Oops? All I can say is that I suck at updating and I'm working on getting better. I should have been posting over the summer but I got side tracked with family vacation, being in a theatre production, color guard, and band camps. But good news! I now have a polyvore account under the name twirlgirllife. I have sets made for Rika and the James Twins.
Disclaimer: I don't own any thing. At all. Nothing. Alright?
Rika P.O.V.
"Oh, it's Haruhi." Two voices said together. I looked towards the voices. The owners were another pair of red-headed twins, these ones boys. My face still hadn't lost its shocked expression. The new twins then looked past Haruhi and jumped slightly.
"Whoa!" the one on the right exclaimed.
"Another set of twins!" the one on the left added.
I heard Haruhi groan and I chuckled slightly. These two were most likely a handful. I looked at my brother once again. He had just looked our way, probably to tell the twins or Haruhi something. His shocked expression mirrored mine. I heard his pen drop; apparently the rest of the club did as well. Tamaki looked at Kyouya in concern and followed his gaze towards me. As he did, so did the rest of the club.
"Kyo-chan what's wrong?" a child-like voice asked my elder by ten minutes. "Are you hurt?" Kyouya just shook his head and began walking in my direction. As he reached me, he set his notebook on a table and hugged me tightly against his chest. He began burrowing his head into the crook of my neck as if to make sure I was really here.
"Rika? Is it really you?" I heard him mutter. I nodded yes as I started to tear up. He must have been about to cry as well because he squeezed tighter. "I thought I wouldn't see you for another year at the least. Never leave me like that again." He murmured.
Someone coughed behind us startling us out of our little moment. Kyouya let go and straightened himself up. I turned and saw that the one who had coughed was Tamaki. He looked at us with a puzzled expression. I looked around and saw that he wasn't the only one. It seemed everyone was, except for some of the girls who I just realized were there. How had I missed all of the girls here? I must be slipping; I was usually more observant.
It seemed that everyone had one question on their mind. 'Who is that girl Kyouya just hugged?'
"Kyo-chan, who is this?" The blonde child asked. "Why did you hug her?"
Kyouya looked at me again and took a deep breath. "Everyone, this is my twin sister, Rika." It was funny seeing everyone's jaws drop. Apparently my weapon partners thought so too, seeing as they started laughing their heads off. After that it was like the flood gates had opened. All I could here was a jumbled mess of noise. I was bombarded with questions that I couldn't quite hear.
"I believe that we should end club early today so that Kyouya and his sister can have some time alone. I'm terribly sorry my princesses but club is now over." Tamaki yelled out over all of the noise. Thank Lord Death for Tamaki! Many girls began to pout, but complied to the Host King's wishes.
When all of the girls had filtered out of the room, the club members, the Irish twins, and I sat down on some of the host clubs many couches. All of them listened avidly to our story.
"So let me get this straight," Haruhi said with her hands clasped in front of her, "Rika left for America to go to a very exclusive school three years ago. Then, she didn't come home for holidays or between school years because your dad wanted to up your family's presence in America."
"Correct," my brother confirmed.
"Now you came back because your dad wants you to be in the public eye more," one of the host twins reaffirmed.
"And Kyouya wasn't told because you wanted to surprise him." Tamaki added.
We gave another affirmative nod.
I definitely was not expecting Tamaki to squeal afterwards. The taller blonde boy ran at me and gave me a bone crushing hug. I could have avoided it easily but I didn't want to give anyone the impression that I was more than I seemed.
He began to spin me around fast jabbering on about how "he was so happy that I could be with my brother again" and how "fortunate 'Mommy' was to have a sister that wanted to surprise him". Whoever 'Mommy' was I didn't know, but by the look on Kyouya's face I had a pretty good feeling it was him. Total black mail material for later.
When I started getting dizzy from all the spinning I gave my brother a 'get-this-psycho-off-of me' look.
Kyouya sighed in exasperation. "Tamaki, stop your prattling and let go of my sister."
Tamaki, sadly, didn't listen. For him anyway. I was about to kick him when I someone picked me up.
I soon found myself suspended in the air. 'Whoever is picking me up must be strong,' I thought. I turned my head to get a better look at the guy. He had black hair, somewhat spiked up, and eyes dark grey, almost onyx. The sun coming through the window hit his hair just right making him look like he was glowing. 'Well that's weird, people don't usually glow.'
"Takashi I think you can put her down now," came the childish voice of the blonde with honey colored eyes. The small boy smiled up at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. The tall boy, now known as 'Takashi' set me down slowly as if he was afraid that he would hurt me.
"So your name is Takashi? It's a pleasure to meet you." I said. Then turning to the rest of the group I began to speak again. "I don't believe that I know any of your names beyond Kyouya, Tamaki, and Haruhi. I should introduce myself formally first. My name is Rika and these are my best friends-"
"My name is Reiley-"Reiley said from my right.
"And I'm Kaylie-" Kaylie added from the left.
"And together we are the James Sisters!" they finished together. The other twins looked at each other with surprise on their faces. Those looks soon turned into smirks as they went up to the Irish girls.
"Well," said the one leaning on Reiley, "My name's Kaoru-"
"And I'm Hikaru-" stated leaning on Kaylie.
"And together we are the Hitachiin Twins!" They finished together. Kaylie and Reiley looked at each other in surprise and started laughing. As they did so everyone but me groaned.
"We like you two!" the Hitachiin twins said in unison. They started laughing with the James sisters. I could see a great friendship forming between those four. And pranks, lots and lots of pranks.
"My name's Mitskuni Haninozuka, but you can call me Honey. I'm in third year. You already know my cousin, Takashi Morinozuka, but people call him Mori. He's in third year too!" Honey said enthusiastically with eyes shining.
'Wait, this little kid is a third year? He looks so much younger though!'
"It seems as though it is time for all of us to return home." Kyouya's voice broke me out of my thoughts. My head snapped towards him. Was it really that late? I looked down at my watch and checked the time. Huh, 5:30, I didn't realize we had been talking for so long.
Reiley nodded, "Yeah, Kaylie and I still have to check out our house."
"You mean you haven't seen it yet?" Kaoru, I think, asked incredulously.
"Well, it's our Aunt Gwendolyn's house. She bought it years ago when collaborating with Yuzuha Hitachiin on a fashion line. She doesn't use it as much as she'd like and thought we would like to stay there while we are finishing up our schooling," elaborated Kaylie.
"Wait is your aunt Gwendolyn Donahue, the CEO of Donahue Designs? How have we not met before this?" who I was pretty sure was Hikaru asked.
"I don't know, Hikaru," Kaoru replied shrugging. "I thought we already knew most people in the industry."
Reiley and Kaylie just shrugged and started getting ready to leave. "We were probably at school. Either way we should probably get going." The rest of us were almost out the door while both sets of identical twins kept talking. At least I knew they weren't going to have a problem making friends here. As my brother and I walked out the door I turned my head to look at my weapon partners.
"Don't you two need a ride to your house?" I asked.
"Not anymore," Kaylie replied. "Aunt Gwen just texted us to say she was going to pick us up. I guess she must be collaborating with Mrs. Hitachiin again."
"Or, you know, she wants to see her nieces, but that too probably." Reiley chuckled. "We'll text you later Rika."
I smile and wave as I turn back to my brother and walk down the hallway leaving the other behind. We finally reach the school gates and one of our family's limos is waiting for us. The driver opens the door as Kyouya and I slide in.
When the door closed Kyouya took my hand like he did so many times when we were younger and we sat in a comfortable silence for most of the ride home. It was nice to just sit next to each other after so long apart and know that the other wasn't leaving for a long time.
The rest of the night was relatively peaceful with my father still away on a business trip and my other siblings at their own houses. Mother came home late that night though and insisted that the next day the three of us spend time together like we used to.
Later that night as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the door open quietly and footsteps coming towards my bed. A hand swept across my forehead, brushing some hair back before the person gently kissed the now cleared spot.
"Welcome home, imouto."
Sleep took over before anything else could be heard.
Does this make up for anything? Again sorry for the wait. I have the next chapter almost ready to come out. It should be ready by Friday, I hope. Again I'm so sorry!