I hope everyone is doing well! Thoughts on Tri? I had no expectations going in, so I'm just glad it exists haha

I have another drabble coming of the Mimi variety so get pumped


Izzy had not been having the best week. Between papers, exams, clubs, and classes, he had had absolutely no time to rest let alone see his friends, so you can imagine his surprise when he got home late on a Friday night to find several of his friends in his kitchen standing in an unidentifiable liquid. Notably, in the center of it all was Tai Kamiya holding a now empty pot that was still dripping.

"...Hey, Iz."

"...What are you doing?"

He glanced at the pot in his hands, startled. "What? Oh, this? It's uh...It was alfredo sauce. Now it's on the floor."

Izzy looked to Matt for an answer.

"I'm not involved in this," said Matt who was holding a steaming pot and very obviously involved in this.

Izzy looked to TK who sat at the counter eating burnt, sauceless pasta. "It was Mimi's idea."

"Takeru!" came a voice from behind the pantry door. Mimi sheepishly stepped into view and folded her arms."Well everything would've been fine if Tai hadn't messed up the sauce."

"It's not my fault Matt put me in charge of something! I told Matt not to put me in charge of something!"

"Okay, that's great, we can blame Tai"-"Hey!"-"But why are you all in my kitchen?"

Mimi closed the pantry door and shuffled forward. "We knew you were having a bad week, so I thought I'd make you a nice dinner. They all came to help."

"I came to help," Matt clarified. "TK came to eat, and Tai came to ruin the food."

Tai put his hands on his hips, nearly dropping the pot in the process. "That is not true. I came to eat too. Ruining the food was just an unfortunate consequence of that."

"I didn't just come to eat," TK said. He pulled a balloon from seemingly out of nowhere. "I also brought you this balloon to make you feel better."

Matt coughed to cover up his words."The balloon I paid for."

"Matt, are you getting sick?"

A chuckle escaped Izzy as he looked around at his friends. He wanted to vocalize how much it meant to him that they made the effort to comfort him after such a long week, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a question.

"...How do you even burn pasta?"

Thanks for reading! Reviews are appreciated! Also please tell me what you thought of the beginning of Tri. I'm curious!