving its hands on the air.
"Do you need some anti acid pills?" Mabel joined the conversation.
"We can't get what you want unless you say it, is there any way you can give us a clue?" Dipper asked the creature, which stopped moving for a moment, like if it was thinking on something, and then started to jump with a desperate look on its face.
"Oh, I know!" Mabel said. "He just ate too much golf clubs and needs to go. Do you know how to use the toilet little fella?"
The monster completely stopped jumping and Dipper could've sworn it gave Mabel a "Seriously?" look. Then the creature actually sighed and out of nowhere took out something that looked like a tongue.
"It's some of that tongue shaped acid gum candy, 'Gummy Tonguies'. They are pretty good." Mabel said. Then the monster spilled some white powder on the tongue, again taking it out of nowhere.
Mabel's smile faded. "Unless you spill salt on it."
The monster put the gummy tongue on its own tongue and swallowed it. Then it opened its mouth. Only this time, something different from shrieks came out of it.
"Loser Candy! Where is all the Loser Candy?!"